Hot, crowded, and noisy is how I would describe the halls to E.L.A. I push through the crowd and come across the school bullies. I rush passed them and hoped, since they were teasing another kid they wouldn't see me. I walked into the classroom only finding seven people to be seated.

I look up at the white board and to see what it says surprised me. "Have a seat and get yourself comfy because this class is one of your classes without a teacher, you earned this by getting 100's all year last year in E.L.A. You will have to be responsible to teach yourself these subjects:

~Writing a good essay (Hook, Transitions, ect.)


~Fluent reading

~Ability to speak and listen proficiently

You will take a test that a different teacher will make for you every month. For today you decide what you would like to start on. Good Luck!~" -Mrs. Willford

That's odd. Since when does this school have classes with no teachers. I guess I'll grab my dictionary, piece of paper, and a pencil to start my vocabulary. Getting straight into it I copy down every word, definition of the word, and I use it in a sentence.

*Yawn* Ugh I should've gotten more sleep last night. Having no teacher buging me about being awake makes you really want to sleep. I mean I did go to sleep in science, but come on that wasn't that long before the stupid bell rang. What ever I'm going to sleep.


<20 minutes later>

*Tap, tap*

"Hmm..What was that..." I open up my eyes slowly to find the girl from the back of the room next to me.

"Um...you fell asleep and I just wanted you to know that we're going to doing a group project so I just thought maybe you wanted to join." She said in a cowardly voice. "...Sure?" I replied. So we walked over to this big , round, brown conference table. Turns out they were all doing vocabulary too so I grab my paper and sat down. All we really worked on was the same thing I was doing just we would end up sharing our words and sentences.

"Misinformation means false information that is spread, regardless of whether there is intent to mislead. I came up with the sentence, 'I believe there is a lot of misinformation about most of award winning schools.'" Maya, the girl who came to get me, told everyone.

"Well I came up with the sentence for Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, one of the longest words in the English dictionary. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a lung disease, and my sentence is, 'My grandfather got Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis." I babbled. "Its also almost time to go so I'm going to get my stuff ready."

As I was packing up my things I realized that after this class was lunch. Which was amazing since I'm starving.