Chapter 21 - Gaining Information of the 'Supernatural Society'

Alice became very cheerful after Iris accepted her offer, with her even answering many of Iris's questions about the 'Supernatural' Society.

And her answers has delightfully made Iris much less ignorant about the World, due to her previous reality being smashed ever since the System, Iris honestly had no clue about the True Powers who rule over Earth, and this irritated her to no end.


Because Iris could end up randomly offending some powerful organization by complete accident, not to mention it reveals to her on what she can expect to encounter within the future, therefore having some information on this topic is hugely beneficial towards her.

Moreover, what she gathered from Alice it seems that there are actually many different races in the Earth which hide within plain sight, these races include Vampires, Demons, Werewolves, and even Fae.

There are many more different races, and she was genuinely surprised how many of these 'Fictional' beings were real.

But, of course, there are many sanctions and laws to maintain order within Earth, as it seemed humans were still the real power despite the obvious advantages the other races possess.

However, most humans on Earth do not contain the potential in being able to become either a Mage or Warrior, which Iris found out depends on one factor, your genes.

For, example within Earth at the moment, not everyone can be a top athlete in the Olympics regardless of how much more effort they put into their training, as some people are simply naturally more talented than others.

So, this principle is the same for both Mages and Warriors, and not everyone will be born with the potential to become one, and the higher the talent you have within either path, the more likely you are to progress into the later stages.

Of course, there were many times more Warriors than compared to Mages, making Mages a rare commodity.

Therefore, as a result of a Mage being incredibly rare has made them become highly haughty and arrogant people, typically individuals from Mages family looks down on all humans, including the individual's who are Warriors, with them thinking they are the most 'Perfect' form of a human.

Thus, in doing so, the Mages families typically have the highest influence within the world, though there are a few incredibly powerful warriors who contain great power also, making them highly respected individuals with even the Mages not being arrogant towards them.

Mages families also tend to do arranged marriages between them, due to the increasing likelihood of an offspring with magician potential being born between two mages has made many of the powerful mages family only wed into each others families, and they typically disdained warriors and other humans, therefore the families wouldn't permit a Mage in having a long-lasting relationship with someone unless they were a Mage, not to mention a Mage would believe they were lowering themselves if they, for instance, marry or commit to a regular human or 'Warrior'

Explaining exactly why Alice is being forced into an arranged marriage, due to her being born a mage, but one with average potential, she ended up being used for her great beauty in order to be wed as a chest piece for her parents in gaining a connection to a powerful mage's family.

Not to mention, the man she is being married to himself, as even though he is known for being a 'Playboy' which has slept with many women, that doesn't mean he is a man without talent and is actually a very talented mage with also himself being a very Handsome man.

Therefore, this has made many see him as a 'Catch' despite the flaw in him sleeping with many women, and he is still desired by countless women.

In fact one of the main reasons why Alice caught his eye was of her disdain of him. Thus he ended up asking her parents for her hand in marriage, with them instantly accepting not even bothering to ask for her feelings in the matter.

Causing Alice to be highly dissatisfied which such an arrangement, but this just made the man desire her more, wanting to conquer her as soon as possible.

But, Alice has managed to keep her virginity from being taken under the pretence of it being on the date of the marriage, making her still hopeful for a saviour to prevent herself from being forced into a loveless marriage with her even giving her virginity to a man she despises, which is one of the reasons why she is so desperate towards Iris.

As a result, of there being not many who awaken as a Mage outside of a Mages family, in addition to having such high talent as well, has made Iris, the ideal candidate within Alice's mind.

However, not every Mage is arrogant and there a few kind individuals who don't look down on everyone, but they are incredibly rare.

But, why does the Society know nothing about these 'Mages' and 'Warriors', in addition to the supernaturals lurking around the world?

Well, as most of the world will never have the potential in becoming either a 'Warrior' or 'Mage', it was decided long ago that it would be better to let them remain in ignorance, rather than create chaos by allowing them to know that monsters lurk within the shadows that can kill them within an instant.

By doing so, allows the world to remain in an ordered state with technology advancing at a rapid pace to the many minds which contribute towards it, and the World to run by the mass of people which do Jobs that even these powerful 'Mages' and 'Warriors' cannot do alone.

Due to the 'Mages' focus on magic, most of the technological advances within the society was brought upon by mortals, making them see the great use in keeping themselves hidden.

How do they hide within plain sight?

Well, most of the largest and richest corporations in the world are run by these Mages, not to mention they have their own law enforcement in the form of powerful individuals which are fully capable on taking on 'Supernatural' threats which wouldn't be possible for a 'Normal' human organisation in taking down.

Therefore, this leads to Earth remaining ignorant of these powerful individuals, with the human 'Mages' and 'Warriors' powerful enough to ward off the other Races which has bad intentions towards the human populace.

Of course, that doesn't mean that all crime can be avoided, and in some circumstances, a mortal might be killed, or another crime is committed, but these were mainly done by the weaker individuals of these races and are dealt with easily.

Except, for some crime lords such as 'the Butcher' which has gotten away with doing many of his crimes, in a similar circumstance to how influential gangsters got away with doing things similar, bribery.

Showing that even these powerful 'Mages' and 'Warriors' possess the same trait as the 'Normal' humans they look down upon, greed and lust.

Taking in all the information that Alice was telling her, Iris felt that she finally understood, generally how the world worked, she even became amazed at the thought of such supernatural creatures being in society so long without her even noticing.

But, with her continuously improving stats, her mental state soon recovered, and she accepted the new information about the World she thought she knew readily.

Thinking back to the earlier incident with the armed man, Iris said, "Hey, how did you get in that situation with that man, if you could have easily dealt with him? Also, don't tell me that man was just an elaborate scheme for you to test my abilities."

Alice smiled, with a mischevious look within her eyes before she said, "Honestly, I wasn't in any trouble at all, and that incident with the man wasn't prearranged, and I ended up attracting him. But, as my guards were about to deal with such a trivial matter, I saw you. At first, I couldn't contain my surprise, as I normally would recognize any young lady from a Mages family, so how couldn't I recognize you?"

Pausing for a few moments, Alice continued, "So I eventually I came to the conclusion that either you were a prodigy hidden from the sight of other mages clans to prevent their discovery of you, or you were a normal human which awakened. Of course, I used the device I mentioned to detect your mana, so I decided to test you for myself by using that man as an example. And I got to say you pleasantly surprised me when you took him out! I would never have expected you'd be so vicious with such a small frame."

Hearing that it was just a test to scope her capabilities, Iris said, "Wait, how did you know I could even deal with him? After all, I am born in non-mages family background, so even with my mana, I might not even have access to a spell! So, I may have been some defenceless young lady you know!"

Alice smiled and said, "You think I would let you fall in danger? My guards were on standby, and they could obliterate that man before he could even pull the trigger to deal any harm towards us. Thus, we were in no danger the entire time."

Thinking back to Alices convincing acting, Iris snickered, "Mmm. You are truly a good actor you know, even had me fooled."

Alice laughed and said, "Well, I did have to improve my acting to pretend to like those snobby mages which clustered around me. You have no idea how bad I truly wanted to tell them to scram, or even to wipe that arrogant look of their faces. As, after all, I have to maintain Daddy dearest's 'Face,' so I could do nothing but play 'Nice' with them."

Iris chucked before she said, "Good going, I don't think I have as much self-control as you to be honest if they were any worse than what you are making them out to be, I doubt I could hold back in showing them a piece of my mind."

After twenty more minutes of a passionate discussion with Alice, about her experience with the many noble families, due to it becoming late, Iris finally decided to head home, and after Alice told her she would drop her to the spot in which she picked her up, both of them headed out of the club and after picking up Alice's vehicle from the car valet, Alice began driving towards the destination.

Watching the changing scenery out of the car window, as she leaned on her elbow Iris began to relax at the peaceful journey home.

Well, it was going peacefully until she noticed that a car has been tailing them for a while, but by the looks of it, they seemed pretty amateurish.

Simultaneously, both Iris and Alice looked at each other at the same time, as they shared a 'Knowing look' between them.

'Guess some people are looking to die.' Iris thought as Alice parked in a quiet location, a perfect area to deal with a bunch of fools not knowing who they truly provoked.