
Tears streamed down Zizi's cheeks and she shut her eyes hard. 

Yunru…Yunru, you cannot die, okay? Please don't die…

She couldn't help but imagine the building blowing into pieces by the bomb blast. Everybody would be dead.

Her body shook and trembled. But the menacing and ominous sound of a terrible blast never came. It was complete silence.

Milo rapidly blinked his eyes in disbelief. He pressed the button again and again but nothing happened.

Luo Jiang was aghast. "What the hell is wrong?"

Milo gritted his teeth. "Fuck! Why the hell is this button not working!? The building should have blasted by now!"

He furiously pressed the button again and again until he broke the remote in frustration. "Somebody disarmed my bomb! My plan failed! I waited months for this and it failed!"

Angry veins popped on his forehead and his body trembled in rage.