Siying in danger

In a small room cooped up inside Yunru's home, Shuang's fingers were working lightning fast on the keyboard as she typed her new game's code.

Her phone buzzed and she picked it up without tearing her gaze away from her laptop.


"Come home for some time."

Shuang bit her tongue and cursed herself.

Damn it's Mom. Why did I pick it up?

"No can do. I am very busy right now."

"Shut up and come back. That's that. Don't give me any excuses especially about your games!"

"That is my work, Mom not an excuse."

An Meiying snorted. "Children's games can only be excuses."

"I make cool adult's games too," she grimaced.

"Whatever. Come back," and she hung up.


Yunru wrapped his arms around her neck and leaned his chin on her shoulder. "Who made my girlfriend angry? Let me teach them a lesson. The jail is always open."

Shuang smiled. "Mom."