A bad premonition

At the village, Caihong stared at Xinyi, her gaze laced in utter sincerity as she expected her answer. Xinyi thought back to the time when Xiaosi met her.

"Honestly, I don't know how to answer you, Caihong."


"Because I don't know if he was serious or not. He did say that he loved you as much as I loved Zhiyuan. But when I looked into his eyes, I couldn't figure out if he was saying the truth or just testing me out of fun. Plus, at that time, I was quite shaken up to hear that he knew about my feelings for Zhiyuan. I really couldn't focus on anything else. Perhaps that's why I couldn't judge his words to be true or not."

Caihong understood Xinyi's predicament. But if by chance it was indeed true, that made Caihong all the more hate Xiaosi. If he loved her, then how could he stoop so low that night?

Xinyi gently placed her hand on her and asked, "What are you thinking, Caihong?"