New Friends?

"May I speak to Drake,"the caller asked in a doubtful voice.

Ryu who had gotten back to building the blocks,"No, you may not."

Taking the phone away from his ear once agian,the caller stared at the phone.He was pretty sure that the voice belonged to his friend but somehow,something was different.Maybe it had been a long time since he heard the accented voice,which is why he was feeling confused...

With his own foreign accent more pronounced,"Hey!Drake!Why can't I talk to you?Why are you being petty?And what is this about your house?"

Ryu smiled at the whiny tone and said,"Because you made my house of blocks fall!"


Ryu laughed at the speechless sound of his old friend,shocking the man further.

In a serious tone the man asked,"Drake?Are you alright?Did you knock your head against something?You sound weird..."