Successful Conquest

Damien opened his eyes to the sight of the Knight raising his spear to deliver a killing blow.

With resignation in his heart, the forbidden words escaped his lips. They came unwillingly, his voice raspy and weak.

"Wood Clone Jutsu."

And as the spear descended, fast as lightning, it came to an abrupt stop just barely above his adam's apple.

The Knight turned his head. "What is this?"

The clone smiled. "Payback, bitch." And punched out, his hand transforming into a thick tree trunk that pushed the knight hundreds of feet away.

"I'll leave it to you guys. I'm going to take a nap." Damien struggled to speak.

"Typical. Lazy cunt, making the clone do all the work." Damien 2 snorted.

The Morgen family secret cloning art. Do you want to know why this technique was so feared across the starry sky? Because although its flaw was that you could only summon one clone at a time, that clone...mimicked your top condition even if you were at the edge of death when bringing it forth.

And Damien? He'd long since stumbled across the solution to that flaw.

"Alright, assholes, " Damien 2 cracked his neck. "Let's end this son of a bitch."

Suddenly a second clone grew from out of his side and separated. Then another, and another. Each clone gave birth to a new clone, and those clones created yet more themselves.

Hundreds, thousands. Tens of thousands. Every single clone with their own source of power rivaling that of Damien at his peak. And though in the past these clones had been easily killed by the original, that was merely because they hadn't actually fought back. Were they to truly fight, it wouldn't have been an easy one. These clones were like the original Damien. They may be traitorous bastards, but they had no desire to go all out in a fight and get innocent people killed in the cross fire.

But now? They had no reason to hold back at all. Though their cores were not limitless sources of power, what amount they had was enough to level any city! They might disappear when this ran out, unable to be sustained any more, but which of them gave a fuck at all about that?

Instead they just charged at the Knight with full prejudice.

And as the Knight picked himself up and watched them bear down upon him, he felt a feeling he hadn't felt in millennia: Apprehension.

The battle was chaos itself. The Knight ascended into the sky, but the clones merely grew wings and followed. Surrounded on all sides, his spear thrust out with cold, deadly precision. No time for thought, too dangerous to hold back. He sought death strikes only.

The heart, the head, those were his targets. He struck in a flurry of movement, killing scores within moments. Luckily these clones did not seem to hold the original's prodigious healing abilities, the only saving grace.

Suddenly he was struck with a harsh impact from behind. A thick pillar of ice summoned by a clone had rammed into him. Next, a blade of water left a scratch at his helmet.

The Knight struggled to keep up. There were simply too many. Weak individually, their attacks barely anything to him at all. But they overwhelmed him with sheer number, and his cracked armor sustained even more tiny injuries.

But these were wood. And the knight knew how to deal with that element. Summoning the Infernal flames, he exploded with ghostly blue light in all directions and turned thousands of clones to ash.

It was enraged and began to burn all in his path. That's when he noticed it.

The sky. It had gone dark.

He looked up. And when he did, another long-lost emotion bubbled up from the depths of his soul. Utter and absolute hopelessness.

"Wood release." Thousands of voices rang out with utter mercilessness. "Wood Dragon Jutsu!"

And just like that the red sky was blotted out with numerous menacing Dragons.

And yet this didn't seem enough for them. "True Several Thousand Hands!"

Hundreds of gigantic wooden statues came to life. Countless numbers of hands started to glow with light blue balls of energy.

Hundreds of wooden Dragons opened their maws. Some gathered this same energy in their mouths. Others condensed an energy that was golden and dazzling. And yet more gathered the heat into orange balls of fire. Some chilled the air around them with freezing cold.

Damien was a person who had several elemental energies within him. He possessed the ability to use frost from Rebecca. He housed Corianna's Phoenix core inside his body. His natural golden aura radiated life and a horrifying fleshy power. He'd even long since learned how to use very basic Qi attacks like the Kamehameha technique through fucking around.

And now all those forms of energy were going to be unleashed at once.

The Knight dropped his spear. This was no unconscious move. It was simply an admission of it's own fate.

As one, they attacked.

And this world lasted only five seconds before it broke down completely.

[Congratulation! You have successfully conquered the dungeon!]