Chapter 5 - Saving Damsel in Distress!

After the foreboding feeling of the trouble from the class she received will bring, Iris decided to go for a walk to burn some energy.

Upon distributing her points into her attributes, her body feels incredible.

She felt as if a large weight was removed from her body, making the entirety of her body feel lighter.

Stretching her legs, witnessing the new feeling, she felt it was truly such a fantastic thing.

Now with this newfound energy within her body, it is the main reasoning behind Iris wanted to go out for a walk.

Searching through her wardrobe, she found some suitable pair of clothing, which was some yoga pants, a top, jacket and some black trainers.

The outfit was she found some suitable pair of clothing, which was some yoga pants, a top, jacket and some black trainers.

The outfit was straightforward but manageable.

Walking through the streets with her hood on, Iris kept wondering on what the conditions were to cause a quest.

Firstly, she received a quest at home, then it was from a seemingly random encounter with the old women, and the interesting thing was the quest only showed up after the women asked for her help.

Does that mean the requirements are only when somebody personally asks her such as when the old lady did?

However, her first quest soon disproves this.

Because, she hasn't seen her parents all day that day, so how could the system give her a quest without a sufficient cause towards it?

Was it because of her?

These thoughts continuously emerge through Iris's mind as she ponders on what is a plausible reason on how she receives quests.

There definitely must be something that the system is basing itself of based on the corresponding quests she previously received.

It was tricky, so she decided to verify it in person, by perhaps going into an area with many people?


Suddenly, she thought precisely of the perfect place, as she recalled that there is this busy nightclub downtown surely a quest may be activated in that sort of environment?

As she walked towards the nightclub, she heard loud music blaring ahead of her, she saw a large mob of people outside the nightclub either smoking or chatting.

The nightclub in front of her is called 'Lux' and is a somewhat popular place for students to hang out according to many people in her school.

She had been invited many times to go there, which mainly consisted of boys for an apparent reason.

But, she always declined.

She knows that the main reason this place is pretty popular is despite its rules stating no underage kids allowed, due to them letting in any young kid, which looks 'Old enough' causing it to end up being full of underage kids, making the place known for its lack of rigidity.

Approaching the club entrance, two burly bouncers are standing outside the entrance, "Hello, are you old enough?" Said the larger bouncer of the two.

This was basically routine since they didn't truly care if the young girl in front of them was old enough.

"Yes" Iris sweet-sounding voice sounded when she pulled down her hood, the larger bouncers eyes widened at how beautiful the girl in front of him is.

He quickly gives her an appraising glance before nodding and letting her enter.

"Have fun" He smiled, his eyes not leaving her as she entered.

Once inside she noted a large number of people were sensually dancing with a partner or alone on the dance floor, while a few ones were sitting at the shiny counter, drinking and flirting with the beautiful barmaid.

She cast a glance towards the luxurious couches, finding that they were almost empty aside from some lonely guy that failed his hunt.

She noticed as soon as she entered basically every guy's eyes were locked onto her amazed by her beauty, causing many to be slapped by their partners.

However, some of the ones at the bar began discussing with each other who should approach her while looking at her with pure lust in their eyes.

Iris ignored these gazes, finding one of the empty couches she sat down on it.

Honestly, the only reason she is here is to find a quest. Thus she hopes no one will disrupt her.

However, it seemed Iris was going to be disappointed as the previously lonely guy who was looking kinda down after 'Failing his hunt' eyes lit up as soon as he saw caught a glimpse of her. Approaching her with his most confident look, he sat beside her.

"Hey girl, what is such a beautiful woman such as yourself doing here in this sort of place?" She noticed as soon as he sat beside her, the men at the bar previously arguing about who gets the first attempt at speaking to her were all angrily glaring at the guy sat next to me, presumably for ruining their 'Opportunity'.

"Go away, and bother someone else." As Iris's icy voice sounded, the man's body immediately shivered. 'Wow, what a cold beauty! This one is definitely a difficult one to tame, looks like G-man got to step up his game' he thought, thus decides to use his best pick up line.

"Hey babe, was your mother a beaver? 'Cause damn!" The man annoying voice resounded.

Does he truly think that's a good pick up line?

Iris face cringed at the awful pickup line.

Seeing the twitch as an expression emerges on Iris's formerly cold emotionless face made the man think his pick up line was a definite success, a smile appeared on his face confident that it was only a matter of time before Iris warms up to him.

As the man continued speaking about himself and how attractive he thinks Iris is, the expression on her face worsens and worsens, just as she is about to strangle the damn man to death she suddenly sees women apprehensively approaching her.

It was a woman with brown hair, seeing the figure of this woman even she as a girl got to admit she is a very attractive woman.

As soon as she approaches her she asked, "Hey Nancy I've been looking all over for you, where had you been!" She asked with a happy expression like they are the closest of buddies.

Iris was about to tell the woman she got the wrong person when she saw her staring directly at her, and there was evident panic in her eyes and Iris could see the women was hinting at her to go along with it.

"Hey, sorry I just went to the restroom, and when I came back you seemingly weren't there, so I decided to wait here until I could find you" Smiled Iris, her acting completely flawless. The man sitting next to her suddenly soon began to find it awkward being the ignored existence between the two friends, thus decided to leave.

"Umm, I'm going to leave now?" He babbled, quickly leaving not even bothering to wait for a reply.

As soon as the man left, Iris whispered, "What's happening?"

She soon saw the girl shifting her eyes to a man who looked in her opinion average, as he didn't seem to have any features that stood out. Hmm. So that is what has been making the girl act so nervous...

"That man... is he threatening you?" Iris' asked quietly.

"Yes... I told him you were my best friend and you would wonder where I am if I suddenly disappeared. He told me to ask you to come with me or else..." She responded.

"Gun?" Iris questioned. The girl nodded reaffirming her answer.

"If you don't want to go I understand... I can just tell him that you didn't want to leave the club yet..." The girl's voice lowered as she spoke quietly.

"Don't worry I'll come, I can help you I promise, just trust me!" Iris pleaded.

Seeing the unwavering confidence in the girl before her, all doubt of Iris disappeared.

"Ok... Let's go to the place he told me to wait alongside you.." After she finished speaking a notification popped up signifying she has received a quest.

[ Quest received! A Damsel in Distress ]

[ Description: Have you ever dreamed of being a hero? Well, you can be a hero to so defeat the villain and save the damsel! Who said girls couldn't be a hero? ]

[ Reward: 7 Attribute points | 200 System points. ]

[ Time-limit: Your defeat. ]

[ Accept | Decline ]

Without hesitation, Iris clicked 'Accept' with it soon disappearing.

As soon as they walked out of the nightclub, Iris and the girl entered a dark alley.

The man soon arrived behind them.

"You have done well girl, now both of you enter with me within my car quietly without any resistance. If you don't listen obediently? Well, you know the answer to that question." Calmly spoke the man patting the protruding object in his jacket, signifying that he is armed.

Expecting to see the terrified expressions of the two girls, he is surprised to still see the cold, emotionless face of Iris, seemingly as she is oblivious to the danger she is currently facing.

"Alright, just please don't hurt us and we will do whatever you say." Spoke Iris, as she slowly approached him acting docile as the man was expecting of her.

Witnessing Iris's current appearance, the girl believed Iris has become terrified after seeing the firearm he displayed, however, what was actually currently going through Iris' head is finding a solution for her current predicament.

She finally concluded that he would underestimate her, as to him she appeared as just a small female teenager.

As this was his expectation of her, she wanted to use this advantage to the fullest by using it to quickly close the distance between them and use her newfound martial arts ability to beat the man senseless for being so daring to do this sort of thing!

As soon Iris stood in front of the man, the man confident that Iris will tactfully get in the car, and is not concerned about her retaliation towards him at all.

From his point of view, she is just a small female, and he wouldn't even require a gun to take care of her physically, he opens the car door expecting to see Iris get inside but completely catching the man off guard Iris charged towards the man instantaneously closing the distance.

She struck a kick to his torso, making the man gasp for breath removing the wind from his lungs, Iris then landed a clean uppercut to his chin, with Iris's newfound strength and technique the man ended up being knocked out cold!

Seeing the unconscious man the women was utterly dumbfounded, a weak looking girl who looks even younger than her, took down a man twice her size!

After the shock passed, a grateful expression immediately formed across her face.

"Thank you!" She cried in tears of happiness, after that terrifying experience she broke down completely in front of Iris.

Comforting the women in front of her, Iris received a notification for completing the quest.

[ Quest: A Damsel in Distress. Completed! ]

[ Your actions have proved to be worthy of a hero, the girl will greatly remember your name with her being eternally grateful towards her saviour. ]

[ Reward: 7 Attribute points | 200 System points. ]

Seeing the rewards from her quest and the crying women on her shoulder made Iris begin to wonder what her future is going to entail, as with the Mystic System it seems her life is never going to simple ever again.