Days Before The Imperial Banquet - 24.4

Lifting a brow, Fan Hui Zhong replied with a slight sneer on his face and said, "En! His Majesty and I both know that betrayal is something that must not be condoned; with loyalty the only thing that matters... I caught traitors and spies in my home and their deaths was too light a punishment! After all, I am still the Lei Wangye; a title that was personally conferred by you! What's more, because of this, the status I hold is no less than your son; the crown prince yet people still think that I'm such a soft persimmon to swallow! As such, I must ensure that this is rectified!"

The words that Fan Hui Zhong said was spoken in such an imposing manner that everyone was shook especially when he swept the hall with an intimidating gaze.

On the other hand, Jin Fa Chung only felt nostalgia and delighted when he saw his sworn brother's imposing manner. It has been a long time since he's seen him like this, especially when he lost his wife and child.

This was the man he knew!

The aura he was exuding was exactly like how he was before!

That awe-inspiring, fearless young general who led his men to stand against an unexpected beast wave that contained hundred and maybe even thousands of demonic spirit beasts just to protect their kingdom!

Smiling, Jin Fa Chung then waived a eunuch over before speaking.

"This matter, I, Jin Fa Chung fully support! As such, This One will bestow upon you an imperial decree!"

Surprise flashed on Fan Hui Zhong's face while differing expressions were shown on the people present. Some showed approval, especially the left prime minister and the military officials while the others had a mix of shock, concern and frowning faces among scattered among the crowd.

The eunuch hurriedly brought a blank imperial decree as well as the emperor's imperial seal, Jin Fa Chung then picked up the proffered brush and dipped it into the freshly grinded ink and started writing with strong, bold strokes and nodding approvingly as he finished with a flourish of his qi to dry the ink and imbue it with his aura, further ensuring the imperial decree's authenticity as he left a trace of his qi as well as a marking it with his personal imperial seal as the emperor before motioning for the eunuch to go ahead and read it aloud.

"May the Esteemed Lei Wangye rise and receive His Majesty's decree!"

Coming to his feet, Fan Hui Zhong shot a deep look towards Jin Fa Chung before going down on one knee to receive the decree.

"To the mighty and courageous; Fan Hui Zhong! A man personally bestowed the title; Lei Wangye, who had unwaveringly led his men in the face of death to protect our beloved Thunder Vale Kingdom against numerous threats is hereby bestowed this decree! For your meritorious deeds, the Dark Flames Mountain and it's surrounding three plots of land will be awarded to you along with the right to command an army of ten thousand men strong under the banner of Lei Palace as well as a gift of a hundred thousand pieces of Spirit Crystals. My lord; Lei Wangye, please receive the decree."

Following the announcement, silence prevailed in the hall before a cacophony of loud protests filled the hall; each voicing different arguments and reasons to which Fan Hui Zhong just listened to with a disinterested smile while his sharp gaze took note of those who protested loudest.

While Fan Hui Zhong could understand where they are coming from, thus remaining aloof and nonchalant despite of it; however it was a wholly different story altogether when it came to Jin Fa Chung.

Loud voices echoed throughout the hall as countless complaints were heard, each one making the emperor's face turn darker by the second.

"Your Majesty, please reconsider!"

"Is this not giving the Fan family too much power?"

"Not only power but also an act of complete bias! His Majesty should please think this through and not let personal matters affect the court!"

The more he heard, the angerier he becomes due to his officials' act of questioning his personal written decree, Jin Fa Chung felt that they weren't leaving him any face left!

After all, as the emperor; Jin Fa Chung rarely gave out imperial decrees that were personally written by him!

And now his decision was being questioned?!

Out of everyone here, Jin Fa Chung knew that the even if everyone betrayed, the Fan family was one of the few families that he can completely count on to stand by his side and aside from that, he was perfectly aware that his sworn brother; Fan Hui Zhong wouldn't have reacted as he did if thosr people hadn't crossed his bottom line, yet they were the ones who had the gall to raise their voices in complaint!

It was just as the saying goes, the thief screaming out and accusing the victim of being the thief just to escape justice!

It was absolutely infuriating!

Fed up with anger, Jin Fa Chung roared furiously, letting his aura explode around him to oppress all those whose voices challenged his decision and authority.


Feeling the immense pressure from their emperor, all fell silent as the oppressive feeling that flooded the entire hall almost made them feel like they were about to suffocate.

A tense silence filled the hall as Jin Fa Chung furiously swept his gaze across all of his ministers and officials coldly. Each one that had his gaze land on them felt their senses be filled with danger, filling them with fear. The fact that their emperor was this mad was something that they hadn't witnessed in years! This left them completely unsure of what to do.

With his anger plainly visible for everyone to see, no one had the courage to speak up and break the silence. This was interrupted only by the voice of Fan Hui Zhong; his initiative to speak made everyone give an internal sigh of relief.

"This Wangye thanks the emperor for the incredible honor and such wondrous gifts! It is this Wangye's fault for causing your vassals to feel discontent with the favor His Majesty has shown. As such, this Fan would do his best to not disappoint His Majesty and especially take care to not give His Majesty any trouble."

Following the shocking decree from the emperor and Fan Hui Zhong's unexpected announcement, another piece of news that has been spreading around was also confirmed during one of the conversations between the ruler; Jin Fa Chung and Fan Hui Zhong.

It was when all the court proceedings was done and people were filing out to leave when a eunuch came rushing out to catch up with the Fan brothers; Hui Zhong and Hui Liang.

Noticing the eunuch, the two stopped in their tracks and waited while some deliberately slowed down just to hear their conversation.

Composing himself, the eunuch then spoke.

"Greetings to Patriarch Fan and to Lei Wangye! This small one has been ordered by His Majesty to ask if you will be attending the incoming palace banquet that is being thrown to welcome the Empress's nephew as well as the visiting princess from Spirit Valor Country?"

Sharing a knowing look with his brother, Fan Hui Zhong took the lead and smiled in reply

"Imperial banquet huh? Liang'er has mentioned it to me before... Please tell His Majesty not to worry and to expect our support and presence."

"Understood, Lei Wangye." the eunuch replied but just as they were about to turn away, Fan Hui Zhong noticed the awkward and troubled look on the eunuch's face as if there was still something he needed to say but wasn't sure if he should.

Taking pity on the man, Fan Hui Zhong asked, "Is there anything else?"

"His Majesty also wanted to ask how many will be attending from your house?"

Sharing a look, Fan Hui Zhong then asked, "Isn't each family allowed to bring a total of three?"

"Well as per His Majesty, should Lei Wangye wish to bring more then you may." The eunuch quickly explained.

When some of the officials who had slowed down their steps and lagged behind to eavesdrop heard the eunuch's words, some couldn't help but smile wryly and shake their head before quickening their steps and leaving with nods of goodbye when they saw the conversation between the eunuch and the two Fan family leaders finished.

All of them knew and understood that this show of favor is understandable after all, Fan Hui Zhong is His Majesty; the emperor's sworn brother and if they continue to voice out their complaints then the emperor might just go even more overboard than that imperial decree earlier.

When the two got home from court, both separated from each other with mutual understanding on what they should both do and set off to take swift action with Fan Hui Zhong taking care of all thr matters with Lei Palace and their collective military strength and security while Fan Hui Liang tackled the task of organizing the familiy's manpower and servants while also informing their family of what happened in court today and giving them a heads up on some of the changes that will be happening.

Despite the increase in the activity within the entire estate, inside one particular courtyard, no clamor could be heard but only a peaceful silence reined free.

It was precisely the Blooming Phoenix Courtyard.