Chapter 3: The Cabin

We arrived at a little place by a pond where there was a cabin. It was beautiful it had green vines on it and flowers the color of the sun and it honestly smelled like heaven and it was only after I walked in that I was stunned by its beauty.

     It had a middle sized bed, maybe a queen size, and a little round table beside the bed, a carpet big enough to cover almost the whole floor, it was red with designs that looked familiar but I didn't know where I have seen them before and it had gold trimming. The curtains were really dark blue with golden leaves as the pattern.

     The kitchen wasn't much different it had a carpet that was just plain red and the curtains were just plain blue and a cabinet was carved with two Pegasus facing each other and the rest were just the regular kitchen pieces but I just had to say, "it's beautiful and I love it how did you find this place", all he said was, "it's mine I built it over the years and thank you and your also my very first guess".


      I felt so honored I was speechless. We walked back outside and we sat at the dock by the pond and talked for hours, so long my mom texted me and asked if I would be home for dinner, he then took my phone typed no and then told me, "I will make us dinner and then take you home." I just said ok and we went back inside and I noticed there weren't any adults so I asked, "where are your parents or at least your guardian." he just smiled and kept making food so I just left it at that.

    We ate and he took me home. When I walked into my house my mother and father were waiting for me they asked were I was and who I was with and why a boy in a mustang brought me home. I just gave a sign that I was tired and I went upstairs and stayed in my room.

    I lied I wasn't tired at all in fact I was wide awake and couldn't stop thinking about Damon and why he never answered my question but somewhere in all of my thinking I dosed off to sleep.