Motives and Speculations - 32.3

A low constant hum seemed to be echoing softly through her ears. The bleak darkness that surrounded her seemed to be shifting and from unfeeling numbness, pain slowly filled her insides as if it was being stabbed constantly.

With a low moan, Fan Zhu Xia, subconsciously curled her body when she felt a cool touch grab her hand before a firm pressure landed on her shoulders to stop her from moving.

This made her try to open her eyes and after a minute or two of struggling, her eyes fluttered open. It took her another moment to clear her bleary sight to finally see her surroundings.

At first glance, she saw that she was in a simple yet elegantly decorated room and the previous, more elaborate dress she wore to the banquet has been exchanged with simpler robes made of high-quality fabric which was much more comfortable than the one she wore before. Shifting her gaze, she finally paid attention to the familiar figures were crowded around her bed as they stared at her with eyes filled with worry and concern.

"Sister, you're finally awake... I was so, so worried!" Fan Shi Hong cried out from just beside her as his hand that lightly trembled as he clung onto hers tightened as he spoke.

"I'm fine Little Shi, don't cry..." Fan Zhu Xia comforted before turning to the others.

"Is... Is everyone okay?"

"Everyone's fine, Xia'er... You're the one we're all worried about." Fan Li Jie replied in a low voice.

"I'm fine... really!"

Seeing them cast doubtful looks towards her, Fan Zhu Xia could only wryly smile.

"We all know you're in pain right now, why lie?" Fan Xian Liang pointedly asked.

"That's right Sister! The physicians told us you're suffering from a lot of internal injuries..." Fan Shi Hong added with a look of concern.

"It's fine. I have some pills here."

Without further delay, Fan Zhu Xia quickly took out a jade medicine bottle from his sleeve and quickly opened it.

As soon as she removed the stopper, a distinct medicinal smell wafted out and when she saw the curious looks sent her way, Fan Zhu Xia smiled and started to explain after she swallowed a couple of pills.

"It's a pill I concocted recently for our soldiers. It has the effect of easing pain and alleviating the damage caused to the body by internal injuries. If the injury is light then one pill should help you completely recover but if it's more serious then a maximum of three can be taken and then proper rest should be observed to fully recover and remove any possible sequelae in the future."

"Then you're injuries earlier..." Fan Li Jie murmured with a dark expression before trailing off.

Realizing his feelings, Fan Zhu Xia just smiled and waved it off while nonchalantly saying, "Don't dwell on it, this isn't the worst thing that's happened to me so no need to worry."

A frozen silence settled in the room and Fan Zhu Xia's eyes widened when she realized what her words implied.

Before she could open her mouth to explain, Fan Yong Rui who kept silent until now, opened his mouth to speak and helped her ease the atmosphere.

"Alright, I think that's enough. Instead of stressing Little Xia, I think there's other more pressing matters to attend to."

"You mean the attack?" Fan Xian Liang asked.

"En. There was something strange about their actions... Have you guys noticed it?"

"Hmm... Are you referring to how they primarily targeted military officers an influential individuals?" Fan Li Jie said with a serious expression.

"Yes. They were also quite skilled and ruthless when they retreated. A lot of families sent people to help the imperial guards to capture them yet most of them still escaped while those who were caught resolutely committed suicide."

A moment of silence ensued as they all pondered on what this meant and before any of them could talk about it more, they felt a familiar presence coming closer and soon opened the door.



"Uncle Zhong!"

Fan Zhu Xia, Fan Shi Hong and Fan Xian Liang exclaimed at the same time while Fan Li Jie and Fan Yong Rui greeted Fan Hui Zhong much more calmly.

Nodding to them, Fan Hui Zhong's eyes landed on Fan Zhu Xia who was still lying down on the bed, looking quite pale and frail at the moment.

"How are you feeling?"

"Father, I'm alright. Just a bit sore but I already ate some pills and I should be fine after some rest."

Seeing the sincere look on her face, Fan Hui Zhong sighed in relief before he turned to his nephews.

"Xian Liang, go and stay with your mother. She's with the empress. While you two go and meet up with your father, he's just outside, he has things to talk about with you."

Upon hearing his words, all three nodded in acknowledgement. Shooting them a satisfied look, Fan Hui Zhong then added, "Your cousins and I will be leaving first. We'll talk about everything tomorrow."

After shooing them off, Fan Hui Zhong turned to them once more.

"Shi Hong, follow me and don't go far. We'll be meeting up with Min Sheng and our escorts once we go out of the palace. I'll carry your sister."

"Yes, Father." Fan Shi Hong said as he nodded obediently.

Giving him a nod of approval, Fan Hui Zhong gently scooped up Fan Zhu Xia into his arms who remained silent even until after they went out and met up with Min Sheng.

Thinking her behavior to be a bit odd, Fan Hui Zhong couldn't help but shoot a worried look towards her once they were all settled inside the carriage.

"Is something the matter? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

"No, no. It's not that. I was just thinking about some things..."

"What is it?"

With a complicated look on her face, Fan Zhu Xia asked in a quiet voice, "Second Brother said that none of the assassins were caught alive?"


"Do you know what method they used to kill themselves?"

"From the report we received earlier, it varies. Some made their dantians explode, others stabbed themselves in vital spots while others seemed to be poisoned."

Seeing her fall silent with a contemplative look on her face, Fan Hui Zhong patiently waited for her to speak while Fan Shi Hong sat quietly beside him, looking pale yet serious.

"Father... Is it possible for you to find a way for me to examine some of the corpses?" Fan Zhu Xia asked tentatively.

"You still need to rest Xia'er..."

"I know... But I just want to check something out."

As if feeling his hesitation, Fan Zhu Xia sent a pleading look towards him.


Seeing the look of his daughter, Fan Hui Zhong could only sigh in defeat. Zhu Xia rarely asked him to do things for her and ever since coming here, this should only be the second time and the first was when she found Shi Hong. Looking at her pale appearance coupled with her watery eyes trying to convince him with her gaze, Fan Hui Zhong finally nodded, albeit reluctantly.

"Very well... I'll see what I can do."