A favor

The cake-cutting ceremony concluded without a hitch. Though separately, Han Tian and Xia Liqin hugged Siying and showered him with lots of gifts. It was after years that they got the chance to be a part of his birthday party. There were tears in their eyes as Siying kissed their cheeks.

Zizi watched them with slight interest but then looked away. 

"Weren't so emotional during bro and my birthdays…" she mumbled to herself.

Soo Enlai, who faintly caught her words, gently smiled at her. "Still mad at them, right?"

Zizi coughed in embarrassment.

Oops, he heard…

"I understand, dear. You don't have to feel awkward. Even though they are trying to make up for their mistakes, it doesn't erase the past that hurt you."

Her eyes stung in tears. She always wanted to have normal birthday parties like other kids her age. But Han Tian and Xia Liqin's fights made it impossible to ever have a peaceful atmosphere at home.