Seducing Xiaosi (2)

This is not good…

Xiaosi's chest heaved, taking a sharp breath trying to protest against this feeling to pin Caihong on bed. It wasn't helping that she was still ardently kissing his lips with full force. He prayed for her to feel embarrassed and put a brake to their emotions reaching the tipping point.

But when was Caihong the one to get shy about making out?

He remembered her boldness of their first night they spent together for the first time in seven years of their marriage. She was quite vocal about sex and her needs, which he naturally was in love with. But now this was pure torture.

Steeling his heart, he grabbed her arms and pushed her away while holding onto her. He exhaled sharply, his cheeks flushed crimson. His lips were moist with the long kiss they had shared.

Caihong raised her brow. "What's wrong?"

"I-I-It's quite late…We should sleep…"

"Hm. That's what we are doing."

He choked.