Family Dinner - 7.3

Arriving at Xiong Jia Courtyard with his mother; Wei Rou Xiang and the princess of Spirit Valor Country; Ning Yan Mei in tow, Fan Li Jie was already in a extremely bad mood.

He barely said anything during the whole walk and his mother had to answer and entertain the pouting princess which in turn made her head start to ache.

Leading them to the dining hall, the servants opened the door for them and the gazes of all three people inside instantly snapped on to them.

"Li Jie, where's Xia'er?" Fan Hui Zhong immediately asked upon seeing them enter without his daughter; Fan Zhu Xia.

"I'm sorry Uncle but Xia'er was sound asleep when I went to pick her up. She look tired so I didn't want to disturb her." Fan Li Jie answered in reply, his expression softening a little and his voice loses some of it's cold indifference but instead seemed a tad bit gentle which both his mother; Wei Rou Xiang and the princess; Ning Yan Mei noticed.

While Wei Rou Xiang's brows frowned in confusion as to who this Xia'er was, Ning Yan Mei frowned for a totally different reason.

Just based from how Fan Li Jie's whole demeanor changed at the mere mention of this particular girl's name made Ning Yan Mei feel that something was amiss. Throughout their whole interaction together on their way here, Ning Yan Mei never got another reaction from Fan Li Jie aside from his initial surprise at her identity.

In fact, it seemed that Fan Li Jie was actually trying to put distance between him and her!

To Ning Yan Mei, this was extremely unacceptable!

She already found Fan Li Jie quite appealing and pleasing to her eyes. This was the very first time she even found a man who piqued her interest and for him to continously ignore her yet visibly brighten up at the mere thought of another infuriated her to no end!

Just as Ning Yan Mei was silently screaming out grievances in he mind, Fan Li Jie took the opportunity to sit by his brother; Fan Xian Liang which left only a little space on his other side which would force a person to choose another place to sit.

Meanwhile, Wei Rou Xiang eyes landed on her husband; Fan Hui Liang and upon looking at him, she noticed the man who was sitting right beside him, finally realizing the identity of the person who had just asked her son a question.

"Brother-in-law?!" Wei Rou Xiang exclaimed in surprise, excitement filling her as she gazed at the man who was once married to her best friend.

Returning her gaze, Fan Hui Zhonh swallowed back his disappointment that his daughter wasn't here and instead gently smiled at his little sister-in-law.

"Ahh... Little Rou, you've grown even lovelier than the last time I've seen you."

"Heavens! Brother-in-law it is you! How have you been? When did you get back?" Wei Rou Xiang asked, bombarding Fan Hui Zhong with questions as she rushed over to him and giving him an affectionate hug.

Chuckling, Fan Hui Zhong gently pinched Wei Rou Xiang's cheeks while pushing her away and answering, "I've been doing well and no need for all this excitement, we just got back today."

Completely forgetting her presence as they talked, Ning Yan Mei felt increasingly wronged the longer she stood there. Luckily, Fan Hui Zhong noticed her just awkwardly standing there with an aggrieved expression.

"Ehem... My dear wife, care to introduce our guest?" Fan Hui Liang pointedly asked, interrupting another one of his wife; Wei Rou Xiang's questions.

Realizing her mistake, Wei Rou Xiang blushed deeply, immediately straightening up and going back to Ning Yan Mei with an apologetic smile which Ning Yan Mei reciprocated, albeit; a bit stiffly.

"I'm sorry... uhm everyone please... This is Ning Yan Mei, the princess of the Spirit Valor Country. She is currently visiting and staying back at the Imperial Palace."

Hearing the introductions, all of them; Fan Hui Liang, Fan Hui Zhong and Fan Xian Liang stood up and gave Ning Yan Mei the perfunctory welcome and greetings while introducing themselves one at a time.

"Fan Hui Liang; the current head of the Fan Family. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Fan Hui Zhong said with a respectful nod.

Bowing slightly, Fan Xian Liang was next to introduce himself as he said, "My name is Fan Xian Liang, it is an honor to meet you princess."

When it came to Fan Hui Zhong, he just respectfully inclined his head slightly and casually said, "Fan Hui Zhong; the Wangye of the Lei Palace."

Listening to the introductions, Ning Yan Mei's eyes widened in surprise when she heard Fan Hui Zhong introduce himself.

At first she was a bit annoyed that Fan Hui Zhong didn't even lower his head and just tilted his head in her direction but finding out his identity made her quickly understand and realize his reputation and status in Thunder Vale Country.

It was commonly known by practically everyone that the man who was given the title Lei Wangye personally by the current emperor of the Thunder Vale Country for his numerous meritous acts and incredible might while defending the kingdom from the unprecedented rampage from the frightening number of demonic spirit beasts who inhabited the bordering Abyss Valley Mountain Range.

He was one of the main reasons why the Thunder Vale Country was able to overcome and hold out the rampaging beast wave until help from the Thousand Beast Rage Country had arrived and since back then Fan Hui Zhong had just replaced his father; Fan Song Xue, he wasn't well-known yet and when word of his might and deeds had spread, it surprisingly did not carry his name but his title; Lei Wangye.

For Ning Yan Mei to get a chance to meet Fan Hui Zhong was a stroke of good luck especially since it was rumored that Lei Wangye had retired from the military a couple of years ago and withdrawn from the public to the point that there was almost no news about him.

Ning Yan Mei was positive that this was news that her father would very much like to hear.

Truly it was a good choice of hers to insist on Wei Rou Xiang that she would like to join their family for dinner back when she bumped into her at the palace!

"Please gentlemen, it is this princess' honor to make your acquaintance!"