Unsealed, Unexpected Reveal - 29.3

They didn't have to wait long.

Barely an hour had passed when they heard Fan Song Xue exit the neighboring room, looking at each other, both Fan Hui Liang and Fan Zhu Xia hastily got up and quietly went out of the room as to not disturb the still unconscious Fan Hui Zhong.

Seeing Fan Song Xue's tired countenance, Fan Hui Liang couldn't help but feel worried as he rushed over to his side to offer a helping hand.

"Father, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine... it's just the seal on your nephew was harder to remove due to some complications."

Alarmed, Fan Zhu Xia couldn't help but ask, "What complications?"

"Someone tweaked the seal a bit and tried to remove it but they weren't successful so they modified it instead."

"Is it dangerous then?"

Shaking his head, Fan Song Xue replied with a thoughtful look on his face and said, "No, not dangerous... well at least not for the boy. Whoever meddled with the seal meant no harm. On the contrary, the person who made the modifications only had the best intentions base from what I can see."

Sharing a look with each other, neither Fan Hui Liang nor Fan Zhu Xia was able to ask what Fan Song Xue meant before a deep, gruff voice sounded from behind them.

"What do you mean?"

Spinning around, Zhu Xia met her father's bloodshot eyes.




Rushing up to Fan Hui Zhong's side, Fan Zhu Xia held on to his arm and worriedly asked, "How are you feeling?"

Turning to look at his concerned daughter, Hui Zhong could only manage a wan yet reassuring smile.

"I'm fine, Xia'er. Sorry for making you worry."

Giving him a measuring look, Fan Zhu Xia nodded, albeit reluctantly and just quietly stayed by his side.

Then, turning to look at his father, Fan Hui Zhong opened his mouth and repeated his earlier question.

"Father, what exactly did you mean by that? Is Shi Hong really my son?"

"Shi Hong? So that's his name..." Fan Song Xue murmured under his breath.

"Father!" Fan Hui Zhong exclaimed out lowly in frustration.

"I'm sorry but yes, that boy inside is your son. Your eldest son to be exact. Your wife, Su Yue Wan had twins..."

"Twins?" Fan Hui Zhong whispered out in a voice filled with incredulity and disbelief.

"Yes, Zhong'er, Yue Wan had twins... When I had them leave while I held the assailants off, Yue Wan carried your younger son because he was smaller and had more difficulty in breathing while she entrusted your eldest son to the shadow guard you personally assigned to her."

"Then, that boy, he really is..."

Trailing off, tears started streaming down Fan Hui Zhong's cheeks and without another word, he rushed inside the room, leaving them behind with similar expressions of understanding and joy on their faces.

Letting out a soft sigh of relief, Fan Zhu Xia turned to the two older men and gave them a sweet smile.

"Grandpa, Uncle, you both should go and take a rest. Both of you had been busy this past couple of days and didn't have a chance to get some proper rest and sleep. I can take care of things here and I'm sure that Eldest Brother can handle matters from here, after all he does have very competent help..."

After thinking for a moment, both Fan Song Xue and Fan Hui Liang nodded in agreement and bid Fan Zhu Xia farewell before heading out together.

After seeing them off, Fan Zhu Xia summoned the courtyard servants and among them were her personal maids; Chun Tao and Chun Hua.

"Young Miss, you called for us?"

"Ahh, yes... Chun Tao, what happened to the little girl? Where is she now?"

"To answer Young Miss, the little one was taken by the Young Madam when she heard what was going on here. Madam Wei said that she'll look after her in the meantime while the Young Miss takes care of things here."

"So Aunt Rou has her then? Very good... I'll have to go and thank her personally later... For now, Chun Tao, you go and have the spare room here prepared, have some servants help you... Father might be staying here for a while so make sure things are prepared for properly..."

"Yes Miss. Is there anything else the Young Miss would like us to do?"

"Have someone clean up my room here, I'll be leaving grandfather's courtyard and moving back to here."

"Of course Miss."

"Alright, all of you may go... oh but Chun Hua, you stay."

With a respectful nod, the rest of the servants left with Chun Tao leading them while Chun Hua stood respectfully at one side, waiting for Fan Zhu Xia to speak.

"Chun Hua..."

"Yes Miss?"

"Has the construction and renovations on the back building finished?"

"Yes Miss. The small building at the back of your courtyard has just been fully furnished and stocked today. The servant quarters were finished two days ago and the kitchen yesterday and fully stocked with all the necessary food and supplies this morning."

"Hmm, is that so? Very good, then lead me there. It's almost daybreak. I want to prepare something light and nourishing for Father and Shi Hong to eat."

Ignoring the surprise she felt at hearing her young mistress wanted to cook, Chun Hua obediently showed Fan Zhu Xia to the kitchen.

After surveying the available ingredients there, Fan Zhu Xia waved the rest of them off and proceeded fluttering around the kitchen.

Chun Hua, along with the rest of the kitchen courtyard's servants quietly watched from the doorway as Fan Zhu Xia washed the ingredients before moving on to chopping and slicing some herbs and vegetables then cleaning and preparing various kinds of meat to be steamed, fried and stewed.

Before long, a tantalizing smell wafted out from the kitchen and while it smelled absolutely appetizing, there was an almost subtle layer of medicinal scent just beneath it.

The servants nearby that were drawn over from the smell of the food were whispering among themselves couldn't help but edge closer to Chun Hua who was their young mistress' personal maid.

"Sister Hua, what is the Young Miss cooking?"

"Yeah, do you know? It smells so good!"

The two servants who spoke out was quickly supported by the others with quiet murmurs of agreement until Chun Hua shot them a pointed look to silence them.

"I don't know what the Young Miss is making but all of you should just go back to prepare for your duties. It's already morning and the masters may be coming out soon."

Realizing the truth of her words, the rest of the servants scampered off towards their respective posts, leaving behind only a handful of kitchen servants.

Not long after the others left, Fan Zhu Xia opened the doors to the kitchen and saw the small cluster of servants standing just outside.

Albeit a bit surprised, Fan Zhu Xia just shrugged it off and shot them a small smile.

"Everyone, I've prepared quite a lot so pack a portion of the dishes and send them to the other masters. It's still quite early so I'm sure the kitchen hasn't finished preparing breakfast for them yet. Just make sure to leave enough food for me, my father and little brother."

"Right away Young Miss."

As the servants quickly went to do her orders, Chun Hua quietly informed Fan Zhu Xia that her room has already been cleaned and followed behind her.

After bathing and changing her clothes, Fan Zhu Xia finally washed away the smell of food and the faint lingering smell of wine from the night before.

"Chun Hua, go and make sure that breakfast is ready to bee served. I'm sure that both Father and Shi Hong will be out soon."

"Yes, Miss."

The moment she was left alone, Fan Zhu Xia gracefully sat down and poured herself a cup of tea that was freshly brewed by Chun Hua while she was still dressing up.

Taking a sip, Fan Zhu Xia mused before quietly chuckling to herself as she shook her head.

"I wonder, just how will the capital take the news of the existence of Lei Wangye's eldest son?"