Chapter 9 - Reviewing Secondary Class Related Skills and Training Her Magic

Instantly, when Iris selected her secondary class, similar to when she purchased the martial art skills, she felt a surge of pain within her head, as she saw an illusionary figure repeat the movements of basic dagger mastery and the art of 'sneaking'.

Slowly, Iris contemplated these skills, eventually feeling as if she could repeat the moves demonstrated by the figure.

Eventually, she felt that if she held a dagger, then it will feel familiar to her and she wouldn't be amateurish when using one, feeling as if she knew precise points were to aim the dagger on the human body to ensure lethal damage.

The 'sneak' skill was strange; it seems that it follows the movements in which you would expect a professional assassin or even an experienced thief, it focuses on how to mask your movements, making your footsteps quiet.

And lastly followed the magic class related skill, similar to her other class skills which she had yet to use apart from 'Devour properly', she felt she instinctively knew how to use it.

Shadow drive was a skill which gathered the shadows around the user and moves them to the location instantaneously, similar to a teleportation skill.

The only downside of this skill is it can only move Iris to targets within her line of sight.

Thus she cannot move to whichever location she wants to, but even still this skill still sounded amazing to Iris who never thought that such a thing could be humanly possible.

Satisfied with reviewing her new class-related skills, Iris decided once again to look within the 'Shop' to see if anything was interesting is available for her to purchase.

Without a moment's hesitation, Iris selected the 'Shop' button with the system.

She was once again, met with the various options within the shop.

[Weapon arts] [Potions]

[Body arts] [Items]

[Magic arts] [Spells]

Clicking on 'Magic arts', she selected the [Low-Level] options as she knew she couldn't afford anything above that at the moment.








Iris soon found a skill which she was interested in.

[Low-Level] [Magic Comprehension]

[It will increase Increases the training speed of magic related skills by x2 the typical efficiency of another individual. Thus your speed in spell mastery alongside learning new spells will be faster.]

[ Price: 250 SP ]

[ Buy | Cancel ]

Even though it is more expensive than the body training skill, besides the effects being less, Iris felt it was much more efficient, as having this skill will allow her to train her spells many times quicker, so it will assist her into catching up to other mages which have been training the mastery of their spells for years.

Iris also found a skill in the Body arts category which she wanted to purchase, it was a skill she believed will be useful in the future.

[Low-Level] [Danger Sense]

[Makes you able to instinctively feel when your life is directly or indirectly threatened, a bonus of this skill is it helps you identify if an individual has killing intent directed towards you.]

[ Price: 120 SP ]

[ Buy | Cancel ]

After clicking 'Buy' on both skills, once again her points plummeted to a measly '5' system points.

Seeing her hard-earned points gone, made Iris feel a pang of reluctance at spending all of them.

However, she soon regained her previous attitude when she knew that losing system points won't be a big deal in the long run as she will earn more, what most important now is her survival.

Iris finally decided to train her magic-related skills, she obviously started her physical training a day ago, and seeing how beneficial it was towards her, she knew that she should increase the levels of her magic-related skills.

She first decides to try 'Fire Manipulation', immediately after using the skill she felt herself lose some of her mana as it was converted into a tiny flame settling in her palm, the affinity of a mage can determine how easily they control their respective attribute and at the same time increases their comprehension towards spells within that specific attribute.

Seeing the tiny flame on her palm, made Iris feel a hint of awe at the fact that she was actually in the process of using magic.

Although she used 'Devour' previously, it was nothing compared to watching herself contrail the tiny flame before her, as she felt completely in control of the flame, whereas for 'Devour' it felt strange, like it was a power entirely out of her realm of understanding.

After 60 minutes of continually using the 'Fire Manipulation Skill' to control the little flame within her palm, she finally gained a level.

[ The skill 'Fire manipulation' has levelled up to '2'. ]

Seeing a gain of a level, Iris felt it became easier to control the flame within her palm, making Iris feel pleased with the result of the affects of gaining a level.

However, she discovered her mana was depleted more than half as a result of continually moving the fire for the last sixty minutes.

Iris decided to try and get her 'Dark manipulation' up a level before she ran out of mana, 30 minutes later Iris received a notification saying she has levelled up the 'Dark Manipulation' Skill to level 2.

[ The skill 'Dark manipulation' has levelled up to '2'. ]

It seemed to level up quicker as a result for her affinity being higher in dark affinity in comparison to her fire affinity, so it took half the effort to level up much to the happy expression of Iris.

Soon after she achieved the skill a wave of exhaustion weighed down on Iris, this felt different from the fatigue she received from physical training, and it seemed to be primarily associated with her mental condition.

Seeing such a result Iris decided to rest a bit with the decision of never training her mana to the limit again, and she felt as if she could not move a muscle within her body.

I guess that is what overdrawing my mana does to me...

I might have been too eager in training my magic as these manipulation skills may be basic but require a lot of mana to use it for an hour and 30 minutes straight constantly...

These were Iris's last thoughts before she lost consciousness.

Meanwhile across the street from Iris's house, a group of shady looking men stood gathering around each other.

"You sure this is the one Boss wants?" A young man asked.

"Yep, according to the surveillance footage we had tracked her all the way here..." The middle-aged man.

"You sure? She looks like some beautiful naïve school girl, completely harmless." The young man responded.

"That may be, who knows David could have left, made a runner and the girl could have just come across a cat feeling pity for it, she might have taken it home with her." Another said agreeing with the young man.

"That may be the case, she has no prior history with the supernatural, so it is unlikely she is one. We'll follow her a few days and retrieve the cat from her, I'm sure she won't stay within the house all the time, this way it can remain inconspicuous and no one will find out about what has happened here, you know how serious they are if we get out of line towards mortals. We can't have ourselves investigated just because of a little girl." Sternly spoke the middle-aged man.

"Yeah, we will follow her when she leaves, get the cat from her and return it to the boss. How about, I seduce the girl so I can become closer to her and get the cat that way?" Joked the young man, but he still couldn't hide the hint of lust in his face as he recalled Iris's appearance.

"You and your playboy tendencies, there is no room into thinking with your lower half. If we fail this task the boss gave us, it will be a mercy if we end up dead, you know what happened to the last time someone failed the boss?" The middleman grimly spoke.

Hearing his reply, the young man gulped terrified of the consequences of reporting to the boss of the failure of such a task.