Taking Action - 27.3

Fan Zhu Xia felt the darkness engulf her within its icy embrace when she faintly heard a soft voice filled with a calming tenderness that soothe her trembling soul murmured something unintelligible to her before a gentle silvery light enveloped her and a very comfortable warmth surrounded her, chasing the chill of the darkness away.

The suffocating heaviness she didn't even realize was there slowly faded away and she gradually regained the feeling of her body before pain assaulted her making her moan out loud with her eyes still tightly clenched shut.

It was at this split second in time that she missed seeing the extremely hazy mist that faintly pulsed with a gentle white light disappear from her room to reappear at another very distance courtyard.

Wu Jun Qiao whose soul had just returned to his body slowly opened his eyes showing amber gold eyes that flashed with satisfaction yet exhaustion still faintly showed from it. Despite this, an alluring smile slowly curved his lips upwards into a very attractive smirk before he suddenly frowned and lifted his sleeve just in time to cover his mouth as a harsh cough escaped him.

The coppery taste of blood filled his mouth and as he removed his hand from his mouth a small bloodstain could be seen just at the edge of his sleeve, making him grimace before he let out a resigned sigh as he slowly got up from the bed and walked to the door.

Just outside, a manservant was dutifully guarding and waiting for him to awake when the door suddenly opened and Wu Jun Qiao's half-covered countenance appeared, the manservant was immediately alarmed seeing the deathly white pallor on his face.

"Young Master Wu, are you alright?" the servant quickly asked as he went closer to assist the pale-looking young man.

With a tired smile, Wu Jun Qiao waved off his concern before opening his mouth to speak.

"Ahh, this young master would actually like you to ask where my cousin is? If he is still busy, will you go and inform him that I need to go back to the Wu Estate first and if you can, please have someone arrange a carriage for me to borrow for my use. As for my mount, this young master will have someone fetch it later."

"Of course, this servant will arrange for everything and send your message to the Crown Prince. As for Young Master Wu, would you like to stay in your room and rest while I make the arrangements or would Young Master like some tea be sent in?"

"No need, this young master will just wait for you to finish. Just knock on the door once everything is done."

"As you wish... If Young Master Wu would excuse me then..."

With a wave of his hand, Wu Jun Qiao then returned inside and reclined on the bed with his eyes closed as he waited.

Meanwhile, Jin Meng Yao who just received the message of his cousin from the servant was surprised before worry filled his face.

This was clearly seen by his master, Fan Hui Zhong who was talking with Min Sheng just a couple of steps away from him.

"Little Yao, what's wrong?" Fan Hui Zhong asked after halting his discussion with Min Sheng.

"Master, I have to go. It would seem as though my cousin's old illness flared up and I don't want him to go back alone."

"Is that so? Go on then, I'll arrange for both of your mounts. Has a carriage been prepared then?"

"Yes Master. The servant before said that he already arranged for it to be prepared."

"Mm, very good then." Fan Hui Zhong said with a nod before turning to Min Sheng and saying, "Min Sheng, go and escort them back. We can talk later when you get back."

Giving a respectful nod, Min Sheng quickly acknowledged his order before excusing himself to make sure the carriage they'll be taking is prepared properly.

Seeing his master's thoughtfulness, Jin Meng Yao felt touched as a wave of nostalgia swept through him.

Truly his master hasn't changed a bit!

"Thanks for your help Master."

"Enough of that, no need to dwell on the little things. Go on and find your cousin, you can tell me what you've been doing while I was away some other time."


Hurrying off, Jin Meng Yao chased after the servant and had him hurriedly bring him to where Wu Jun Qiao was residing. 

Inside his room, everything was quiet and Wu Jun Qiao was absorbing spiritual qi from his surroundings and slowly circulating it within his body to at least alleviate some of the fatigue he was feeling when the door suddenly burst open making his eyes snap open. 

"What the-" 

"Jun Qiao! Are you alright?!" Jin Meng Yao yelled out as he rushed inside, almost tearing the door down in the process, surprising Wu Jun Qiao who gaped at his cousin's antics. 

"Meng Yao! Why under heaven's name are you running around for?" 

Realizing the impact of his actions, Jin Meng Yao inadvertantly blushed and tried covering up his embarrassment by retorting hotly, "Well if someone didn't worry this prince then would this prince even be rushing about? What an ungrateful person!" 

Humphing angrily, Jin Meng Yao stared daggers at his obviously pale and sickly looking cousin who even had the gall to start chuckling! 

How dare he?! 

Seeing him turn redder, Wu Jun Qiao took a deep breath, composing himself before he replied with a grin and said, "Cousin, I'm fine. You didn't have to worry."

"Nonsense! Mother told me how bad your state can get whenever your illness flares up!" 

Feeling warmed inside, Wu Jun Qiao just smiled and said thanks.

After that, he let Meng Yao do whatever he wanted which made him not know if he should laugh or cry with his cousin acting like a worried mother hen hovering over him without stopping even when they left and arrived back at Wu Estate.

For crying out loud, Jin Meng Yao wouldn't even leave him alone until Wu Zheng He got back and assured him that he'll take care of him. 

This of course amused Wu Zheng He immensely while leaving Wu Jun Qiao feeling exasperated despite being appreciative with his cousin's concerns. 

Meanwhile, back at the Fan Estate, Fan Zhu Xia who finally regained consciousness chose to rest first and didn't immediately go inform anyone that she's awake. 

Instead, she took the chance to rearrange her thoughts and check her current status. As a physician, a mere inspection was nothing to her and she quickly noticed that during the time she was unconscious, someone should have fed her a revitalising elixir or pill of some sort which had stabilized her condition and prevented her from getting worse and even aiding her divine sense get a jump start. 

Deciding to slowly cultivate and recover, she drank the leftover Vitality Returning Pill and Spirit Reinforcement Pill she previously made to recover her strength and stimulate her mind and nourish her soul due to the injuries she incurred when she pushed past her limits in using her divine sense and mental power. 

Seeing that she almost succumbed to her inner demon, she checked her interspatial ring until she found the last remaining Energy Stabilizing Pill to calm her qi since her qi was moving a bit to erratically for her own liking. It was as if she was just on the verge of qi deviation and drinking the pill ensured that she won't have to suffer from any complications.

After ascertaining that she's already mostly recovered, Fan Zhu Xia gingerly got up from the bed and stretched out her body, working out some of the numbness from staying in one position for a long time.

Just as she was reaching for the door, it suddenly opened and a young lady with a delicate beauty entered with a steaming bowl of medicine in her hands.

Noticing her, the young lady froze as she stared at Fan Zhu Xia with wide eyes filled with shock and surprise.

Seeing her stand dumbfounded, Fan Zhu Xia gave her a soft, reassuring smile before speaking gently as if afraid to startle her even further.

"Hello, I'm sorry for scaring you but may I ask if you know how long I've been unconscious?"

Getting a hold of herself, the young lady blushed as she softly replied, "Just a little over two days, almost three days to answer Young Miss' question."

Nodding pensively, Fan Zhu Xia opened her mouth to ask another question.

"And do you happen to know what medicines I've drank since I fell unconscious?"

"Only a Holy Divining Pill that my master concocted... and well, I was supposed to feed you this revitalizing elixir as well but Young Miss is already awake."

"Revitalizing elixir you say? Let me drink it then, I do still feel a bit weak." Fan Zhu Xia said slowly with a smile and realizing the meaning of words, the young lady quickly yet gently ushered Zhu Xia to sit before helping her drink.

Finishing it up, Fan Zhu Xia handed the bowl back to the young lady who immediately took it before curiously asking her, "What's your name?"

Remembering that she forgot to introduce herself, the young lady blushed and shyly told Fan Zhu Xia her name.

"This lowly one is called Ying Xiao Li but Young Miss may call me Xiao Li or Lili..."

"Lili then... Thank you for your care this past few days."

"Lili is just glad to be of help Young Miss."

Smiling, Fan Zhu Xia got up again and gestured to Xiao Li and said, "Come then Lili... Please help me get to where grandfather is. I'd like to check on his condition first."

"To inform Young Miss, the Old Patriarch is currently in closed door cultivation. Please rest assured that the Old Patriarch's condition is already good. The Young Miss did a splendid job in treating him."

"Is that so? Then that is very good to hear. Take me to my father then. There are some things that I need to talk to him about..."