The Conference (1)

"What is happening here?" Yunru asked as he walked to the assembled crowd.

One of the senior officers, Xu Hui, had a worried expression on his face. He glanced at Yunru and smiled. "Glad to meet you, Officer Soo Yunru."

"Pleasure is mine, Chief Xu."

Chief Xu Hui was the Chief of officers in charge of the Jilin region in Northeast China.

Sun Zihao, a young officer in his thirties, said, "Indeed. I have heard a lot about officer Soo Yunru. He is the best of all in Beijing."

"You flatter me officer Sun Zihao," Yunru said. "You all seem a little worried for some reason. What is the problem?"

Bai Guiren, of Sichuan's region in Southwest China, sighed. "It's the Head of China's Intelligence Services, Yin Liu, who is in charge of addressing the conference today. He had to be hospitalized today."

"Why so?"