Chapter 14 - Desire to Grow Stronger

After Iris fully vented her anger on both men, they finally let out their last breaths of life, becoming still.

Soon after the deaths of the men, a notification came within her mind indicating she completed the quest.

[ Quest: Escape from the Butcher's Grasp! ] Completed! ]

[ The tragic fate of the Butchers men sounded towards the Butcher himself, making him become wary of you, by taking this option he now will become more cautious before he prepares his next move. ]

[ Reward: 10 Attribute points | 250 System points. ]

Quickly clicking of the notification, Iris frowned at the dead bodies of both men which were greatly disfigured after 'playing' with them, the true reason she ended up torturing both men so severely wasn't truly caused by the disgusting things they were planning on doing towards her.

Although this greatly bothered Iris, it wouldn't be enough to cause her to lose hold of herself by such a great amount, the true reasoning was the heavy pressure the Butcher has brought upon her recently.

Thinking of what the middle-aged man was planning on doing towards her parents, caused Iris to increasingly worry at the thought of being too weak in order to protect them.

She felt that the stronger she grows, the more at risk her parents truly are, as she knew full well that they will be targetted if the enemies that she will inevitably gain within the future found their well-being affects her in any way.

Iris knew the moment she received the system and later on the Eranyth Warlock class, that she will never live a 'peaceful' life anymore, but this experience has shown the hard reality of the situation before her, awakening her of any daydream she held previously that no harm could ever come to her parents.

As a result of these troubles thoughts, it made Iris became increasingly irrational towards both men before her, as she knew that doing such an act has no true meaning and will not cause any differences towards her current circumstances.

Shaking this thought out of her mind, Iris stared at the dead bodies of three men before her.

'This could easily be taken care of if I'm stronger, then what would I need to worry about men such as the Butcher?', went through Iris' mind before her determination in becoming stronger became even firmer.

Lifting up her hand, she used 'Devour' which absorbed all three bodies cleanly, leaving the once mangled remains of the three men to completely disappear without a trace, as if they were never even here in the first place.

Iris found shockingly she received '7' points of mana from the three men, in addition, to increase with '4' intelligence and the rest of her physical attributes received 1.5 each.

Iris decided she wanted to see her current progress after the experience with the 'Butchers goons', thus she opened her status.


[Name: Iris White]

[Age: 15]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Eranyth Warlock - Apprentice]

[Secondary Class: Shadow Hunter - Novice]

[Strength: 20.5]

[Dexterity: 19.5]

[Constitution: 18]

[Endurance: 19.5]

[Intelligence: 26]

[Mana: 30]

[Appearance: 21]

[Attribute points: 22] [System points: 255]

[Shop] [Quests] [Skills]

Looking at her attributes caused a pleased expression to emerge within Iris's face, with her stats improving all around nicely she felt that the system was truly amazing.

Another thing Iris noticed was what usually plagued warrior classes doesn't affect her much, as usual, a human which have no mana within their bodies would instead train their bodies until they break the limit of what a human can achieve, thus ranking up to the next rank of a warrior.

But, her physical attributes can continually be increased with the system with the use of attribute points, alongside the Eranyth Warlock skill 'Devour' which could increase her physical related attribute points, she can go beyond the limit of what a human can possible achieve without the painstaking effort which another individual will have to go through in order to gain similar results.

Thus, all she needs to do to progress within her Shadow Hunter class is have a sufficient understanding of the class, such as for instance a swordsman would have to have a certain understanding of swordsmanship to progress within the future ranks of their class whereas she as a Shadow Hunter will need to have a proficient mastery within both the magic and physical related class skills, for ranking up within the future.

She found this out as the system described the classes toward her, giving her the knowledge on how truly fortunate she is to have the system, in addition to a class such as the Eranyth Warlock.

Looking at her system points, Iris decided she should become progress to the Journeyman rank within the Eranyth Warlock class as quickly as possible before the Butcher ends up coming for her.

In fact, she feels that she should deal with him before he can do anything which threatens the lives of her parents, something which Iris cannot allow to happen in any circumstance.

Leaving the bar, she soon found her way back home, arriving just in time before her parents return from work.

Sighing in relief she hasn't arrived home later again, she walked within her room before lying down, thinking of ways to improve her strength, Iris decided to go looking for more quests, as she knew the quest first began with her finding 'Hope', and then lead into having to deal with the 'Butchers goons', made her believe that the finale of the quest was to deal with the Butcher himself.


She wasn't too sure of the importance of the Butcher in regards to the quest, but it must be something meaningful at the end of things, Iris just doesn't know what yet.

This is why she believes that by finding more quests, they will prepare her for the eventual confrontation between the Butcher, to end this continuous threat towards her parents wellbeing once and for all.

Iris eyes soon became increasingly determined, as she knew that she will not feel comfortable at all until the Butcher was disappeared from this world.