Unfinished business

Fairbanks, Alaska

The ship enters the atmosphere at the wrong angle, surrounded by a cloud of flames. Thanks to a last minute correction it doesn't crash into the ground, but drags on the snow for several miles before finally coming to a halt.

Nothing happens for over an hour. Then the area surrounding the crash is quickly isolated by the United States Army, which is under orders to keep it under control and to await further instructions.

The ship is only slightly bigger than a bus, and the wings have been completely ruined by the crash.

As the soldiers approach the ship, something flies above them at supersonic speed. Realizing it missed the target, it turns back. Then it lands with so quickly and displaces so much snow that it looks like something just exploded.

When the snow has settled, the soldiers can't believe their eyes. It's a woman with long red hair, wearing just an orange tube top and tight jeans. Barefoot in the snow.

Vesta asks.

she says, walking towards the vehicle. The first soldier shoots, and the others follow.

The bullets ricochet on her body; they're as harmless as raindrops for her, but they could damage the ship even more.

She raises a wall of fire around the ship. This distraction gives her enough time to reach the ship, raise it over her head, and fly away from the army's orders and imprecations.

Null Tower, New York

Max Black walks through the door as radio waves, then turning back into human flesh.

Kari Zel is laying on the bed, unconscious and full of bruises. It's not a normal bed: strange devices scan her body from head to toe, then project a tridimensional hologram of her internal organs.

Noriko Null is studying the hologram with a serious expression on her face. Another Kari Zel is by her side, dressed in civilian clothes, together with Vesta and Torn.

Noriko answers.

Torn explains.

Noriko reveals.

the goddess clarifies.

Kari asks impatiently

Noriko answers.

From the looks of the others, the Myridian girl understands they are unfamiliar with the concept.

Noriko stresses.

Kari touches the shoulder of the other Kari. The one on the bed simply disappears with a loud popping sound, leaving the sheets to fall on the bed.

The original Kari falters; only Vesta's help prevents her from falling down.

Noriko asks.

A five-star hotel in Tokyo, Japan

Since she lost control of Scion Corporation, Leiko Tanaka has been out of public view. There's no need to make a spectacle of herself fighting it: this wasn't part of her plan, but it's working.

She closes the door to her room and recovers a small object from her purse, the size of smartphone.

Her scientists assembled it from the circuitry the Olympian vase she recovered; it is the same device that brought the Talos to Earth months ago.

She checks herself in the mirror before activating it. There are still bandages over her broken nose; all in all, a small price to pay for the cause.

Once the device is active, it creates the holographic shadow of a man. It's impossible to see anything other than a dark silhouette.

it says.

Leiko's sudden burst of emotion seems to affect the shadow. He takes time before responding.

The shadow disappears, leaving Leiko alone once again. If she were anyone else, she would smile.

"Sentimental idiot" she thinks, putting the device back into her purse together with the Core.

Null Tower, New York

All five members of the Vanguard sit at the round table: Null, Quantum, Vesta, Kari and Torn.

At the wave of Null's hand, the lights dim and the table projects the holographic image of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Quantum whispers to Kari, who nods pretending to know what he's talking about.

Noriko explains. Two red dots appear over the map: one labeled "Earth" and the other "Myridia".

<43 light-years towards the galactic centre there is a border between five kingdoms, each ruled by an Olympian god: Zeus, Hermes, Artemis, Demeter and Hephaestus. Earth lies on the edge between the Hephaestus Collective and the Demeter Theocracy. Myridia is deeper into Demeter territory, 50 light-years away from us. Even if the Hunters manage to conquer it, they will have to defend it against the power of five Olympian gods.>

Vesta asks.

Torn answers.

Kari protests.

Noriko asks. It's always a chore to get information out of Torn.

Quantum asks.

<"Don't f##k with Artemis".>

Vesta asks.

Torn advises.

Kari asks, understandably worried about her people. The others don't seem very excited, with one exception:

Quantum says.

Kari insists.

Noriko clarifies. She strokes her chin; judging by her shining eyes, she's not taking the situation lightly.

Quantum volunteers, to the surprise of all present. Even Null.

Noriko compliments.

Quantum pouts.

Project Silver, classified location

The President of the United States is walking through the brand new facility, accompanied by the Secret Service and a balding man wearing a lab coat.

On the other side of the bulletproof glass there's one of the most advanced laboratories in the world. Everyone inside is wearing hazmat suits; everyone except the African American woman strapped to the apparatus that has been connected to the Heart of the Universe.

says the President through the lab's microphone.

she reassures him.

the President orders.

The electrical charge passes through Kayla Black's body, and all of her muscles contract as she tries to remain conscious.

She lied: this isn't what she wanted. But who can give up the chance to be a goddess?