[Bonus chapter]

As soon as the clock, strikes midnight on Friday, May 26.

The box office statics for the premiere of Thor is out and work of mouth is bursting.

During the first three or four months prior to the films release, it can be said that superhero fever was at an all time high.

Every day on major sites, forums, Naver and Weibo, the click through rate for all news related to "Thor" was trending. Much of this can be attributed to a certain Asian Superstar who ensured that even if the film was a flop domestically, it would return ample investment overseas.

The producers couldn't help but laugh as they recall the kid's audition, thinking him to be but a no-named chink. For years they have been milking the Action genre with hits like rush hour , shanghai noon , lethal weapon and enter the dragon. However their forays into fantasy never seemed to truly click with the nationalistic rhetoric of Asian culture.