Waking up from a dream, which is more of a flashback that her mind is looking at without her consent.

She turns to see an empty space, as she wonders what time it is that Dylan still hasn't arrived.

Turning her back to check the time on her phone from the beside table, it has only been thirty minutes since she went to bed.

She sighs as she tries to go back to sleep.

It's strange. How empty she feels with him not here.

Lurking by her phone in hope that he send a message. That never came..

Minutes, and hours pass.

She finds herself extremely anxious today. She doesn't know what's making her feel this way.

It's unexplainable.

Something just doesn't seem right.

Surely there shouldn't be anything major going on right, an announcement would surely have come.

But there is just silence. Bastard.

Ringing up Yuri-unnie, she says that after shooting last night he went to have supper with a few of his co-stars.