How not to be a super-villain

Planet Myridia

Kari Zel is sitting on the beach. Two of the six suns are high in the sky, and a third one is near dawn; the wind keeps blowing her purple hair into her face.

Max Black, also known as Quantum, appears right next to her in a bright flash of light. She's not bothered for his sudden appearance; there's nothing unusual with it on Myridia.

he says.

Kari answers cheerfully, standing up and shaking the sand off her pink dress.

Kari's smile fades. She recovers a backpack laying a couple of feet behind her; she moves it to make it clear that it's half empty.

Max smiles. This trip was worth it after all.

Twin Dragon, Demeter's former mothership

Orbiting Myridia at 1.200 miles altitude

Torn is leaning against the control station; his red skin and old duster stand out in the futuristic bridge. Noriko is laying with her back on the floor, working under the station like a mechanic in her workshop.

she orders, extending her hand from under the station.

Torn sighs, and a pair of bright red energy scissors appears in Noriko's hand. He watches her work for a few seconds before she comes out of the station. He tries not to stare at her, but he can't help it: how could this frail child have killed a goddess?

she shrugs.


There's a flash of green light, signaling the arrival of Quantum and Kari by means of the ship's teleporter. Kari's two duplicates already on the bridge rush to get her bag, while Quantum is busy enjoying the moment.

Quantum salutes, standing at attention and barely keeping a straight face.

Torn informs him, confused.

Null clarifies.

Null answers in the most deadpan way possible, recovering her N-Phone from the inside pocket of her horrible green leather jacket and activating the hologram generator.

The air fills with a tridimensional picture of the galaxy with a superimposed red dotted light.

Kari asks.

Null answers, shutting off the hologram.

Quantum asks.

<50 years divided by 700.000> is what Null answers, even though she means "you should know this already".

Quantum and Torn look confused. Kari is counting on her fingers.

<38 minutes> Null clarifies, meaning "I can't believe I have to spell this stuff for you guys"

Quantum asks.

Null answers, throwing her arms in the air.

Cargo bay 2

Gods don't have mourning rituals. They don't have centuries of traditions on how to pay their respects to their dead, because they don't believe that gods can die.

But Demeter is laying lifeless, arms crossed over her chest; her corpse looks more like a beautiful sculpture than a dead body. Vesta is sitting in front of the casket, tending to the live flame that floats before her sister's corpse.

Noriko approaches her carefully; from her breathing, she can tell Vesta's been crying silently.

Noriko tries to console her, placing her hand over the goddess' shoulder.

Null nods politely, taking a step towards the door.

Noriko lies.

The Twin Dragon bridge

Max Black a.k.a Quantum is sitting on the golden throne that oversees the bridge; it's not just the color, it's a solid block of gold. Kari and her duplicates are manning every station, while Torn is brooding in a corner.

Max asks.

Kari answers, punching some commands into one of the flatscreens to load information from the ship's systems.

Torn explains.

Noriko Null enters the bridge from the only door that leads outside, adding:

Kari asks.

Quantum nods.

Kari insists, still amazed.

Quantum mumbles, expecting another "I am Null, I can do everything".

Instead, Noriko looks each ally in the eye, one after another, and says:

Quantum comments.

For that, he gets a stern look from Noriko. Her silver eyes flash fiercely for a second.

The African-American hero moves away from the throne at the speed of light. Noriko takes her place, trying to sit down like a solemn queen.

She's too short for that, and when on the throne her feet don't touch the ground; she crosses her legs to seem a little less ridiculous.

Max asks.

Noriko sighs.

Null asks, quickly changing the subject.

one Kari answers.

another adds.

Max says dramatically, earning Noriko's patented death glare.

he promises.

Noriko adjusts her position on the golden throne, far too big for her. She glimpses at Max, whose body language is practically screaming "come on, say it". She decides to indulge him.

The Twin Dragon quickly accelerates beyond common physics, reaching over the stars.