The Reunion arc : The truth of that night (5)

In the middle of the night, Shuang came rushing in at the address that Xiaosi gave her. She didn't know what had happened, but Xiaosi sounded completely lost as she talked to him. Her heart thudded in anxiety as she climbed up the steps.


He was leaning on the wall outside the room as he blankly stared at the empty space ahead. Her eyes widened and she kneeled beside him. She shook his shoulder. "Xiaosi! What is wrong? Why did you call me out so suddenly in this place?"

No response.

Shuang frowned. "Xiaosi, I am asking you something. Don't stay so silent! You are scaring me now. Do you know that Zhiyuan is crazily searching for Caihong? Nobody knows where she disappeared and then you suddenly took off too. What is happening?"

Xiaosi ever so slowly turned his head and faced her. His gaze was desolate and dead as if he had lost everything. He broke into a chuckle.

"Caihong huh…"