Dealing With Loose Ends - 23

After leaving the Fan Estate, Fan Yong Rui immediately rushed into an abandoned location just outside the Imperial Capital and into it's surrounding woods where a dilapidated cabin was located just beside a small serene lake.

Barging inside the small cabin, he quickly made a few seals using his hands and stretched his hand towards a cracked and damaged fireplace and pulsed his qi towards it's location.

With a quiet, groaning sound, a small light appeared before it expanded and the fireplace slowly opened up to reveal stairs that led underground.

Immediately entering it, Fan Yong Rui flitted quickly through the corridors, like a phantom before he came in front of a cast iron door which he quickly injected with his qi to unlock it before pushing it open.

Seeing One standing guard over the assassin, Fan Yong Rui let out an internal sigh of relief before swiftly walking to stand in front of the assassin.

Just as the assassin raised his head to stare at him, he felt a jolt of pain go through his chest before he tasted a sweet, fishy taste in his mouth as he coughed out blood.

Looking down, his movements sluggish, he saw an arm dressed in high-quality and elaborately embroidered purple robe protruding through his chest, his blood slowly soaking into the fabric.

"W-What are y-you d-doing?" the assassin sputtered out in disbelief.

"What does it look like?" Fan Yong Rui sneered with a cold smirk on his face.

Before the assassin could reply, Fan Yong Rui twisted his arm and then yanked something out before holding it in front of the assassin with a smile as Fan Yong Rui saw the assassin's eyes widen as he stared disbelievingly at the object that's in Fan Yong Rui hand.

A deep coldness spread from the assassin's chest as he slowly felt numbness consume him while the last remaining qi in his body fought to help him stay conscious yet he still felt his vision go hazy at the edges yet his eyes remained focus on one thing as he struggled to talk.

"T-That's my h-heart!"

"Not anymore." Fan Yong Rui replied before crushing it with his qi and flicking his hand downwards as bits of flesh and blood were spattered into the floor.

All this while, One never uttered a word despite his surprise over his master's actions.

The assassin then slumped over, his eyes still open as his empty gaze stared blankly ahead, unseeing as the last traces of life left him while Fan Yong Rui watched on with an unreadable look on his face.

This lasted for several minutes before Fan Yong Rui coldly called out and said, "One."

"Here, Master."

"Search his body carefully and bring anything you find to me. I'll just go and change out of this clothes."

"As you wish, Master."

After a short while, Fan Yong Rui was dressed in new robes and was sipping tea when One appeared in front of him and placed several items before him on the small table.

"This are?"

"All the things we were able to get from the assassin's corpse, Master."

Picking them one by one, Fan Yong Rui saw quite a variety of weapons and several small vials as well as a small jade stone.

Picking it up, Fan Yong Rui studied it carefully before he finally realized what it was.

"This is a Communication Jade. A very high-quality one at that." Fan Yong Rui mused out loud as twisted it around his fingers and played with it before throwing it over to One who caught it.

"This Young Master wants you to go investigate all of this items, especially this Communication Jade and try to get as much information as you can. You have a day before I return. Understood?"


Without another word, One disappeared along with all the items that he brought as well.


"Here, Master." a soft female voice answered as the silhuoette of a slim, graceful woman melted off from the shadows to reveal a beautiful woman wearing a pure black dress that was opened seductively to reveal her collarbone and shoulders while also giving a tantalizing view of the tops of her bountiful breasts and the valley it created.

The only thing missing is a view of her face but unfortunately she was wearing a hat that also had a black curtained veil that concealed her face.

Seductively swaying her hips, she went to bow to Fan Yong Rui, revealing more of her tempting cleavage yet Fan Yong Rui acted as if he didn't see it and just stood up and straightened his robes before speaking.

"You'll come with me to check how someone managed to sneak into the estate and who had the audacity to help them, after all, even if there are traitors inside, it doesn't mean that there aren't any wolves lurking outside."

"Very well said, Master!" Five exclaimed with a flirtatious laugh.

Ignoring her overtures, Fan Yong Rui just turned his back on her and said one word before disappearing.


Seeing him disappear, the lady just laughed before she quickly disappeared into the shadows as if a ghost.

Meanwhile, back at the Fan Estate, five people were kneeling in front of Fan Hui Zhong, Fan Hui Liang and Fan Li Jie while five armored soldiers from the Lei Sha Di Army stood behind them.

"What do you have to say for yourselves?" Fan Hui Liang coldly asked.

"Masters please, we did nothing wrong!"

"We're innocent!"

"We've been framed!"

"We would never do something like this!"

"We've been wrongly accused!"

With his fury boiling over, Fan Hui Zhong roared, "ENOUGH!"

Subsequently, the cries of the five people quieted down. Two of them were guards, one was a maid with a pretty face and slim figure, another was a soldier from the Lei Sha Di Army and the last was just a stable boy.

Looking at them with an impenetrable gaze, Fan Li Jie then opened his mouth and spoke in his usual aloof tone yet the glint in his eyes belied his anger.

"All of them are lying."

"Are you sure?" Fan Hui Liang asked.


Hearing his nephew's response, Fan Hui Zhong raised his eyes and met the gaze of one of the soldiers and with a nod, the soldier drew his sword and swung it.

Silence enveloped the courtyard as the head of the captured soldier went flying before rolling a couple of feet as the head and headless body spurted blood as it tumbled down the ground.

The remaining four paled considerably as they stared with shock and horror at what just happened before them.

"Now are you going to talk or not?" Fan Hui Zhong asked icily before he let his aura loose and used it to pressure the four that were still kneeling.

The instant it touched them, the stable boy spurted out blood from his mouth and dropped unconscious while the maid coughed out blood which was the same as the same with the two guards.

Seeing this, Fan Hui Zhong raised a hand and immediately the two guards and the stable boy were beheaded while the maid was wrapped in chains and knocked out.

"Li Jie, you're in charge of getting answers from that girl, understood?" Fan Hui Liang said.

"Yes, Father."

With that, Fan Li Jie went off with several guards accompanying him and bringing the unconscious maid along as well.

After Fan Li Jie left, Fan Hui Liang then turned towards Fan Hui Zhong who still had a dark expression, Fan Hui Liang then said, "Brother, I'll handle the rest of the matters with the infiltration and the estate."

"En. That would be for the best." Fan Hui Zhong nodded in assent but to Fan Hui Liang, he could tell that there was still something bothering his twin brother and before long, Fan Hui Zhong then sighed and spoke in a grave voice.

"Go on ahead, Liang'er. I still have to go and sift through the Lei Sha Di Army."

Knowing that the task his brother took was quite challenging as well as disheartening especially when traitorous spies are found amongst their most trusted men, he can only sigh before clamping his hand onto his brother's shoulder and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Alright then. Good luck, Big Brother."

"Thanks. You as well, Liang'er."

With that, the two then separated and headed off to two different directions.

As the three went off to do different yet similarly important tasks, it was at this time that Fan Xian Liang arrived with the Crown Prince; Jin Meng Yao.

When the two who had gone around shopping for wine returned to the Fan Estate and was greeted by a heavily guarded front gate, both immediately realized that something was wrong.

Min Guo Ji who was specifically waiting for the Third Young Master to arrive quickly stepped forward and paid respects to Fan Xian Liang and Jin Meng Yao before shooting a meaningful look towards Fan Xian Liang.

Seeing it, although bewildered by the situation, Fan Xian Liang could only turn to his friend and say, "Meng Yao, I'll introduce you to my cousin some other day, alright?"

"En. Just send word if there's anything you need Xian. I'll go on ahead now." Jin Meng Yao said in reply, not wanting to make things more difficult for his friend, while taking note to mention this to his father in private later.

After all, for something to happen at the Fan Estate is quite a big deal, especially since this family is not just any ordinary noble family!

After seeing the crown prince off, Min Guo Ji ushered Fan Xian Liang to his mother's courtyard where his mother; Wei Rou Xiang was waiting for him with a grave expression on her face.

Seeing it, Fan Xian Liang rushed forward and his mother welcomed him with a short yet tight embrace before leading him inside and having one of her servants immediately serve tea and pastries.

Ignoring the refreshments in front of him, Fan Xian Liang asked, "Mother, what happened?"

"Drink first, then we'll talk." Wei Rou Xiang urged as she took a sip of tea calmly.

Seeing the look that his mother gave him, Fan Xian Liang then took a small sip before saying, "There. Now please tell me what happened, Mother."

Sighing, Wei Rou Xiang slowly lowered her cup and shot a serious look towards her youngest son before she spoke.

"There was an assassination attempt on your Grandfather. Your father, uncle and older brothers are now taking care of things. In the meantime, your uncle ordered for you to stay here with me as we wait for updates."

Stunned, Fan Xian Liang nodded numbly before he slowly sat down since he inadvertantly stood to his feet when he heard the news.

"Then what about Cousin?" Fan Xian Liang then asked worriedly when he thought of Fan Zhu Xia.

"No need to worry, she's helping look after your grandfather since she has some medical background."

"Alright then..."

Several hours passed and the afternoon turned to night and they received reports that various medicinal smells were coming from Fan Song Xue's room which they then informed by Fan Hui Zhong that it was probably Fan Zhu Xia's doing and that they should not disturb her.

During the night, practically no one rested since all were tense and waited for updates and news from each other.

Regarding the matters handled by Fan Hui Liang, two more stable hands were apprehended along with a low ranking steward and a patrol guard captain. Upon capture, the guard captain immediately commited suicide while the rest were interrogated and upon getting no useful information, were thereby executed.

On Fan Hui Zhong's end however, things progressed smoothly since he was in possession of the same kind of truth elixir gave to Fan Yong Rui. With the help of this elixir, twenty-eight people were found out to have ulterior motives although none of them were related to the assassin anymore, despite of this, Fan Hui Zhong still ordered for them to be executed and their heads be sent to their employers with a message not to mess or meddle with the Fan family or they will be facing the wrath of the Lei Palace with him at the helm.

It was a night that several heads of clans confirmed the return of the infamous Lei Wangye yet most who received this return gift from the Lei Palace could only feel cold sweat run down their backs.

Most of the nobility grew complacent in Fan Hui Zhong's absence and since Fan Hui Liang preferred to be more diplomatic and hasn't been seen in action as much due to a lack of conflict within the kingdom, many assumed that the Fan family, along with the Lei Palace had deteriorated.

This was something that Fan Hui Zhong dealt with overnight.

It also helped him in deciding whether or not he and his daughter will be staying here or if they will continue to travel.

While this was happening, Fan Li Jie was just about to finish interrogating the young maid who was chained up inside a damp, cold and moldy cell.

The young maid who originally looked like a young flower about to bud now looked wilted and almost beyond recognition. The light colored uniform dress she wore earlier was now torn and bloodstained, while her hair that she had tied up prettily was looking extremely disheveled and almost resembled a bird's nest.

One of the guards who was inside the cell with Fan Li Jie held a bloodstaine whip and was looking at the Eldest Young Master and waiting for his instructions.

"Wake her up." Fan Li Jie ordered in an aloof manner yet the gaze he used to stare at the young maid, even made the guard feel chills run down his spine.

Stepping forward, the guard splashed ice cold water towards the unconscious maid who was immediately drenched and startled awake.

Seeing Fan Li Jie who was making his way closer to her, the young maid was filled with fear and terror.

Who knew that the usually cold and aloof young master that seemed above mundane and wordly matters had such a cruel and terrifying side?

"Y-Young Master, p-please l-let this servant g-go! This s-servant already t-told Young M-Master e-everything, please b-believe me!" the maid cried out pitifully.

Crouching down, Fan Li Jie grasped her chin in his hands. His long, smooth fingers clenched tightly on her jaw to the point that he almost crushed it with his strength.

As the maid cried, Fan Li Jie remained expressionless and just continued tightening it before his lips suddenly tilted into a cold smile before he abruptly pushed and let go of the maid.

Straightening up from his crouch, he took out a silk handkerchief and wiped his hands clean before throwing it away.

Glancing at the maid who was sobbing pathetically, Fan Li Jie then said, "I believe you."

Hearing his words, a glimmer of hope appeared in the young maid's eyes as she stammered out, "R-Really?"


Overjoyed, the maid started stuttering as she tried expressing her grattitude.

"Young Master is benevolent! This servant swears to always be loyal and never do anything to betray Young Master's trust!"

Turning to her, Fan Li Jie spoke in a voice filled with contempt.

"Who said I'm releasing you?"

Confused, the maid stared at Fan Li Jie dumbly and watched as Fan Li Jie gave a nod to the guard who immediately acted upon receiving the signal.

As if realizing the truth, the maid then struggled violently against the chains that held her back and started begging and wailing but the guard paid no heed and just drew his sword and beheaded the maid while Fan Li Jie just stood there looking at the scene apathetically.

Seeing that the matter has been settled, Fan Li Jie turned to leave while instructing the guard.

"Make sure to clean everything up."

"Yes, Eldest Young Master."

Going out of the underground detention cells of the Lei Palace, Fan Li Jie was met by Min Guo Ji who then told him that his father and uncle were waiting for him at the Xiong Jia Courtyard along with hs mother and his younger brother.

Upon realizing that almost a day had passed, Fan Li Jie hurried along with Min Guo Ji and soon arrived at Xiong Jia Courtyard where a spread of light dishes and some porridge was served on the table.

Seeing her eldest son arrive, Wei Rou Xiang quickly stood up and dragged him to the table and urged him to eat.

Fan Li Jie was about to say something when he recognized a guard from his grandfather's courtyard rushing towards them.

Both Fan Hui Zhong and Fan Hui Liang also noticed this and slowly got up to their feet.

"Patriarch! Lei Wangye! The Old Patriarch has woken up and is urgently summoning you." The guard immediately said as soon as he was near.

Not wasting time, everyone there abandoned their meal and hurriedly went to follow the guard who was rushing them along. This alone made them apprehensive and worried that something might have happened.

The moment they arrived at Fan Song Xue's courtyard, they rushed to the main bedroom where they saw Fan Song Xue reclining on the bed which was recently cleaned and wearing new robes, still looking pale yet very alert.

The sight made them collectively sigh in relief and at the same time marvel at Fan Zhu Xia's expertise.

"It's great to see you awake and well again, Father." Fan Hui Zhong said gruffly, his joy shining through his eyes while Fan Hui Liang nodded his head in agreement with a wide grin filled with happiness as he hurried close and clasped their father's hand in his own.

Seeing his two sons in front of him along with their family, Fan Song Xue almost felt overwhelmed with happiness that he couldn't help but smile but then as soon as he remembered his granddaughter's state, his smile slowly faded.

It was at this time that Fan Hui Zhong then looked around and ask, "Where's Xia'er?