
The long night finally passed, and the sun lit the sky the next morning. Xinyi hadn't slept a wink. She felt something warm near her cheek, and she raised her head.

Liao Yuan stood beside her with a gentle smile on his lips. "Can I sit beside you?"

She just lowered her gaze and said nothing.

He sighed. He sat beside her keeping a small distance between them. "I heard from the doctors. I am sorry for what happened. I thought since Huang Rong is in custody, things will calm down but…Anyway. I trust Yunru would find something about it soon enough. And you. You are worrying unnecessarily. Zhiyuan will be fine."

She slightly shivered. 

"Zhiyuan won't like it if you stay like this. Once he wakes up and sees you so thin and weak like this, it will just give him more stress. Do you want that to happen?"

He stiffened seeing tears stream down her cheeks.