Day Off/?

A new day has begun.

Over the past couple of months, my life has been filled with a series of repeats. First I had film shooting, then I had interviews and picturials in the afternoon, and more shooting in the evening, over the weekends were defense classes and the occasional GM shooting.

My life was full.

Looking at this day on my calender filled with nothing, was like a man in the desert finding water.

It is said that all good things comes in pairs.

Hora, also has today off and because she longs for the Busan sea.

We have planned to go to the beach, hold hands and idle around.

What's more, Hora might even wear a swimsuit!

How lucky can a guy get!?

I woke up really early today, can you tell how excited I am?

After I get dressed and pack snacks for the drive that is 2 and a half hours away.

Picking Hora up at the dorm, where she stays during the week when classes run into the late evening.