[Bonus chapter] Han Tian's bottled up feelings

Zizi asked, "Should we really do this?"

She was asking about their collective decision to follow Han Huizhong and visit Han Zongying's grave.

Zhiyuan said, "She was our Aunt. Technically, we should be there to visit as her family."

"But then Grandpa will know that we know about her, and then he will fly into a rage."

Xinyi was worried about the same.

"We will just observe from a distance, and once he leaves, we will go see her gravestone too. It's only right that we do that."

Xinyi's phone rang. It was Shuang.


Shuang didn't waste her time in any his' or hellos'.

"I am damn sure Dad has gone to the cemetery to see Aunt Han's gravestone."

Xinyi widened her eyes. She quickly put it on speaker. "What?"