Do something usual

At the outskirts of Beijing near a mountainous region, Yunru was there with a very small team of his officers along with An Guoting. He had stationed some of his officers at a few posts from where they could see the incoming people in the area.

He himself with An Guoting was stationed at a post near a small cliff where he said they used to visit there from time to time. If An Yueqin indeed hadn't forgotten her memories, then An Guoting was sure she would come to this place some or the other time.

And he inwardly was even sure that it might be today…

An Yueqin stepped out of a car, wearing a scarf around her mouth and nose. The man in the driver's seat looked at her. "I will be back in exactly two hours."

"I can come back by myself."

"It's the protocol. If you have anything to say about it, you know who you should talk to."

She gave him a cold glare.