Chance Meeting

"You are..." I stammer, dumbfounded, "Kim Tae?!"

She smiles, enjoying my shocked expression as she gestures to the words "Ding Dong Deng! You got it right!"

Still a little stunned by the sudden turn of events, my mind draws a blank.

'How blind must I be to not recognize Kim Tae?!'

Who is Kim Tae, you ask?

She is the Goddess of Intellect and Beauty.

The undisputed ruler of South Korean Television.

Reigning over national cinemas and TVs since 2003!

One of the remarkable few actresses to enjoy staggering box-office sales and appeal among both men and women on both the small and big screens.

The actress, best known for her roles and performance in the 'Stairway to Paradise', 'Love Story in Yale', she has built a stellar career studded with commercial success.

"You're the 'Goddess of all men' Kim Tae?" I ask once more; trying to confirm my thoughts.

She laughs at my question "What is that? 'Goddess of all men' who gave me that title?"