Fraud or Not? - 17.3

One of the groups that arrived was led by no other than Bai Nian Zu, who received a report about a big commotion involving the Jade Herb Medicine Hall. This inadvertantly gave Bai Nian Zu a headache just thinking of the family that was backing the Jade Herb Medicine Hall.

The Fu family was an affluent and influential family that had their hands dipped into various businesses and trades and the Jade Herb Medicine Hall was their main business since their family specializes in alchemy and medicine.

At first Bai Nian Zu thought that he could still go and quickly resolve the issue involving the Jade Herb Medicine Hall but just as he and the group of soldiers got to the street where the medicine hall was located, he ran into another group of people that was being led by no other than the young master of the Fu family; Fu Qing Tian!

Seeing the handsome and scholarly youth that was clothed in pure white robes, sitting atop a large horse, the image he presented was particularly heroic with a touch of serene gentleness, exuding a pure and calming charm making those who saw him sigh in appreciation yet to Bai Nian Zu, the effect of seeing him was just the opposite!

Bai Nian Zu can't help but lament and sigh internally the moment he saw Fu Qing Tian yet outwardly he could only give the young master of the Fu family a cordial smile and a nod in acknowledgement.

"Young Master Fu, what brings you out here today?"

"Oh, just some trivial things. Commander Bai need not worry."

Not knowing whether he should laugh or cry, Bai Nian Zu can roughly guess what the reason is for this prominent young master to be here today.

Smiling wryly while inside he is sighing in resignation, Bai Nian Zu then straight-forwardly said, "Is it due to the commotion that involved your Jade Herb Medicine Hall?"

A look of surprise appeared on Fu Qing Tian's face before understanding quickly donned on him as he gave an affirmative nod.

"Commander Bai sure is well-informed. Indeed, that is the reason I am here today."

"If that's the case then let this old commander accompany you. It so happens that I am also on my way to your Jade Herb Medicine Hall."

Upon hearing that, Fu Qing Tian sent a small grateful smile to Bai Nian Zu as he said, "Then this young master would like to thank Commander Bai for the help in advance."

"Ahh... Small matters, no need for thanks." Bai Nian Zu replied good-naturedly as he waved his hand off to dismiss the formalities.

"Shall we?"


Together, the two groups which were respectively led by Bai Nian Zu and Fu Qing Tian, made their way towards Jade Herb Medicine Hall where they happened to see a large crowd surrounding the vicinity and after some effort of clearing a way, the sight they came upon stunned them in their spots.

While Fu Qing Tian stared in disbelief at the extremely familiar silhouette pale-green robed young lady who was acting like a lawless bandit beating up what seemed to be the head steward of the Jade Herb Medicine Hall, Bai Nian Zu on the other hand had his eyes glued to the girl clad in light blue robes that was still crouched by two unconscious children while being flanked by a pretty young maidservant and a familiar looking man in very familiar looking uniform and just the sight of that brought a jolt of shock to Bai Nian Zu before he came back to his senses.

"Little Xia!"

Hearing the familiar low and gruff voice, Fan Zhu Xia's brows furrowed slightly as she lifted her head to face the direction where the sound came from and just like her, almost everyone's attention were drawn to the source of the voice and this includes not only the crowd but also Fu Qing Tian and the young lady that was beating the man as she asked a torrent of questions which ultimately made her stop as her curiousity was piqued, much to the man's immense relief.

"Uncle Zu! What brought you here?"

Hearing her exclamation, everyone who was there felt as if thunder struck them.

Did that girl just seriously call Bai Nian Zu; the renowned commander of the imperial capital's city and royal guards, Uncle Zu?!

Just who is that girl?!

"Xia girl, what are you doing here? Don't tell me that you're involved with this mess?" Bai Nian Zu questioned Fan Zhu Xia as he crouched down to her level while reaching out to a stray strand of hair that fell to the front of her face and tuck it behind her ear, surprising the all who watched his actions even more but instead of feeling touched, Fan Zhu Xia felt wronged which made her sent an accusing look at Bai Nian Zu.

"Mess? Isn't Xia'er the one trying to help fix this fiasco in the first place? It was this medicine hall's people that caused this two children harm!" Fan Zhu Xia complained angrily while her words spurred the pale-green robed miss to make a sound of protest.

"Hey! Isn't this young lady already trying to help you get to the bottom of this matter and find out who really caused it?!"

Eyeing the protesting girl with a crossed look, Fan Zhu Xia retorted, "How under heaven's name will you be of any help if you just keep beating up that man without even giving him a chance to answer?"

"I... ahh..."

Seeing the girl speechless, Fan Zhu Xia shook her head in exasperation and shot a look at Bai Nian Zu with her eyes looking as if it's sending him a silent message and saying; "See?".

Still feeling slightly confused, Bai Nian Zu questioned Fan Zhu Xia on the situation there and while Fan Zhu Xia explained, Fu Qing Tian took the opportunity to approach the young lady who was now huffing in anger with an aggrieved look as she stared at Fan Zhu Xia with teary eyes as if Fan Zhu Xia was her sweetheart who left her for another which made Fu Qing Tian not know whether he should laugh or cry at seeing such an expression on her.

Approaching her, Fu Qing Tian pets the green-robed young lady's head comfortingly as he said, "Little Zhenzhen, what happened here?"

Having gotten her attention, Fu Zhenzhen then turned her teary-eyed gaze at Fu Qing Tian before she ran into his arms and explained everything in a rush but still with a wronged expression on her face as her small, dainty mouth trembled.

"Big Brother! It's good that you're here, now nobody will bully Zhenzhen!" Fu Zhenzhen cried loudly and pitifully as she buried herself in her brother's arms while shooting a covert look at Fan Zhu Xia to sew her reaction yet much to her dismay, even upon hearing her cry and complain, Fan Zhu Xia only rolled her eyes and ignored her.

"Bully you? Who bullied you?" Fu Qing Tian asked gently yet a flash of coldness appeared in his eyes before he quickly hid it. His sister didn't notice it yet it couldn't escape the eyes of the multiple experts who had their eyes trained on him.

Seeing it, the group of guards with Fan Zhu Xia made their way closer to stand near where Fan Zhu Xia was, half-surrounding her. Their actions confused some of the onlookers but those who were more aware understood that things may just eacalate from here.

Even Fan Zhu Xia and Bai Nian Zu were a bit surprised at the sudden turn of events yet once they thought about it, there wasn't much shock in their hearts since they were perfectly aware on the direction where this situation is heading to.

Sighing, Bai Nian Zu quietly asked Fan Zhu Xia, "Did you really bully the Fu family's young miss?"

"Does Uncle Zu mean that pale-green robed young lady there?"

"En. She is Fu Zhenzhen. She comes from the Fu family, quite an influential family and a troublesome background to deal with."

"Sorry to trouble you then Uncle Zu but rest assured, I did not hurt her unless you count teaching that scum of a man over there a lesson." Fan Zhu Xia replied while nodding to the man who was lying down in the ground after being kicked and beaten repeatedly by Fu Zhenzhen.

"As long aa you didn't harm her the I'll be able to deal with it. Besides, based from what you told me you just need to know who gave the original treatment to this little girl, isn't that right?"

"En. I need to know what method he used or what prescription he gave so that I can accurately determine what caused this girl's condition to decline to this degree. If this little boy was conscious, I would have just directly taken them instead of dealing with this mess."

Sensing her frustration, Bai Nian Zu shot a comforting smile towards Fan Zhu Xia and said, "If that's the case the let your uncle here take care of it for you!"

"Many thanks, Uncle Zu."

Straightening up, Bai Nian Zu shot a glance at the man who was lying prone on the ground before directing his gaze up to meet Fu Qing Tian's stare.

Knowing that the Fu Young Master's anger was already ignited, Bai Nian Zu still had a calm expression on his face.

"Young Master Fu, it would seem that there was just a misunderstanding here that got blown out of proportion."

Hearing his words, Fu Qing Tian's eyes narrowed slightly yet the gentle and calm expression on his face didn't change one bit, actually earning Fan Zhu Xia's admiration since she very well knew that this young man in front of her was very mad and his anger was all directed at her ever since Fu Zhenzhen ran into his arms which to Fan Zhu Xia was completly understandable after she heard Fu Zhenzhen address him earlier.

"Is Commander Bai sure? The report that this young master received was that our Jade Herb Medicine Hall is being accused of fraud!"