Gifts and Favors - 13.3

In another part of the city, back at the Golden Pheasant Restaurant, Fan Hui Zhong was catching up with an old colleague of his, Wu Zheng He, a general of Thunder Vale Country and also the older brother of the current empress; Wu Li Hua.

"I must say Zheng He, you and my brother did a good job in keeping the peace of our kingdom. You two really did give invaluable help to Old Fa Chung." Fan Hui Zhong said with a laugh and even Wu Zheng He couldn't help but smile wryly at how casual Fan Hui Zhong was in referring to the emperor.

"Of course, any help that we could provide to Imperial Brother-in-Law is something that would not only benefit us but also the citizens."

"True, that is true. I've personally seen the effects of your efforts. Even the quality of life in the small villages in our outer territories has seen a lot of improvement."

Startled, Wu Zheng He couldn't help but ask, "I take it that you spent a lot of time in the outer territories?"

Looking at the elegant man who had a more gentle and scholarly air rather than the intimidating and oppressive atmosphere of a warrior sitting across from him, Fan Hui Zhong could sense Wu Zheng He's curiosity.

"En. I actually lived in one of those small backwater villages that was right at the edge of our territory and even bordering the Abyss Valley Mountain Range. That village is so small that practically everyone knew each other and there were very few people who actually passes by there due to it's location."

Understanding lit Wu Zheng He's eyes before he laughed and said, "No wonder no one's been able to figure out where you went off to this past couple of years! Who would think that someone with your aura and reputation could be found in one of those small villages..."

Shaking his head with a smile, Wu Zheng He shot Fan Hui Zhong an admiring look and sincerely praised, "You really are one-of-a-kind my lord. To be able to blend in and hide in plain sight is something not everyone could do!"

"Speak for yourself! It's not like you find it hard." Fan Hui Zhong retorted good-naturedly as he gave Wu Zheng He a pointed look to which Wu Zheng He only replied with a slightly sheepish smile.

"It's a gift." Wu Zheng He joked to which both of them laughed at.

As they drank tea and ate, despite the amicable atmosphere and continuous conversation, there were still times that Fan Hui Zhong's mind would appear to be somewhere else which only made Wu Zheng He think of one thing.

"Is Lei Wangye thinking about his daughter?" Wu Zheng He asked when Fan Hui Zhong drifted off again.

In response to this, Fan Hui Zhong only smiled slightly before nodding and replied, "En. I was just thinking about what she was doing right now. I just can't help but feel worried since I know that this is Xia'er's first time at the capital."

"I'm sure she'll be fine. I did see Min Sheng accompany her and I also sensed that the guards you had escort her where all top-notch."

"I know that nothing life-threatening could possibly happen to her without me finding out but what if she gets bullied? You know how some brats are, always thinking that they're high and mighty just because of their families and backgrounds! People don't know who she is yet! What if they do something? Or worse, what if my precious daughter attracts unnecessary flies? I should have asked Li Jie or Xian Liang to accompany her..." Fan Hui Zhong said in a voice filled with worry as he trailed off while a dark gloomy look showed on his face, especially at the thought of the line of potential suitors.

Stiffling a laugh, Wu Zheng He remarked, "I can now truly say, just based on your behavior that having a daughter is way harder than having a son."

"Damn right it is! Half of the time, even I don't understand the things that run through my daughter's mind!" Fan Hui Zhong grumpily complained with furrowed brows.

At that, Wu Zheng He let go and laughed to his heart's content, ignoring the annoyed look Fan Hui Zhong shot him.

"Oh shut up, will you? You're lucky that the son you adopted is pretty independent and quite low-key from what I know."

"Please, he's only low-key because he hasn't stayed for a long time at the capital and didn't bother attending any social events! I'm pretty sure I'll be getting headaches induced by him soon." Wu Zheng He replied with a grin.

"You sure about that? Then why do you look so happy about it?" Fan Hui Zhong drawled out with a raised eye brow.

"Well that's because I finally managed to convince him to stop travelling around, causing me to worry when I lose track of him.

from time to time."

Hearing his words, Fan Hui Zhong gave him a look filled with understanding.

"Speaking of, now that we're at my son's topic, I would actually like to ask if it's okay to sell your old home to me? It's the one that's currently neighboring my estate and my son asked me about it." Wu Zheng He said as he remembered his and Wu Jun Qiao's previous conversation.

"Personally, I don't see why not since no one is really using it but I would advise you to talk to my brother about it since he is the one handling that."

Hearing Fan Hui Zhong say that, Wu Zheng He was ecstatic since he already sent a message to ask Fan Hui Liang about it and he said that he'll discuss it with Fan Hui Zhong first. Now everything is going well and he might be able to gift this to Wu Jun Qiao to give him some good news.

Thinking of Jun Qiao, Wu Zheng He couldn't help but wonder were he is exactly since he just received word that he ditched the servants he gave him earlier this morning and disappeared.

Unknown to Wu Zheng He, the young man he was thinking about was actually also at the Thousand Treasures Pavillion in a private room of his own, watching the Old Ma reveal the last thing that's up for bid with an excited gleam in his eyes as if already knowing that everything was about to fall into place, just like he planned.

"Ladies and gentlemen, for the moment you've all been waiting for, the last item we have up for auction is an item that the owner of the Thousand Treasures Pavillion has personally added into today's auction which makes it quite unique as well. Along with this item, the owner has instructed that whoever wins this item will be able to ask for anything from the Thousand Treasure Pavillion for one time and one time only. This is only being done because of the rarity of the item and also because of how the bidding for this particular item will be done."

Old Ma then paused for a second as if letting the audience digest his words, after all, this was quite different from the previous auctions they've held before. After he's given them a moment, Old Ma continued his explanation as if he never stopped.

"Each and everyone that is present, whether here among the crowd or those in their private rooms, they will be given a jade slip where they can imprint their bid. Only the owner will be checking it and once he finishes picking the bid he likes the most, we shall let everyone know his choice. As most of you have come to realize now, you an only bid once and this applies to everone. Now if you have any questions, please voice them now while our attendants are distributing the jade slips."

Murmurs and discussions immediately erupted in the crowd before several people voiced their concerns.

"The bids, do they still apply to monetary amount or we can also offer some sort of deals or services as well?" a man asked.

"All types of bids are welcome, whether an exchange of deals, contracts, treasure or just plain old money would do. Anything goes dear guests." Old Ma jovially replied.

"You said the owner will pick, how long will we wait for the results then?" another asked.

"You'll get your results within the day since our Thousand Treasures Pavillion's owner is actually here and is being entertained by our branch leader this very moment. In fact, he is in his own private room watching over the auction."

Stunned, the crowd's gazes quickly turned to scan the private rooms where voices sounded from earlier, as if trying to guess which one belongs to the owner after all, no one even knew if the owner was even a male or female, however if rumors were to be believed then they would imply that the owner was a man.

Amidst the turmoil caused by Old Ma's words, someone spoke out in a loud voice and asked a question that all of them were asking in their minds.

"What's the item?"