An accidental call

At the other side as Yunru and Zizi stepped into the house, a loud cracker popped and confetti rained upon them. Zizi's heart had almost stopped beating as she gasped.

Zizi had already arranged for Soo Enlai's flight back to Beijing this morning while they followed the next one.

"Congratulations!" Soo Enlai danced in happiness.

Yunru said, "Dad, you popped the crackers too late. My birthday is over."

"Idiot. This is for your promotion and the medal. I am so proud of you. You have Meili's capable genes. Naturally, you will be awesome."

He chuckled. "I thought you would take the credit."

He fumed. "How dare I? You and Xinyi are amazing because my wife was so amazing. I don't dare snatch what belongs to her. And now."

Soo Enlai took another cracker and popped it. More confetti rained.

Zizi laughed. "What is this for?"

He gave them a sly look. "What else? It's my pre celebration for the good news I will hear very soon."