Resolving the Matter - 19

As soon as Fan Hui Zhong received Min Sheng's report and Fan Zhu Xia's message, he quickly excused himself from Wu Zheng He and under Min Sheng's lead, they arrived at Jade Herb Medicine Hall.

Quickly dismounting his Stallion Drake, Fan Hui Zhong quickly made his way inside the Jade Herb Medicine Hall along with Min Sheng and soon came upon the scene of several people waiting outside a closed door.

Recognizing a familiar face, Fan Hui Zhong quickly made his way forwards as he called out.

"Brother Nian Zu! Min Sheng forgot to tell me you'd be here." Fan Hui Zhong cordially greeted with a smile which Bai Nian Zu returned with a grin.

"Ah, details, details. I am but a minor character here today." Bai Nian Zu replied which promptly reminded Fan Hui Zhong of his purposr here.

Spotting her daughter's maidservant, he then shot her a pointed glance and asked, "Where is your Young Miss?"

"Answering Lei Wangye's question, the Young Miss is inside providing treatment to the injured child. This servant only came out since the Young Miss ordered this servant to come out and have Captain Min here go out and send you a message."

Hearing how Chun Hua addressed the newly arrived man, everyone present was struck dumb with surprise aside from the people that Bai Nian Zu brought and Fan Zhu Xia's escorts who knew immediately knew and recognized Fan Hui Zhong.

A contemplating look crossed Fan Hui Zhong's face before he gave a dismissive nod towards Chun Hua.

"Alright, then let us wait for my daughter to call us in."

Hearing him confirm his identity and relationship towards Fan Zhu Xia, they felt as if one surprise after another was popping out at them.

Meanwhile, Fu Zhenzhen who was initially nervous felt immensely proud of herself as she thought of how she acted accordingly earlier and actually followed Fan Zhu Xia's lead while her brother, Fu Qing Tian felt immensely relieved that neither he nor his sister didn't irrevocably offended that particular young lady earlier, after all, who would have thought that she was actually the daughter of Lei Wangye?!

That is not an existence that even his influential Fu family can just go around offending!

Oblivious to their thoughts, Fan Hui Zhong just focused his attention towards the closed door and it was just at this moment that he heard a weak voice call out and say, "Chun Hua!"

Recognizing it, Fan Hui Zhong stiffened for a second at hearing how weak that voice sounded and just as the others were about to react to that voice, Fan Hui Zhong already moved and was already by the door and pushing it open.

The first thing that greeted them was a strong yet calming medicinal smell that was almost being overpowered by a strong stench of blood that had a more pungent decaying smell than usual.

Quickly scanning the room, everyone's eyes first landed on the wooden bed where they saw the little girl's unconscious form which was just haphazardly covered with her outer robes and the blood that was slowly dripping down the bed and on to the floor.

Seeing such a gruesome scene, everyone was quite alarmed and both Fu Qing Tian quickly made their way to the child to check her status while Fan Hui Zhong and Bai Nian Zu who noticed Fan Zhu Xia looking extremely pale while sitting down on the floor with her back leaning against a cabinet with a young boy tucked protectively under her arm hurried over to her side.

"Xia'er are you alright?" Fan Hui Zhong worriedly asked as he reached out and gently wiped the sweat away from her brows and brushed her hair back and away from her face.

"Xia'er is fine... Xia'er is sorry for troubling Father."

Looking at her pale complexion, Fan Hui Zhong couldn't help but frown in concern while Bai Nian Zu asked gruffly in concern, "Are you sure you're alright, girl?"

"Yes, Uncle Zu, Xia'er is sure."

Glancing over their shoulders, Fan Zhu Xia saw both Fu Qing Tian and Gu Lang already checking up on the little girl and as if feeling her stare, Fu Qing Tian looked up and met gaze before he suddenly froze up.

Right in front of him was the same young lady he was talking to earlier but now the veil that covered the lower half of her face was nowhere to be seen, leaving her impossibly beautiful and breathtaking countenance out for everyone to see. Fu Qing Tian already surmised earlier that she is a heart-stopping beauty underneath but he didn't expect that it would be to this extent!

He's seen his fair share of beauties among his travels but this girl in front of him was like an incomparable fairy amongst the flowers, totally beyond compare!

It was a good thing that despite his momentary shock, he was able to catch himself and understand the questioning look that she was sending towards him.

"No need to worry, Young Miss. The little girl is fine, she just needs to get plenty of rest and eat some nourishing food to help her recover faster."

Given Fu Qing Tian's reassurance, Fan Zhu Xia then shot him an appreciative smile filled with relief, momentarily making him starstruck before he managed to return it.

Shifting her attention towards the young boy in her embrace, Fan Zhu Xia's hold on him tightened as he shot a look towards her father who met her gaze as an unspoken conversation passed through them with just a look.

"So this is the young boy that Min Sheng told me about?" Fan Hui Zhong asked with a start.

"En. He is called Shi Hong. Apparently he's an orphan but Father, it's as if we're fated to meet! His late master's family name is coincidentally the same as my first master's family name!" Fan Zhu Xia conversationally said. In an instant, Fan Hui Zhong got her whole meaning and shooting the boy a more pondering look.

Fan Hui Zhong then gently reached out and took the boy and cradled him with one arm before reaching out to help Fan Zhu Xia stand up to her feet with Chun Hua's assistance.

"Let us go back, I think you had enough excitement for today."

Looking slightly sheepish, Fan Zhu Xia laughed and smiled as she replied, "En. A good rest would be nice about now."

With her father's assistance, Fan Zhu Xia was able to stably stand as long as Fan Hui Zhong keeps his hold on her. Turning her head back to Fu Qing Tian, she then asked, "Young Master Fu, is it alright if I bring the two children with me? Shi Hong might get worried if he wakes up without his friend there."

"Of course. No need to ask for permission, you are after all the children's benefactor."

"Many thanks." Fan Zhu Xia replied gratefully before meeting Gu Lang's gaze and saying, "This Young Miss wishes to apologize for her earlier offense. I do hope that you can forgive me, Venerable Doctor Gu."

Waving her apologies off, Gu Lang just said, "No need for apologies. This old man would just like to ask for the opportunity to come and have tea with the Young Miss and be able to exchange some pointers about alchemy and medicine if given the chance."

Just as she was about to reply, Fan Zhu Xia noticed Fu Zhenzhen hopeful look directed towards her making her the corner of her lips tilt up slightly.

"Of couse, please feel free to drop by and pay me a visit at the Fan family residence and look for me. Just say that you are a friend of Zhu Xia."

Gladdened, Gu Lang quickly cupped his hands together and expressed his thanks but the crest-fallen look on Fu Zhenzhen's face didn't escape Fan Zhu Xia, almost making her laugh.

Feeling a bit sorry for her, Fan Zhu Xia coughed slightly to draw their attention before she said, "Of course, the invitation is for all of you so please do not hesitate to call on me, after all, there isn't many people who I know here in the capital."

Immediately perking up, Fu Zhenzhen brightly smiled at her as she spoke and said, "Zhenzhen will be sure to drop by and play then!"

Smilingly, Fan Zhu Xia just nodded then bid them farewell before turning back to Fan Hui Zhong and saying, "We can leave now, Father."

"En. Come along."

After they left, Bai Nian Zu also bid his goodbye before leading his group back and leaving just the few Jade Herb Medicine Hall's and Fu Qing Tian's people there behind and after quickly closing the Jade Herb Medicine Hall up, Fu Qing Tian led them back to the Fu Manor where the rest of the people from Jade Herb Medicine Hall were waiting in one of the main courtyards.

Gathering everyone before turning to them, Fu Qing Tian then spoke in a loud, crystal clear voice as he addressed them.

"Everyone, though

the matter today has been resolved and it was proven that our Jade Herb Medicine Hall did not purposefully provide the wrong treatment, our Jade Herb Medicine Hall still made a mistake, though it isn't entirely the fault of just Venerable Doctor Gu Lang, what I, Fu Qing Tian is most disappointed about is how our Jade Herb Medicine Hall handled the complaint that we received today! If that Young Miss did not arrive today, our very own store manager might have beaten those children to death yet despite of that, not one of you called a stop to it or even sent someone to inform me of the incident. Instead, this Young Master only received the news that someone was making trouble for our medicine hall, yet not once did anyone mention to me what caused it in the first place! Just because it seemed like our medicine hall

is in trouble and has a conflict doesn't give us the right to bully those who are weaker. We don't have the right to manipulate the situation just because my Fu family is strong and influential! This Young Master expects that should this ever happen again, the matter should be properly investigated before actions are taken accordingly, am I understood?"

"Yes, Young Master." everyone at courtyard simultaneously answered.

"Good, now you guards, this Young Master wants you to take the old manager and throw him out! We don't need people like that in our medicine hall. Just have someone treat his injuries and give him his last pay and have him begone. As for the one who came and gave me a misleading report, have that person caned twenty-times and cut his salary by half."

"Right away, Young Master."

Hearing his words, two voices loudly wailed and begged for mercy with the old manager being the loudest among the two yet Fu Qing Tian turned deaf to their pleas and ignored them as they were dragged out.

"Now all of you better remember this clearly, should this happen again, the punishments will only be worse. See that none of you make my Fu family lose face once more and disappoint me!"

Without another word, Fu Qing Tian then led the quiet Fu Zhenzhen out of the courtyard and left them there to talk and quietly discuss what happened. Those that were left behind earlier at the Jade Herb Medicine Hall then started to share what they witnessed occur, especially Gu Lang who was questioned by his colleagues as to why he escaped punishment when he was the one who treated the girl yesterday.

"Old Gu, tell us what happened!"

"Why did Young Master Fu not say anything? Did he already hand down his punishment to you earlier?"

"What even happened with the girl anyway? How come that child's condition was so complicated?"

"Did that Young Miss make so much trouble to make our Young Master that furious?"

"Come on, Old Doctor Gu! Do share with us how thing went back at the medicine hall!"

"Is it true that the Young Miss actually treated that child?"

"Was it all a play? Is that why the Young Master was so angry?"

"Spare us some details, would you old friend?"

Amidst the myriad of questions, Gu Lang waved his hand and called out several times to calm down his colleagues and stop the torrent of questions from falling on him before finally answering.

"My friends, none of it was a play and the main reason that I wasn't punished was only because after further examining the child it was actually that Young Miss that vouched for me and told our Young Master that I did not make any errors, the only problem was that I failed to realize that the girl was already poisoned when she came in and the treatment I gave her could only help supplement a person's recovery but not remove the poison which was way too potent that it overpowered the pill I gave her."

"What pill did you give her then?" one of the alchemists asked curiously.

"I gave her the Vitality Returning Pill."

After hearing Gu Lang's response, a collective gasp of surprise was heard before another one suddenly exclaimed and asked, "Heavens! Of you gave the child such a pill then what kind of poison could even overwhelm the medicinal properties of the Vitality Returning Pill?"

Looking at them gravely, "The child was actually poisoned by the poisonous miasma in the Abyss Valley Mountain Range when she got lost. It was no wonder my treatment didn't work, the poison was too potent!"

"Poor child! What happened to her then?"

"Friends, that child is already in the path to making a full recovery! It would seem that the heavens had pity on her which even gave her the chance to bump into a divine doctor! As all of you know, the chances of curing that poison is next to nil, yet despite of this, the Young Miss who interfered actually has such heaven-defying skills and has managed to purge out the poison from her body so that my Vitality Returning Pill's medicinal properties could be circulated and absorbed! It was just such a shame that I wasn't able to witness the whole treatment since the Young Miss made us leave the room."

"Is what you say true, Old Gu?"

"As serious as I can get that I am even willing to make an oath."

Countless murmurs erupted from around them. They all saw the supposed young divine doctor and she really was such a young lady that it was just that hard to believe yet with Gu Lang who was obsessed with alchemy and medicine vouching for her, they had no choice but to believe!

After the multiple discussions regarding the matters that happened today, everyone then went on their separate ways in the Fu manor and while the Fu siblings were narrating what happened in the Jade Herb Medicine Hall to their father; Fu Qing Jue, it was also around this time that Fan Hui Zhong and Fan Zhu Xia arrived back at the Fan residence along with the two still unconscious kids and their escorts.