Meeting The Family - 3.1

After separating from Bai Nian Zu, Fan Hui Zhong and Fan Zhu Xia walked around a bit and ended up in the city square while talking about random things when Fan Zhu Xia fell silent.

Amidst the noisy crowd of people in the square that were filled with merchants calling from their stalls to those who can be heard laughing and conversing with each other, Fan Zhu Xia exuded a somber atmosphere that seemed out of place.

It was like she was a lone island in the midst of a sea of loneliness; aloof and indifferent, lost in her thoughts.

The sight of her looking a bit lost and dazed made Fan Hui Zhong's eyes narrow and heart tighten with worry.


"Oh, sorry Father. I was just thinking about something." Fan Zhu Xia distractedly replied, flashing him a small smile from under her hood.

Studying his daughter, Fan Hui Zhong noticed how her usually languid posture was unusually tense making his brows furrow even further in concern.

Stopping in his tracks, Hui Zhong grabbed Zhu Xia's shoulder and turned her to face him and said, "Girl, tell me what's bothering you."

"I... it's nothing to worry about Father... I'm just feeling a bit nervous."


Sighing, Fan Zhu Xia grabbed Fan Hui Zhong's arm before walking again.

"I'm nervous about meeting your family. I know you have a brother and a nephew but-"

"Nephews." Hui Zhong interjected, effectively cutting off what his daughter was going to say and leaving her dumbfounded.


"Yes Xia'er, nephews. They are all older than you."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Fan Zhu Xia asked indignantly; looking especially aggrieved.

"Sorry, forgot to mention them."

Hearing Fan Hui Zhong reason in an off-handed manner almost made Fan Zhu Xia's blood boil before she slowly breathe in and out to calm herself and to her father's amusement.

"Then will you tell them about me now?"

"Sure. Where should I start?"

"How about explaining to me why you only mentioned Fan Xian Liang as my cousin and not the others?"

"Oh that? Well it's because I plan to gift Heise to him. He is also my youngest nephew as far as I know."

Quirking an eyebrow, Fan Zhu Xia looked at him with a disbelieving expression on her face.

"As far as you know?"

"En. After all, I haven't seen them in a long time and your uncle does still have your young aunt." Hui Zhong replied matter-of-factly.

"My aunt?"

"Mhmm... She's a pretty energetic little thing. Her name's Wei Rou Xiang."

"Aside from little Xian, you have two more cousins. The eldest would be Li Jie; he should be twenty-five now if I remember correctly and then Yong Rui who is younger by one year."

Curious, Fan Zhu Xia asked "What are they like?"

"Well, Li Jie was always a quiet and serious boy. You used to remind me of him when I first found you and before you became a drunk."

Rolling her eyes, Fan Zhu Xia ignored Fan Hui Zhong's pointed look and remark before she questioned, "And Yong Rui?"

"Ahh, that boy is like a splitting replica of his mother! Both in looks and in personality." Hui Zhong replied with a laugh as if reminiscing about something amusing.

"Is there anything else that I should know?"

Without answering, Fan Hui Zhong just kept walking and kept silent for a while.

Their surroundings slowly changed from the noisy bustle of the market place from the main streets to a calmer more sedate atmosphere as they walked further away and into what seemed to be a residential district which exuded an understated elegance with the several towering cherry blossom trees that are scattered about, lending the district an air of beauty and grace.

Several residential gates can be seen, with further distances away from each other as they went further in; from only a couple of residences residing in one street to just about two or three.

Then they turned into another street which was comparatively shorter but this led directly just to one residence.

Feeling a bit uneasy and nervous, Fan Zhu Xia was just about to open her mouth to ask why they were here when Fan Hui Zhong stopped in front of the one and only elaborate gate at the end of the street and looked up to stare at the hanging name plate with a melancholic smile before gently speaking.

"Xia'er, there's no need for you to worry and think about what the family is like. What's important is that you are you and they are them. What they are like is not something you need to worry about. What you should really think about is if you actually want to get to know them."

Following the direction of his gaze, Fan Zhu Xia looked up and let out a small gasp as soon as she read what was on the name plate.

'Fan Family; Lei Palace'