Getting hit on

Xiaosi looked away. "Caihong…"

Jack Si threw a pen at his head.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?"

"Hitting you. You think you are the only mature one here? Or you think that only you can understand the situation?"

"I never-"

"Then you wouldn't do this stupidity."

He gritted his teeth and glared at him. "This is not stupidity! I told you. Nobody would understand…Not even you."

"I am perfectly understanding it. Don't take me for a fool, Xiaosi," he sighed. "Anyway, this is a conversation you need to have with your wife. There are some things that only she could make you realize."

Xiaosi was alarmed. "Caihong doesn't know anything, right? You didn't open your mouth in front of her, right?"

Jack Si quickly raised his hands, denying it. "Nothing. My lips are sealed. But don't underestimate your wife. You know-"

His phone rang, and he squinted his eyes.

"Excuse me. I need to take this call."