Complicated generation

"Ah, damn!" Shuang kicked at the flat tire of her car. 

"Why did it have to break down right now? I have not even reached my destination! Ugh…"

She was heading towards An Guoting's close friend's house, Guo Long, who lived in a neighboring city. He was her only hope of finding something about the relationship between her father and Han Zongying.

There was no other spare tire in her car, and neither was she able to connect to a mechanic just outside the city.

Her shoulders slumped.

Should I tell Driver Ji to bring another car and tow this one?

She sighed.

Forget it. It's too much trouble. Guess I will go tomorrow…


Shuang turned and saw a car arrive in front of hers, honking a few times. Her car was blocking most of the road 

Ughh…How will I move the car? This will be a mess.