A cruel confession

He Lijuan was terrified. Shuang looked nothing less than a gangster right now. The only thing missing was a gun in her hand, aiming at her forehead.


Shuang could see the forehead trickle down the sides of her ears. She smiled. "Guess you need another wake up call," and she dramatically raised her hand.

"Don't hit me please!" She cried. Her cheeks still burned with pain.

"Then tell me. You had framed Dad, didn't you?"

She bit her lip hard. "D-Dear I didn't frame anyone! You are just like him…" she softly sobbed. "Guoting also denied the night between us. And now you are doing the same. But it's alright. It happened years ago, and I forced myself to get over it…"

Jack Si shook his head in pity.

Poor woman...

"I must commend that you still have the audacity to act," Shuang dangerously smiled. "Do I look like the kind of person to fall for your shitty acting?"

"I-It's the truth!" She urgently said.