My Type 2

"My ideal type, would be someone whose like a "rock"

"So a body builder?" She wittingly responds

"Yeah! , uh No.." Thinking of a certain someone. I describe her as best as I can "She would have to be someone whose very reliable and hardworking. Attentive and supportive. Someone that will look to others for guidance seems rather than asserting herself and, although she is introverted, she is not individualistic. Although she is quiet she still has a general playful nature about her. She's easily amused and seems a little gullible which to me indicates that she is open to possibilities, even seemingly random/ridiculous ones."

"I think that is somewhat worse.." Tae says abruptly


"If it was something like long hair or style. I could do something about that but how do I even compare to that." She says sourly, "Was your ex-girlfriend like that ?"

(She is) " What ex?" I answer

"So you have many?" She asks with her eyebrows raised clearly intrigued.