Vouching for her friend's innocence

An Guoting stiffened.

Han Zongying had tears in her eyes as she clenched her jaw.

"She left you, or you dumped her, and now what? You are still targeting a rich woman, aren't you? Sister-in-law was just an excuse, right?"

He blankly stared at her.

"Why are you here, An Guoting!?" She burst into rage. "After cruelly betraying me by sleeping with a bitch like He Lijuan, what face do you have to come here!? Or did you think that I might have let it go since nine years have passed? Did you think I forgave you?"

An Guoting kept quiet.

Then a wry smile lifted his lips. "I see," he finally spoke, "After all these years, you still believe that I betrayed you."

She laughed as a tear slipped by. "What do you mean by 'still believe?' I saw it with these eyes. E-everybody did, and you are talking as if it was all a mistake? You are still denying everything even though you were caught red-handed!" Han Zongying broke down.