Hateful Encounter

Lost in thought, Jane never thought everything in her world is as vague as the sky. It turned dark and seems like rain will about to pour. She is feeling bored of her life. She purposely went to study in the number one university out of her hatred to be controlled by her sister. She was still at the University of the Philippines Cashier waiting in line. The guy in the other line was busy chatting and teasing with girls. He stood tall, handsome and looked like a scene stealer. She hated guys like that. Evil handsome she thought. She definitely should avoid guys like that.

'Next'... the Cashier called Jane. She paid the bill and immediately left in a hurry. She forgot to bring her umbrella and she definitely don't want to be soaked in the rain. She wore her dark grey sneakers matched with her tight jeans. She is the boyish type. Aloof yet sexy her on way.

She just transferred in a 2- storey apartment near there University. Her close friend, also a Computer Science major helped her transferred to this low rent yet comfortable apartment. Lovelia, her friend introduced her to her 2 board-mates who are both Management major.

She arrived in the apartment looking pleased. She is alone and she has time to clean and wash her clothes. She went upstairs and took her dirty clothes out of her room. She went down wearing dark shorts and a spaghetti strap dark top which slightly show her cleavage. She usually wear t shirt outside but she is a extra opposite when at home.

A sudden knock at the door stopped her from washing. 'Did she forgot her keys again?' Jane asked herself. Her friend has a bad habit of forgetting things. She went to open the door.

'Did you...? ' She stopped short. She didn't expect to see the devil himself.

Looking surprised to find the boyish girl in the University turned feminine. She looked different. He suddenly forgot what he was about to ask.

'What do you want?' Jane suddenly asked angrily. Are you going to just look at me like that or you will tell me what do you need?

'Ahmm...' distracted he was lost of words. Damn this girl. How dare her raise her voice!

'Is Brenda around? I'm Gio, her co-major.' He asked smiling.

'Is something funny?' Jane spat. She really hated this guy. She's getting on her nerve. 'She's not around. I will tell her you are looking for her when she arrive.'

She's about to close the door but Gio pushed the door wide open and entered the house freely.

'I will wait. If you're busy go ahead. Don't mind me' looking at Jane's hand covered with soap. He is quite enjoying the view. I don't know what got into him but he was enjoying chatting with this rigid tomboy.

He went to the sofa and sat quietly. Grinning he asked 'Are you the new board mate of Brenda?'

'Obviously' She countered. I don't why she spat like a dragon ready to fight. She can't understand why she lost her composure. I'm always cool but damn! He still looking at her intently. She felt suddenly hot. She blamed herself for not covering herself properly when she opened the door.

'Why are you grinning like a dog' she asked angrily.

'Nothing' Gio answered feeling amused. This is the first time he met a girl who is not affected by his usual charming way.

Jane went to the sink to wash off the soap. 'From where are you?' Gio breathed heavily behind Jane's Back.

'What the...' she sweared. Jane did not notice him standing so close to him. 'Can you please move' She smeared.

'Sorry' he went back to the sofa laughingly. She is really something. She looked interesting. Pretty but as hard as a stone.

Annoyed she stormed at her room and got her phone and called Brenda.

'Someone is waiting for you'.

Brenda arrived with Maricel. ' Oh! What are you doing here? Jane was pissed. What did you do?' Brenda asked Gio.

'So... She's Jane' He answered absently.

'Oh no. Don't try your style with her. It wont work' Brenda warned him laughingly. Never expected to see Gio became interested with the likes of Jane. His preference is intoxicating. Feminine!

Jane stayed in her room. She's trying to calm herself. She's losing her cool and she hated how she is reacting. It will never happen again she promised herself.

First day of school as expected is getting to know each other stage. Her guess was right after all. There are lots of weird people lurking everywhere. Is she included? She wondered.

'Mr. Ibanez?' Professor called one student.

The guy at the corner raised his hand. He looked like a high school student. His so young. He must be very smart to be in this school. 'How old is he', Jane asked her seat mate.

'Fourteen'. Lorreyn answered. 'The youngest. Smart and got accelerated.

'Wow' Jane uttered in disbelief.

First day ended fast. All introduction and class rules! I'm bored as hell. She checked her phone, 4:30 PM. One message from Ryan, an AMA student. Also a computer student but her senior. 'Dinner?'

Bored as hell. 'Ok. 7pm.' Jane replied. She went home and found her apartment full of laughter.

To her astonishment Gio was with her board mates again. 2 new faces was looking intently to Gio when the latter abruptly stand when he saw Jane and said 'Hi'.

'Jane, my classmates Ezra and Judith. And this is Gio' Brenda introduced him sheepishly.

'Hi' . Jane directed her attention to Ezra. Judith look at her head to toe. Scrutinizing her? She seems belittling me or is it my imagination? Jane wondered.

She excused herself and went to the second floor. Changed and waited for Ryan to fetch her.

Brenda knocked and told her a guy was looking for her with a mischievous look. 'You have a long hair'. She jokingly said. They used to tease her if she has a male admirer.

'Ok. Thanks' Jane cut her short. She dont want to hear Brendas Joke right now. She is conscious of the people in the first floor.

She hurriedly grabbed her bag and went downstair. To her chagrin, all their attention was focused to her. She is wearing a tight pants and sleeveless black top. She looked dangerously sexy.

Ryan smiled when he saw her. Judith with dagger look was openly showing her dislike glancing at Gio who is now frowning. He seem annoyed over something.

Jane motioned Ryan to go out. Then bid goodbye to the people not daring to look at Gio. She felt suddenly hot as if she was caught cheating! Whats wrong with her! She chided herself.

'What do you like for dinner?' Ryan asked.

'Nothing special. I can eat anything'. She was with Ryan but can't help thinking of Gio. What on earth was she thinking. Why is he irritated? Is he jealous?! No way. It's impossible.


'Yes? Sorry' She didn't hear what his murmuring.

'Do you have a problem?'

'Nothing. I'm just starving.' She lied.

They went to eat pizza and salad. She's back to her old self bubbly and funny. Ryan is a good company. He is extra attentive and sweet. She felt feminine when he is around.

The kind of guy everyone likes. His parents were both academician. Smart and dependable. Maybe its in their genes.

'Jane are you free this weekend? Would you like to watch movie with me?'

'Okay. Im free this Saturday. What time?' Jane belong to the NBSB club. Never had a boyfriend since time immemorial. She had crushes but she is really a scared cat. Never want to take a risk but now she is in college, maybe...maybe she can indulge a bit. Its just a movie anyway.

'I will pick you up at 2 pm. We can eat have snacks before watching.'


They decided to go to the night tower. It's situated near Botanical Garden. Its facing Jane's University. Ryan placed his hanky to the bench near the tower.

His really a gentleman. Their conversation is mostly about Ryan. She never want to open up about herself. Was she bored? There's no spark at all. The scenery is breathtaking. She can see the moons shadow in the sea. The soft sounds of waves. The environment is perfect.

'Aw...' she gasped suddenly. Didn't noticed Ryan when he placed his hand above Janes.

She removed her hand abruptly. His hand felt warm.


She can hear disappointment in his voice but she doesn't care. She never had physical contact with a guy. In her 16 years, not even one guy dared to touch her.

'I want to go home'. She kept her voice controlled but Ryan knew he need to step backward. Jane may be friendly and free spirited but you can never ask her to do things she wouldn't like.

'Okay. I'm really sorry. I meant no harm. I will pick you up around 2 pm this Saturday then.'

She checked her watch, 11 pm. Walking side by side, nobody dared to start a conversation.

Ryan removed his jacket and placed it in Jane's shoulder.

'Its getting colder. Please dont get sick'.

'Thank you'. I should really reward him for trying his best. Maybe i just need to give him a chance. She wondered if its the right thing to do.

They arrived around 11:30 in the evening. They are still up. Lights illuminating from the first floor. She can see shadows from the window.

She knocked and remove Ryans jacket.

'Thank you'. She whispered.

Gio open the door. What the... how come he is still here?

'Jane Sat 2pm okay' he reminded her of their plans.

'Ok' she replied shortly. She felt suddenly conscious. She want to escape and just head straight to her room.

Gio was standing tall behind the opened door.

Looking intently at Jane. He look annoyed. He left and went back to the sofa where Judith and Ezra was sitting. Judith was looking at her annoyed also. What did i do?! Ezra was laughing though.

'Hi' she greeted then but her sole attention was with Ezra. Judith was sitting next to Gio one hand was placed in his thigh.

Possessive and bitchy. God...she can feel her eyes putting holes in her body. If looks can kill, my body parts would surely be mutilated.

She went to the sink and washed her hands. Gio got up and went to the kitchen as well. His making a coffee for himself. Feeling at home! The nerve. I really don't have any privacy here.

'You want?'

'No.' I want to rest.

'Jane, Did Brenda told you Lovelia went to Ormoc? Brenda and Mecil will be late too. They went to watch a concert. Its not safe to stay here. Just yesterday theirs a burglar in the other apartment. Just stay with us until they arrive.

'Jane you can stay with me in my apartment' Ezra offered.

'Okay. Until they arrive.' She agreed too willingly. Shes safer in Ezras place. Gio is far more dangerous.

They left her apartment. Judith asked Gio to go with him. She is extra clingy. Is she his girlfriend? Jane wondered.

'No. Ex...' Ezra hinted.

'Gio is a playboy. He is trying to avoid Judith. Maybe he spotted a more delicious meal.' He said jokingly.

'I didn't ask!' She answered angrily.

Ezra was fond of Jane for being outspoken and bubbly. But he can feel something is off between the two. They always end up fighting!

Painted in blue, Ezra's room is quiet masculine. 2 Bed was located in the opposite side. One study table is placed in the center. Very simple yet comfy.

'Can i rest a bit?' Jane asked Ezra.

'Sure'. Ezra nodded in agreement.

She sat at Ezra's bed. She felt suddenly tired. With heavy eyelids, she slowly close her eyes. Oblivious of whats happening outside, Jane fell asleep.

She woke up in the middle of the night. The room was so dark. She could only see a faint light illuminating through the window glass.

'Where am I?' She vaguely ask herself. She feel sleepy. Her eyes gradually adjusting through the darkness. Someone is sleeping next to her!

Conscious of the body next to her, she slowly turn to the person next to her. She blinked her eyes, she suddenly shudder from cold. What time is it? She is still wearing the sleeveless shirt from last night.

The person moved facing her! He is a tall guy. Jane 5'4 height was of no match of his. Maybe he is 5'10 or 6 feet tall. She sniff suddenly conscious of the familiar scent from the person lying next to her. Who could this be? Her mind screamed. She cannot think how she end up sleeping next to a stranger!

The body moved closer. Light suddenly pass through. For a second, she froze. She got glimpse of the person lying next to her. Is she dreaming? She's not seeing ghost! This could not be. The person next to her was non other than Gio. She suddenly felt conscious. Their bodies is only an inch from her. She can hear his breathing. Suddenly felt hot... she cannot stand this kind of situation.

Gio moved a little bit closer. His face is almost touching her hair. She can feel his breath beneath her neck. Damn him! She can't breath. Instinctively she suddenly slapped her own face and elbowed his head. Pretending to snap a non existent mosquito in her cheeks.

Gio faintly groaned as if in pain. Moved slightly away from her. She turned her back away from this dangerous man. She cannot move further. Her face almost against the wall. Please dont come near me, silently praying to all the deities to ease this new kind of feeling. She don' know what to do. She's devoid of understanding on how to react. She can only pretend to be sleeping.

Zombie mode! She's still floating.. this is the same feeling she had when she got drunk. Head aching and cannot focus on what to think or do... light headed but her body felt to weak. She felt exhausted the entire night doing nothing...

She can only pray to the person next to her to wake up earlier than her. Still pretending not to know of their predicament, facing the wall, Jane pretended to be sleeping.. still waiting for Gio to move.

Maybe its around 5 am or so...She can already see the light from the outside. Gio moved closer to her for a second... second seemed like eternity.

She heard loud chatting from the outside. I think it was Ezra and the group.. she can also hear Brenda and Mecil's voices.

'Hey why are you not sleeping in your own room?' She heard Ezra asking Gio.

'Jane was alone. Why did you leave her? Your room is unlocked'! He said annoyingly. 'Now that you are here, I will go.' He left without waiting for the answer.

He felt so tired. He badly needs a rest... he was awake the entire night! Turning away from the questioning look of Ezra, Gio walked past the three comer. Their apartment were situated in the same compound. The landlord was the famous Math Professor of Universityof the Philippines. Most of the tenants are students and scholars of the same University.

'Jane'... Ezra patted her shoulder...

'Ahmm...' pretending to be sleepy, she swung her legs in the bed and combed her hair using her hands. 'What time is it? She asked.

5:55 AM. Jane together with her board mates Mecil and Brenda went home. Chatting about the concert, Jane was relieved that the two avoided questioning her about the incident. She can only hope that the story ends when she left Ezra's room. She cannot explain how they end up together in that cozy and tiny room. She still hasn't forgotten those confusing moments she shared with Gio. Undeniably, his a masculine guy. His smell intruded her every senses.

Stop it! Jane suddenly snapped from reality.

Take a hold of yourself for pit sake! His nothing but trouble.

She shove her bedroom door. Lowered her thin body in the bed and gradually close her heavy eyelids. Please Jane sleep... her mind was too tired to think. Rest..

She woke at past 12 noon. Groaning, she dragged herself away from the bed. She needs to get up or she will be late. Good thing her only class today will start at 2:30 PM. She showered and prepared things for her class.

She is sleepy as hell and her body aches. Maybe because of her position last night. It was awkward but she injured it crazily.

She needs a cup of coffee or she might doze off in her class. She felt utterly helpless. I will have a nap after my class. I wonder if Gio is as tired as I am, she mused.

Brenda entered their apartment. She must have her morning class.

'Hi Jane', Brenda greeted her. Following her was the person She badly wants to avoid. He looked sleepy as well. He sat directly in front of her.

'Can i have a coffee?' He asked smilingly.

'Help yourself', she replied angrily. Why does her temper flare up every time he is around.

With questioning eyes, Brenda looked at Gio. Whats wrong with this two?

Gio grabbed Jane with his sweaty hands or is it hers?

'Lets have a talk Jane. Brenda excuse us for a minute'

'Alright' Brenda's wide smile confused Jane. What's happening?

'Jane, I badly need your help. Judith and I... we're not really a couple. Everyone thought we are and It's my fault i let her be. Acting like we are..'

'So? How does that have anything to do with me?' She asked angrily.

'Jane please... hear me first. Its hard for me to be frank with Judith. I don't have the heart to hurt her. Because of what happened last night... I...you... He stuttered. He placed his hands atop hers. Please help me. You dont have to lie. Just don't deny me. They were thinking that we are a couple' he pleaded.

'Why me? You can find someone else to be your pretend girlfriend!' she suggested.

'Because I'm comfortable with you. Please... just dont say anything' he begged.

Jane can see Brenda looking at them from the kitchen. She grabbed her hand suddenly. She cannot be mistaken. Brenda was indeed thinking that they are a couple. She blushed.

She suddenly feel sweaty and indecisive. His suggestion was completely out of line but why does her heart felt otherwise. Her mind was screaming no to that idea but why does she felt this kind of excitement. Whats wrong with her! She needs a psychiatrist.

'I will go ahead. Let me think about it. I need to attend my class.'

'See you this evening Jane' he said happily. It was as if he already knew her answer.

She motioned to Brenda that she is leaving. It's almost time. She doesn't want to be late in her class or is it because she want's to escape her hilarious situation?

Her history class was fun. Professor Lim was indeed admirable. Combined history with untold stories completely left the entire class in awe. Class ended by the sound of the ringing bell. Thanks God she can finally rest.

She hurriedly left the room. She was walking absentmindedly towards the gate when he suddenly bump to someone. She lost her balance luckily her savior was also quick. He tucked one hand behind her back supporting her weight.

'Sorry. I..' she stuttered. Wide eyed, she found Gio looking down and smiling softly at her.

'You should really watch where you're going', he reminded her. Not moving away from her. He pulled her closer and whispered in her ear 'you're now mine. Everyone can attest to that',

Confused, she found herself looking to the interested faces of group of students watching them. They just witnessed a free showing campus drama!

She struggle free from his hold but he was far stronger than her. 'Quit struggling Jane' he whispered. 'You look loved', he joked casually.

He released her hold and pick up her bag.

'Thanks' annoyed by her actions she grabbed her belonging from Gio's grasp. Didn't even notice her bag falling.

'Lets go' he motioned her to follow. 'I will accompany you home'

'No need. I'm not a child. I know my way home', she said angrily.

'I know. Just let me be', he answered softly.

They both walk their way home quietly. She's too tired to fight.

'You can go' the moment Jane arrived, she motioned Gio to leave.'Gio...'

Too late. With long strides, he already entered her apartment. He sat on the couch comfortably crossing his long legs while relaxing his shoulder...slowly closing his eyes. His sleepy from last night. He already drunk 2 cups of coffee this morning but he still feel floating. He wants to sleep but wanted to be with this woman badly. Amused with himself he let out a long sighed.

His crazy!

Jane looking at the person in the couch look amazed. Gone was his devilish aura, he looked more subtle and more handsome. She's not really confident with her looks and suddenly became the pretend gf of this guy. She felt used and but to her dismay she's actually excited.

Feeling someone was examining him, he lazily opened eyes and gaze directly into Jane's light brown eyes. He smiled and walked toward's her direction.

Eyes locked with his, she can only move backward. She panicked but can't seem to move her way out. He leaned near her and whispered, please do not stare like that to me again. I can only hold myself this much. His voice was hoarse, breathing ragged. 'Jane... his voice lost. Jane stiffened. His lips inches from hers. The sound of foot steps and voices getting louder and suddenly the door was pushed open.

'Sorry, are we interrupting something? ' Ezra grinned. Judging from Janes's red flushed face, he can only judge what has transpired.

Gio pulled Jane towards the couch. Pushed Jane to sit and lazily lowered his body. Sleeping in her lap, he answered Ezra lazily. 'You're always bad timing. I need recharging' he murmured sleepily.

'I wonder why both of you look exhausted and sleepy. What happened last night?' Teasing the two of them was fun. Gio was ignoring them. Brenda laughed so hard with Jane's red face. She looked helpless.

Gio's going overboard. Instead of explaining, he even took Jane's right hand and covered with his. Still eyes closed, he whispered something. She lowered her head, 'Jane let them be'

'But...' he pinched her hand as if to warn her. why is she so powerless to grant his request to be his pretend gf? He is just using her!

'Well lovers we need to go. Behave', as if to warn them not to do adult things. Deliberately emphasizing the word behave, Ezra laughed heartily. Brenda, who was now holding some books bid Jane farewell.

'I will be home late with Mecil and Ezra. Take care of our baby boy, referring to Gio who was comfortably sleeping in her lap.

Jane nodded. Why did they call Gio baby boy anyway? Looking at him, she realized that indeed he looks like a baby peacefully sleeping in her lap. She too suddenly felt her heavy eyelids...

For half an hour, the two doze off. Gio woke up first. His eyes adjusting from the light...He blinked as if unsure of himself. Is he dreaming? Jane was leaning against the sofa. Her long black hair falling softly against her shoulders. She look so peaceful. How come she can look angelic when sleeping? Very far from her dragon- like attitude. She's a contradicting piece for him. A pure white lotus depicting the innocent Jane and a wild rose beyond his comprehension. Unknowingly, he touched her soft cheeks. So soft and her lips... He slowly leaned over. His face inches from hers. Her warm breath softly touched his face...His lips slowly touched her lips.

'Hmm...' she moved slightly. Slowly open her eyes...'what the...' She jumped abruptly making Gio fall in the carpet. 'What are you doing', she spat vehemently.

'I am not doing anything. You injured my body and soul, he said innocently. 'Argh...' he groaned in pain. 'I think you broke my ribs Jane as well as my heart' pointing in his left chest.

'Then leave immediately! You don't have business here anyway' She chased him out. Her heart frolicking as if it will burst. She needs to stay far away from this Devil.

'Jane' he called softly but decided to let her go. 'I will leave when they arrive. You can rest upstairs'.

Jane nodded and walk faster as if she's running for her life. What's happening to me! Please get hold of yourself! Her heart not cooperating with her anymore. It palpitate wildly. She absentmindedly touched her lips. How come it felt a tingling sensation as if she just got kissed! She sprawled in her bed, her mind floating thinking but not really thinking.

'Damn', cursing herself angrily. She never felt this stupid in her life. She felt trapped being a pretend- girlfriend of Gio. She hated being used but deep in heart, her emotion is in turmoil. She cant go on like this forever. She needs to break free before its too late. It's almost 2 AM before she finally fall asleep.

She woke half an hour after 8AM. The light passing through the window. She took the towel from her drawer and headed for the bathroom. She quickly took a bath and headed to go to school wearing a tight faded jeans with matching black sleeveless with a Cannabis leaves printed in the middle. Her bad girl look with a big 'don't mess with me' aura all over her.

Her Math 17, first class, was located in the first floor of the first building. The second building of the Annex 1 was adjacent building across her class separated by a bed of flowers.

Ms. Tan, her Math teacher was an easy going but a tough teacher. Her class composed of 7 major exams and a series of quizzes. If you get 90% out of 7 major exams, students may opt to exempt themselves or take the final exam. Those who are exempted can only get the general average score of all the exams not exceeding the perfect mark of 1.0. For those who are aiming for a better grade for their scholarship may gamble and take the final exam.

Jane and Kent were solving in front of the class 2 long division and Melai a series of synthetic division. They were punished silently for not paying attention to Ms Tans boring class. The three sat quietly after the 'show me what you got' stare from their angry Professor.

The 3 of them we're Department of Science and Technology or DOST Scholars The executive department of the Government responsible for the coordination of science and technology-related projects. They are given free education and monthly stipend not only for food, transportation and allowance. Out of 881 student in Jane's province, only 4 of them pass the exam. The prerequisite to maintain the privilege is a grade of 1.75 of GPA for all the subjects.

As she was looking outside the window near where she was seated, her gaze pass by the bed of flowers toward the open window of the second building. A guy was also looking intently at her! It was that dog-like smile of the familiar guy who she wanted to wipe out in this world. Gio that devil!

Sitting beside him, was Juliet. She bent near his left ear as if whispering something then left her head and gaze directly towards Jane with so much hatred.

'What the heck...' she murmured at herself and with so much indifference transferred her attention to her Professor.

Time passed quickly and its her last class for the day. She is looking forward for a nice dinner and a long rest. Lately, she's been feeling odd and restless. After the bell rang, she quickly pick up her bag and hurriedly left the University. She's about to pass by the guard house when she heard some one calling her name. Behind her was a group of Management Students, Ezra, Brenda, Juliet and Gio.

'Hey wait', Gio shouted and left the group. With long strides, he was able to catch with Jane.

'What is it this time?' She asked annoyingly. She know this guy will pull off another trick and she hated it.

'We are supposed to be couple remember? Of course I'm walking my girlfriend home' he grinned mischievously. 'Let's have dinner.'

'I'm not hungry' she lied forcefully. She can't stand his presence. Her stomach growled loudly defying her statement.

Gio laughed heartily. This girl really is amazing.

'Let's feed the dragon', he grabbed Jane's hand while teasing her.

'Let go!' She protested and yanked her hand away from his grip. 'We don't have an audience so you don't need to pretend.' She said angrily.

She can still vividly remember when he was flirting with her 'ex' in school during her Math class. Maybe Judith was not really her ex girlfriend after all. Maybe she was the one being used to make Judith jealous. Well, she's messing with the wrong person!

Not far from their University, Gio called a taxi and brought Jane to his favorite restaurant. It took them more than half an hour to arrive in this place. It has a combination of modern and native structure. The restaurant's floor was made of black marble tiles. There are paintings hanging in the wall. There are modern and contemporary irregularly shaped table made of wood of high quality. The pieces of furniture are mostly made of wood including the chairs carefully designed to match the wooden table. The surrounding area of the 2-storey building was garden overlooking the city.

'Beautiful...' Jane cannot help but admire the place. Its getting darker and the place is more magical than ever. She shivered. She has never been to this magical place. Overlooking the city with its lights dancing before her eyes.

'Hmmm beautiful' Gio looking intently at Jane. This is his Haven.

'Sir you may use the biggest Nipa pointing at the east side near the cliff'

'Okay. Thank you. He whispered something at the guy's ear. The latter nodded and brought a black jacket.

'Its getting colder. Wear this', he said gently and placed the jacket in Jane's shoulder.

'Thank you' without removing her gaze in the beautiful scenery.

'Jane lets eat. I'm starving'

He guided her. He has chosen the small nipa at the west part. They ordered sweet and sour spare ribs, calamaris, and house specialty, Haven consisting of crabs, lobster. Salmon and barbecue arranged artistically.

'This is...too much', although protesting her mouth began to salivate. Can Gio afford to pay? She's worried because the place is expensive. Only few people can be seen and most of them arrived with expensive cars.

'Eat. Don't worry we can wash dishes if I run out of money', he said jokingly.



'Scared to order some more?' He laughed. He pressed the button and signal to bring them red wine and beer. No juice was ever mentioned.

'I don't drink... she protested.

'Relax today is Friday. Let's unwind. I won't bite' he said teasingly. 'Are you scared of me?'

'Of course not. Why would I be?' To show her protest she emptied her wine glass.

'Hey careful! The night is too young..' he warned her.

He drank his beer. It seems that Gio prefer beer instead of wine. One glass after another and then another...

He moved towards Jane. 'Let me rest a bit' he looked suddenly tired. He close his eyes..'Stop drinking wine Jane. You already had 3 glasses and your cheeks turning red. This is your first?'he asked.

She nodded. Indeed its her first time to drink. She felt warm and light headed. He tilted his head and rest in Jane's right shoulder. He felt light headed too and it feels so good to be this close.

His warm breath against her neck...'Jane I'm sleepy. Can we rest a bit?'

'Hmmm' Jane groaned. She felt sleepy as well and She is too tired to argue.

He got up and grab Jane's left hand.following a small path leading to another Bigger Nipa. Why is Gio so familiar with this place? Maybe he brought a lot of girls here she thought miserably. Maybe Judith as well.

Gio pushed the door and guided her inside. The interior of the Nipa is in contrast of its exterior. There's another room and king size bed in the middle and small sofa in the left side. On the other end was a white table and a large cabinet.

Gio lazily walked towards the cabinet and pulled a towel and pair of pajamas.

'Go wash yourself so you can rest', he pointed towards the bathroom.

'Who's place is this?'

'Cousin' he mumbled and sprawled on the sofa.

Jane quickly showered and changed into a set of pajamas.

'Gio wake up and change' she carefully touched his left leg and patted softly. Lightheaded, Jane felt dizzy. 'Transfer to the bed. I will stay here. You're way taller and you wont fit' she complained.

'Hmmmm' he mumbled. 'Come' still eyes closed, he yanked Jane towards him. She landed on top of his body. She struggled to get up desperately but her strength was of no match to his. The more she struggle the more he groaned.

'Damn ...Stop. He complained harshly. She's torturing him. Her body soft against his...

'Let me go', she pleaded. Despite of her throbbing head, she seems powerless. He hugged her tight and whispered against her ears.

'Lets stay like this for a lil bit more'.

His warm embrace felt so good. Maybe because of the wine, she never felt this good.

She relaxed and stopped protesting. She might as well enjoy herself. Just today...she will forget that she's just being used. How stupid of her to feel this tingling sensation slowly consuming her body. Yes she is indeed stupid! She raised her head and gazed at Gio. Why does his lips so damn red today.

'Hmmm?' Gio with questioning eyes stared directly into her eyes. 'Jane stop looking at me like that..damn you asked for this!'

He kissed her suddenly. His hands holding her waist tightly. His losing control now when he felt her responding. She's trembling from his embrace but responding to his hot kisses. She suddenly bit his lower lips and murmured in between. 'That's for stealing my first kiss', she accused him.

'That's not your first' he shot back. It was their second kiss but Jane was unaware of the first time he did it. Her body felt warm in his embrace. She can feel his hardness. Shocked at her own reaction she could not stop herself from caressing it. He went rigid and groaned as if in pain. Her inexperience makes him grow wilder. He got up from a sitting position cuddling her. He slowly unbuttoned her Shirt and touched her softness. He kissed her there and with a trembling body she groaned from unexpected feeling. She's devoid now of understanding. Her body moving on her own.he lifted her and brought her on the bed. Removing what is left without leaving her soft mouth. With single thrust, she cried in pain. It was her first. He went rigid. He felt overwhelmed that she shared her first. 'Jane...' he whispered in anguish.' 'I...' he stuttered. Afraid of hurting her.

She moved upward on her own. Kissing him to stop him from talking. Strangely the pain she felt overpowered by this hungry feeling. She wants him to consume her now. She doesn't want him to stop. He can see fire in her eyes. The unspoken willingness to surrender. He thrust again and again... this time picking a tempo. She moaned from mixture of pain and excitement. She bit his shoulder hard until finally they reached the peak. He collapsed beside her. Pulling her closer...his breathing still unstable.

'Happy?', he asked.

Jane just smiled at him and slowly shutting her heavy eyelids. I think I'm dreaming..

That's the last day she saw him. After 7 years it still brought her painful memories. Her stupid adult life. She wondered how it happened and keep on blaming herself. It taught her well. She had grown more careful this time. She built a wall. After the incident, she transferred University and shifted courses. After she finished her college, she immediately work in Bank of the Philippine Islands. She keep herself busy and immersed herself to loads of work to forget painful memories of betrayal. Her phone rang. Her brother called.

'Jane did you consider my suggestion?'

'Give me more time. I can't just give up my position here. I have a life of my own and I'm contented'.

'Don't decide for too long. Opportunities like this comes once in a lifetime. Give me an answer after 3 days.' He gave her ultimatum. He really wanted her to decide for good. Their mother left them at a young age and 7 years ago their father passed away. He wanted her to be near him. He know that despite the calm exterior, his sister Jane suffered a lot just like him. After their father's death, he decided to work abroad.