Chapter 11 - Making A Decision On Dealing With ‘the Butchers’ Goons!

Knowing that she was under grave danger, Iris decided to allocate her points within her stats quickly, and she instantly increased all her related physical attributes apart from her appearance by '2'.

An increase in attributes brought an itchy burning sensation throughout her entire body, in which Iris easily shrugged off as a result of becoming more tolerant to pain in addition to a large amount of adrenaline currently coursing through her system.

Thinking of a suitable strategy to deal with the men currently chasing her, Iris mind began thinking in overdrive for a solution towards her current problems.

Iris estimated that they must seriously underestimate her at the moment, and might even consider her an ordinary mortal without any means to defend herself at all.

These beliefs from the men could work in her favour similarly with the armed man who was caught entirely of guard by her prowess in martial arts.

Thus, Iris wanted to lure them into a situation which would be beneficial towards her, as these men were likely supernaturals similar to the man she killed, then presumably they are 'Magicians' which explains why they are so weak physically similar to an 'average' human, if she gets close then it will render their main advantage useless.

Walking into a quiet area, the young man who had been following her for the last few blocks finally took the initiative to approach her.

A smile was plastered on his face as he greeted her, "Hello, my name is James, may I ask for your name?"

It seems he is going for the 'Friendly' approach, seemingly trying to hide his real objective.

But, upon closer inspection, it seems he is genuinely affected by her appearance, 'So even though it is clear that he has another aim for approaching me, from reading his body language he is truly is interested in me. Maybe I can use that to my advantage', thought Iris.

"Sure, my name is Iris." Replied Iris with a devastating smile gracing her lips, caught off guard the man heavily blushed, his face becoming crimson red.

The young man quickly regained his composure and said, "What a lovely name, I was just walking by the street and couldn't help but notice your charming appearance. And I got to say at close you look even more gorgeous." The man said putting on his best flattering smile.

'Yep this guy is a clear playboy' She thought upon seeing his smile, in school, she knows plenty of these type of boys and some girls like this vibe, but Iris personally ignores these type of people.

In fact, this guy apparently doesn't know her real age, because if he did, I don't think he'd be so open towards her.

But, as she needed this guy to drop down his guard, in addition to revealing the other men who are lurking somewhere, she will need to play along with him.

Iris blushed, acting like a shy girl who was showing interest towards the obvious flirting from the man.

Upon seeing her reaction the man grinned thinking Iris was attracted towards him, after all, he was a confident man, and he caused many girls to swoon over him with his charm, so he thought Iris was the same even though he had to admit her looks did surpass every girl he met.

Though, in the end, she is just a naive young girl who had a lack of experience in this sort of thing, so he figures even with her looks, she still will be similar to the other girls.

"Hey want to go out for a bit? I know a good place in Town only a few blocks from here." The young man said.

"Umm... I'm not sure if I should go out with a stranger I just met," Iris replied meekly.

Seeing her response the young man replied with a soothing tone, "It's fine, it's only going out for a drink, just live a little what is the worse that could happen?" The young man said alongside his most 'harmless' smile.

Does he honestly believe she is this gullible to fall for such rubbish?

'This still works for her though, because I bet the place he is going to bring her to, contains the guys with him, thus allowing her to get rid of them all at once' Iris thought.

From the moment she received this quest she decided to be ruthless, it is as if the power she inherited from Orthos was informing her to respond to threats with the retaliation of death.

As mentioned the moment she killed the man, she felt nothing towards the loss of his life, and it was if it was a natural thing for Iris to carry out.

Not to mention through her increased intelligence from all the scenarios in this situation.

The best method she could think of was to kill these men to send a message to the Butcher, which in doing so will make him wary of her actual capabilities, thus allowing Iris to stall for enough time to be strong enough to confront him directly.

If she ran away?

They will just send more and more men after her, increasing the risk towards her life, in the end, it will reveal how weak she truly is and in doing so end with her being captured or killed, she couldn't accept allowing this risk to fall upon her innocent parents as they will likely be caught in the crossfire as a result of doing this method.

Thus, Iris decided to kill them the moment she received this quest as it was the best approach to give Iris the time needed, she wasn't afraid of 'the Butcher' if she has enough time, as she has a system, after all, something that the likes of 'the Butcher' will never be able to compete with.

Therefore the more time is given to Iris, the more beneficial the situation will be for her, and honestly, Iris strongly believes that with enough time, it will be easy for her in being able to deal with the likes of individuals such as 'the Butcher'.

"Sure", Iris smiled allowing the young man to lead the way towards the place down the block that he suggested was the 'perfect' place in hanging out.

The closer Iris and the young man got to the destination, and the more resolute Iris became in carrying out the gruesome task that will befall her.