Chapter 27 - Mysterious Girl

Iris yawned as the teacher continued her ramblings on Maths, originally she believed she would undergo a great change since returning back to School, including her attitude within the class.

However, she soon found that just some things will never change, and this definitely involves her behaviour towards Maths, as even with her superhuman stats she quickly found herself becoming bored at the lesson, with the more time passing within the class, the further Iris slumped on the table.

So what has Iris gained from all of this?

Well, she found out that it seems that she and maths just don't mix, but she will probably be able to find some skill in the System to compensate for this, though that only applies if she needs good mathematical skills in the future anyway.

Wondering when the lesson is going to finish, Iris stared at the clock on the wall as she found there is still ten more minutes of the lesson left before break causing to Iris to sigh.

While she is lost in thought, her eyes wandered over the missing seat of Ben making her recall the past two periods with him seemingly missing.

Thinking back to the past few hours, upon her arrival into her first lesson, many didn't seem to recognise her at first due to her enhanced appearance, and she was thought to have either come to the wrong class or is a new student within the School.

When the class was left to ponder on who she is, with the appearance attracting both the attention of girls and boys alike, both for two different reasons.

The boys looked at her with admiration for her beauty, many instantly reevaluating who is the most attractive girl in class, with the more confident boys not shy about showing their attraction at all.

However, the girls were the complete opposite, and there was downright hostility from the popular, pretty girls who were looking at her as if they had seen their biggest rival as by now they were used to their groups, thus a new unknown girl who is more attractive than them suddenly coming into the class?

Well, they didn't like it at all, with it becoming even more apparent when they witnessed that she drew the attention from all the boys to her, making them all evaluate her as a potential threat towards 'Stealing' the boys they like, in addition to not knowing her true character, of course, would cause an unknown person like Iris to make them extremely wary of her.

Of course, some girls appeared friendly and approachable compared to the other girls.

A few people in the class didn't even seem interested in there being a new pretty girl in the class.

Ignoring the looks from the students, Iris quickly found her seat in the classroom, which was instantly followed by Olivia and Charlotte who sat alongside her, which caused the class to raise their eyebrows at the unusual scene.

Because they knew better than anyone that those two girls would never let anyone take Iris's seat, never mind a stranger making many to already guess on who the mysterious girl is.

Though this speculation was reaffirmed the moment, the teacher called for registration and Iris responded to her name on the register, making many widen their eyes in surprise at the drastic change in Iris's appearance.

As although many thought Iris was a beauty before, her previous appearance is not comparable to the one she currently has presently, not to mention originally had an unapproachable aura which made her hard to approach, with the addition of her the 'Two Bodyguards' Charlotte and Oliva who stood next to her, made many put off with trying to approach Iris, causing many to ignore her existence over the past few years.

Only a few insistent fellows remained which continued their attempt of pursuing her including the boy at that party, but they didn't particularly have the brightest of intentions, as these boys were known for being a bunch of playboys.

But, now? Not only did that previous gloomy aura around Iris seem to vanish completely, but her appearance also made a qualitative change making her seem to be a new person entirely.

Unknowingly causing many of the boys to reevaluate her in her mind, as they thought that even with the meddlesome duo of Charlotte and Olivia they still would do whatever it took to pursue her.

Though it seemed that these hopes were meant to be crushed the moment they were thought of, as none of these individuals will likely see Iris again, and even if they did, would they get the opportunity to get close to her?

No, she is now in a world of supernaturals, a place where people like them could be killed at the flick of someone's finger, so Iris will never dare to draw anyone 'Normal' into such a World.

Thus, this is now an impossible thought, with Iris herself being unlikely even to consider having a 'Normal' relationship within the future.

Therefore, the next few hours passed uneventfully for Iris, with many of her classmates attempting to approach as a result of her 'Revolutionary' change, but with the protection of Olivia and Charlotte she successfully hounded away all of them, as even the insistent ones ended up leaving begrugingly thinking they have plenty of time to gather an opportunity to make Iris possess positive feelings about them.

In the meantime, Iris thoughts led back to Ben who disappeared for the entirety of the past few hours, causing Iris to feel guilty, as she believed the reasoning behind this must definitely be because of her.

And as Iris didn't want Ben to ruin his life, because of dreaming of a relationship that will never be possible.

Therefore, Iris determinedly thought that she would speak to him quickly after the lesson ended.

While, deep in thought the loud bell reverted within the classroom sounding that the period ended, startling Iris causing both Charlotte and Olivia to chuckle.

Olivia said, "Having a nice dream Iris? You've been staring into space the last ten minutes..."

Seeing the mocking expression of Charlotte and Olivia, Iris grumpily stood up out of her seat as the trio exited the classroom under the excited chatter of their fellow students, who similarly to them seemed as if they couldn't wait to exit the class.

While they left the class, the trio walked down the hallway causing many turning-heads who couldn't help but stare at the sight of such beautiful girls.

Charlotte who suddenly looked at Iris with a smile patted her shoulder and said, "It seems your going to have some trouble keeping the boys at bay!"

Olivia nodded in agreement, but on further thought, she said, "Hmm. I don't think that's the biggest problem, look at the girls they are staring at her as if they want to tear her face off!"

Charlotte who just noticed the reactions of the girls, said, "Yeah, but who cares? The most these girls tend to do is spread a few petty rumours."

Quickly, after that, both girls began bickering back and forth causing Iris to smile at the girl's antics.

But, upon thinking that she urgently needs to see Ben before he does something foolish, Iris stepped in between the two girls causing an end to their conversation.

Iris said, "Hey girls, I got to find Ben quickly, he disappeared for the past few hours and I'm kind of worried that he will do something stupid, you mind if I find you later?"

Hearing Iris both girls tried to tell her to let them come with her as they still felt concerned about Iris's safety, and thought Ben might be doing this so that he can attract Iris's attention.

But, seeing that Iris is resolute in this they could only reluctantly let her go. Thus Iris began walking towards the last place she met Ben.

Eventually, as she was about to arrive there, a blur suddenly appeared in front of her, as she saw the familiar figure of Ben!

However, just as she was about to approach him she observed his appearance and found that something is wrong, as she stared at him she found that a dark aura is oozing around his body, and his previous skin tone has become incredible pale.

But, the major thing she found wrong was the moment his eyes regarded her, it was if a predator is directly staring at her, causing her eyes to grow serious.

"Ben?" Iris said, unsure that this was the best friend she knew.

Seeing Iris in front of him, Ben stared at her as a strange glint appeared within his eyes before he said, "Iris! I was about to go and look for you!"

After saying that, Iris found that something is greatly wrong about Ben, so she looked at Ben directly in the eyes and said, "Ben, what did you do?"

A sudden flash of pain appeared within his eyes, before he said, "Iris. I did what I had to do, I'm sorry."

Hearing the words of Ben she knew that something is definitely wrong, and seeing the appearance of Ben herself the look which he is previously giving her has changed, and she saw his eyes had become an eerie red as he stared at her.

Ben opened his mouth before fangs emerged, causing Iris to think, 'Don't tell me, that's what I think it is?'