
Space station Sword of Justice

Unlike his fellow gods, Hermes doesn't have a mothership; in fact, he never travels by ship. Noriko is just outside his residence inside the Sword of Justice, accompanied by Torn and Kari Zel.

Kari says.

Noriko answers.

<"Again"?> Torn asks, raising an eyebrow.

The door opens on its own. The three enter the god's room, which is illuminated by dozens of candles whose flame trembles as they walk by. Hermes is slouching on some kind of throne; much to the visitors' dismay, Talas Khanos is standing next to him.

Kari protests.

Khanos comments, solely to provoke a reaction.

Noriko answers through her teeth.

he bows, disappearing in a flash of green light. Kari gives a worried look to Torn: it's the same effect of the teleportation device from Demeter's ship.

Torn answers the unsaid question.

Hermes asks.

Artemis Chariot

The ship has a unique design: it's built around a large sphere that hosts the most diverse habitat Vesta has ever seen. It hosts all kinds of animals, even extinct or alien ones, in a perfect reproduction of a forest. Artemis sits on her throne of animal bones, petting a deer.

Artemis instinctively touches the deep scar on her eye when she answers:

Artemis' stare gets more intense. The two goddesses haven't always seen eye to eye, and do say that their family has some history with double crossing would be an understatement.

Artemis asks suspiciously.

Artemis sentences.

"Why did I miss my family again?" Vesta wonders.

Null Tower, New York City

The I.R.I.S terminal is rather different from any other computer: it doesn't have any kind of physical interface, just a holographic keyboard and a paper-thin screen.

Erika Rhys asks.

Max Black boasts.

Kari Zel asks.

Max says, pointing at the screen. All the information available about his sister's movements are highlighted, but the most recent one is several weeks old: a flight from Chicago to Colorado Springs.

Erika asks.

Kari asks directly to the computer.

Erika intervenes.

Max shrugs

Max, Kari and Erika exchange very, very worried looks.

Max finally questions.

Erika highlights.

Kari asks Max, who's studying the screen.

Max asks.

Kari whispers to Max.

he whispers back.

Project Silver, classified location

The two-star general is sitting at his desk, reading the latest report. When the red phone on his desk starts ringing, he stands up to adjust his uniform before pressing a button.

The hologram of the President of the United States appears, acknowledging the general's salute.

the hologram says.