[Bonus chapter] Let's go on a date

Shuang quietly said, "People learn from their mistakes."

"But do you want to take that gamble?"


Jack Si put the cap and screwed the balm bottle shut. He took a tissue and wiped his finger.

"No, right? They have already lost ten years. Uncle An was hurt and broken. Sure it would look like a tempting idea to reunite with your first love, but is that really easy? Would you like to spend your life with a man who is a sort of a ticking bomb? One moment he trusts you, and everything is blissful, and the other moment he just walks away, and everything is not so blissful. And then the pain cycle begins all over again. Stronger and harder than the last time."

She said nothing.

"A heart cannot take that many setbacks. Not from the person who you are supposedly taking your wedding vows with."

There was a brief period of silence.

"Dad never really loved Caihong's mother, right?" She looked down at her reddish palm.