Newfound Cousin - 8.3

After showing Jun Qiao around, both he and Wu Zhang He retreated to Wu Zhang He's study where a servant quickly served them some snacks and refreshments before quickly going out and leaving the two alone.

Glancing at young man sitting in front of him, Wu Zhang He expertly poured the both of them tea before voicing out what was on his mind.

"So what are your plans now Jun Qiao?"

Hearing the question, Jun Qiao didn't immediately answer and instead picked up a cup of tea and took a sip before meeting Wu Zhang He's gaze.

"I plan to stay here for a while. I'm still looking for her and if I keep moving around as I have been, I might soon draw some unwanted attention. I would prefer to stay inconspicous to avoid my enemies from putting up their guard, that is of course, until I find her..."

"Hmm... Well staying here is indeed a good plan, that way you'll be able to set up a base of operations and give you a chance to slowly build up your strength and expand your reach in regards to influence and intelligence gathering."

"Exactly! For now I just have to plan and then act accordingly."

Nodding his head in agreement, Wu Zhang He sipped his own tea as he ruminated Jun Qiao's words.

"Then what do you need to do first? Anything I could do to help?"

Pausing, Jun Qiao carefully considered his plans before answering, "Well I need to find a place for myself first that is both private yet easily accessible... Actually in regards to this, I have something I'd like to ask Uncle Zhang's help with."

Surprised, Wu Zhang He instantly responded, "Tell me then, what is it that you need?"

"First, I's like to ask if you know who owns the residence perpendicular to here? The one just past yours with the closed gate and two guards and if there's any chance that I could perhaps acquire it."

Startled, Wu Zhang He looked at Jun Qiao before slowly smiling at him and shaking his head while letting out a few chuckles in between which made Jun Qiao frown in confusion.

"Did I say something weird Uncle Zhang?"

"Haha... Not at all, not at all! But do tell me, is that you're only concern for now?"

With brows still drawn together, Jun Qiao answered, "Yes, it is."

"Then let me handle it! The residence you're currently eyeing is actually vacant as of the moment. I know the previous occupants and I have a pretty good relationship with them. I can go ahead and ask if they are willing to sell this land to you."

Curious, Jun Qiao asked, "Then may I know the previous occupants were?"

"Oh, it was the Fan family who used to live there. They moved about a decade ago to the other side of the city near the foot of the mountains after a large expanse of land there was given to them by the emperor because of their family's help with the unexpected demonic beast wave that happened ten years ago."

"Help? What did they do?"

"Well mostly it was due to the efforts of General Fan Hui Zhong, the current head of the Fan family at the time. He was able to hold the beasts back with the help of the Fan family's personal army; the Lei Ji Army."

Feeling that he's heard the name of the army before, Jun Qiao remained silent as his brows furrowed before realization spread through him.

With a brow raised up in question, Jun Qiao gave a measuring look to Wu Zhang He before asking, "Lei Ji Army... Is that the same army that was supposed to be under the Lei Wangye?"

"It is. Fan Hui Zhong IS Lei Wangye after all." Wu Zhang He replied with an amused grin.

"So you knew the infamous Lei Wangye?"

"Not only knew, I even managed to witness him fight during during that time when he led the Thunder Vale army along with the Lei Ji army against the beast wave since I was one of the assigned generals that were tasked to lend support to him and when I saw him... It wa as if an immortal had descended and was fighting in front of us!" Wu Zhang He exclaimed with a somewhat dazed look in his eyes as if he was back there in the frontlines.

"He's that good?"

"Better than what you might be thinking! Back then, he totally exceeded my expectations... I was only three years younger than him but he only replaced his father as a general the year before but his battle experience and leadership skills were beyond compare, even with the older and more experienced generals back then!"

Hearing Wu Zhang He praise Fan Hui Zhong so much piqued his interest and couldn't help but ask, "Do you think there's a way for me to meet him?"

"Before, I would have definitely be able to introduce you to him but a little more than a decade ago, Fan Hui Zhong retired and just disappeared. The public thinks that he's just staying in Lei Palace in secluded cultivation but from what I was able to gather, he left Golden Thunder City and started travelling alone. I tried putting trackers on his trail but they lost him when he ventured inside the Abyss Valley Mountain Range."

"Is that so? Then do you have any idea if he's still alive?"

"Oh he definitely is still alive. I get reports sometimes of a letter being sent to the Fan family by a contracted Lightning Hawk and the last I checked, Fan Hui Zhong had one of those before he left."

"I see... (sigh)... Too bad he's not here, it would have been great to get an opportunity to meet him." Jun Qiao sighed once again while he replied, slightly disappointed with what he learned with his head bowed slightly in contemplation.

"Well don't worry about that, there's nothing that can be done. Right now, what you should really focus on is the matters at the palace."

Looking up, Jun Qiao's eyes met Wu Zhang He's worried ones which made him frown.

"What's there to worry about? Is it my new cousins?"

"No no... You're two cousins are fine. Probably surprised about finding out of your existence but there shouldn't be a problem with them."

Sensing that there was something more to the situation, Jun Qiao's previously relaxed demeanor turned serious as he asked, "Then what is it?"

"Well... A certain princess is currently visiting and staying over at the palace."

"Who?" Jun Qiao asked impatiently as he stared at Wu Zhang He's tense and hesitant expression.

"Ning Yan Mei; the princess of the Spirit Valor Country."

Upon hearing the name, Jun Qiao's eyes grew noticeably cold and his aura became increasingly heavy and suffocating before he closed his eyes and took a deep breath and slowly reigned in his emotions and controlled his presence.

Despite of the calm he now exuded, when Jun Qiao opened his eyes, they still had a layer of frost in them with a sharp, dangerous glint but aside from his eyes, the expression on his face was completely different.

A slow smile filled with amusement appeared in his lips, making him seem a bit mischievous, like a beautiful, other-wordly demon about to play with it's prey.

"Is that so? Then I, Wu Jun Qiao must definitely pay a visit to my cousins and make sure that they are acquainted with me."