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Everybody was thrilled when they got the news of Jack and Shuang dating now.

Newly married Zizi beamed and hugged her hard. "I am so happy for you."

Shuang rolled her eyes. "Don't be so emotional."

Yunru smiled, watching her face lit with genuine happiness and joy. Shuang seems to look lost after they broke up. But once Jack came into her life, she slowly found her vigor back. Her eyes shone with gleam like they always used to. He could see that Shuang had wholeheartedly accepted Jack as her boyfriend without any emotional baggage weighing her down.

He grinned. "I am so happy for you."

Shuang choked. "Wow, dude. Marriage seems to have changed you. You two speak the same things now."

Zizi blushed. "We are a married couple now, so…"

Caihong, on the other hand, gave an expression like 'Finally, these two are dating.'