Meeting The Family - 3.3

"Lei Wangye..." Fan Hui Liang whispered to himself disbelievingly while he directed his gaze to Old Man Guo Ji, as if to confirm if what he heard was correct.

"Are you sure?"

Nodding his head repeatedly, Min Guo Ji affirmed, "Yes Master, it really is Lei Wangye!"

"Lei Wangye... So Older Brother Zhong really is back?!" Fan Hui Liang exclaimed as he shot out of his chair and out of the study with Old Man Guo trailing after him.

"Where is brother now?"

"Answering Master, Lei Wangye and his daughter are currently staying at the Na Huan Pavillion and waiting for you." Min Guo Ji replied quickly.

"Na Huan Pavillion, good... Wait, did you just say 'daughter'?" Fan Hui Liang suddenly asked before coming to a halt as he stared at Guo Ji with wide eyes.

"Yes my lord. This servant even heard the young miss call Lei Wangye 'father'."

Without saying another word, Fan Hui Liang sped off and in a blink of an eye not even his silhouette could be seen.

On the other hand, things at Na Huan Pavillion was quite peaceful.

Both Fan Hui Zhong and Fan Zhu Xia was seated quietly and was just enjoying the tea while Zhu Xia occasionally nibbled on some of the pastries they were served.

The two of them had already made themselves comfortable and already taken off their cloaks.

The tranquil atmosphere that surrounded them made it seem like they were a scene right out of a painting.

A strongly-built man wearing black robes with simple silver embroideries with an intimidating aura looking dotingly at a young lady with an innocent-fairy like face that could ruin kingdoms and evoked an urge to shelter and protect her, just because of the fragility she exudes as she happily sampled the refreshments which sharply contrasted with her shapely body with curves that were further emphasized by the crimson red robes with simple gold detailing that was cinched at the waist by a wide belt.

The beautifully contrasting sight was absolutely exquisite!

When Fan Hui Liang burst into the hall, he couldn't help but be momentarily awed before he was able to get a hold of himself when a servant spoke out and announced his presence.

Turning their heads, both Fan Hui Zhong and Fan Zhu Xia saw a finely dressed man which surprised Zhu Xia so much that she couldn't help but suck in a breath.

Fan Zhu Xia was so engrossed at studying the man who looked eerily similar to her father that she didn't realize that the man had already spoken and Fan Hui Zhong had to cough several times to get her attention but even then she still seemed to be in a daze.

"Xia'er..." Fan Hui Zhong called out, trying to keep the smile out of his voice when he saw his daughter so transfixed at his younger brother, Fan Hui Liang.



"Xia'er..." Fan Hui Zhong called out again after recieving no response the first time.


After trying to draw his daughter's attention repeatedly but the only response he got from her was silence, Fan Hui Zhong started to feel a tad irritated but also slightly amused.

This was the first time Fan Hui Zhong witness Fan Zhu Xia act like such an airhead!

Uneasy with Fan Zhu Xia's intense studying, Fan Hui Liang started to feel uncomfortable he then shot a look at Fan Hui Zhong and asked, "Brother, this is?"

Raising his hand, Hui Zhong slighly shook his head before turning to his daughter then sharply barked out her name.

"Zhu Xia!"


Jolting out of her reverie, Fan Zhu Xia realized what she's been doing and felt slightly embarassed.

A light blush slowly spread to her cheeks making her look all the more endearing.

Clearing her throat, Zhu Xia looked at Fan Hui Zhong with an inquiring gaze before asking, "Father, this man is?"

"Your uncle."

Looking astonished, both Fan Zhu Xia and Fan Hui Liang both simultaneously reacted, one was with surprise while the other sounded suspiciously happy.



Chuckling, Fan Hui Zhong gestured for Fan Hui Liang to sit with them then replied to the both of them, "Yes, uncle. Xia'er this is my younger twin brother, Hui Liang."

Hearing her father's answer, Fan Zhu Xia glanced back at Fan Hui Liang and quickly took note of his features and compare him to Fan Hui Zhong.

To be completely honest, they were practically the same that it was almost scary how much they resemble each other. The only difference is the air they exude.

Where Fan Hui Zhong seemed to be cold, aloof and intimidating while Fan Hui Liang seemed warmer and easier to approach.

Oh and that Fan Hui Zhong had a beard which hid most of his facial features while Fan Hui Liang did not.

Fan Zhu Xia only knew that their faces were practically a copy of each other because when she first met Fan Hui Zhong, he didn't have a beard yet.

Seeing his daughter lost in her thoughts again, Fan Hui Zhong sighed before he said, "Xia'er come. Introduce yourself and pour tea for your uncle."

Smiling sheepishly, Fan Zhu Xia's blush deepened before she took a small calming breath and quickly regained her composure impressing Fan Hui Liang.

"I, Fan Zhu Xia greets Uncle Liang and offers this tea to elder to show this junior's respect." reaching for the tea pot and tilting it slightly until the cup was filled before she set the tea pot down and gently lifted the cup while bowing her head slighty as Fan Zhu Xia greeted Fan Hui Liang.

Her whole series of actions, from pouring the tea to raising the cup for Fan Hui Liang to get looked so fluid and elegant that it made the simple actions look mesmerizing.

With a carefree smile on his lips, Fan Hui Liang quickly reached for the cup and drank the tea in one gulp.

"Ahh, no need for such formalities between family! This elder is glad to have a niece that is such a beautiful and well-mannered young lady."

Hearing his brother's response, Fan Hui Zhong couldn't help but snicker which earned him a confused look from Hui Liang and an annoyed one from his daughter who promptly ignored him and flashed an innocent smile at her new-found uncle and sweetly replied, "Xia'er thanks Uncle. It is the good fortune and honor of Xia'er to be adopted by Father and to have gained such a family."

Coughing slightly, Fan Hui Liang returned his niece's smile despite sensing the girl's annoyance at her father and shrugged off his surprise at hearing that she was adopted.

"Please, it is our family's grace and your father's good karma to have found such a good girl like Xia'er."

Smiling gently at Fan Zhu Xia, Fan Hui Zhong then turned and quickly asked his brother Fan Hui Zhong what has been on his mind ever since Old Man Guo Ji told him the news of their arrival.

"Elder Brother, since you are back, are you planning to stay for good now?"

Exchanging a meaningful look with Fan Zhu Xia, Fan Hui Zhong answered wryly, "Brother, that is something that I cannot answer right now."

"But why?!"

"Brother, please understand that me coming here is just to let Zhu Xia meet the family."

"But Elder Brother why not stay? This family need you now more than ever! I was never meant to be the head... you and I both know that."

"Brother..." trailing off, Fan Hui Zhong couldn't help but stare at his younger brother guiltily.

Seeing Hui Zhong's expression, Hui Liang pushed further and added, "Elder Brother, please consider staying. You know that I am not as good as you in managing the affairs of the family."

"Even so, please don't sell yourself short Brother! You were still able to protect and care for our family for all these years."

"I may have cared for the family but I wasn't able to help Father even a little!" Fan Hui Liang argued back bitterly, his expression looking pained.

"Liang'er please, don't. Father's situation is not your fault." Fan Hui Zhong reasoned, his expression reflecting his own pain but still he reached out and tightly grasped his younger twin's shoulder in an effort to comfort him.

Throughout, Fan Zhu Xia remained silent and just listened but hearing the deep sadness and distress on both her father's and uncle's voices, she couldn't help but frown.

"If I may ask, what is wrong with grandfather?"