That person from the past

The woman almost collapsed but she somehow held herself from falling. Her face had turned ashen and pale as she recognized the similarity in Xiaosi. She gasped and covered her mouth. Her chest heaving in restless breaths.

Zizi frowned. "Excuse me. Who are you?"

The woman didn't respond to her but instead was staring at Xiaosi that brought tears to her eyes. There was fear and panic in her gaze. Her forehead broke into cold sweat.

Xiaosi felt something tingle in his mind but that feeling soon disappeared. There was confusion and bewilderment within him but he didn't know why. "Um you…"

"Why are you here!?" She exclaimed.

He was taken aback, seeing her so agitated. "I don't understand…"

"Why are you here?"

"Mom, there you are!" A young woman in early twenties came rushing to her side. "Mom, why did you disappear and why are you here? I was searching for you everywhere."