Encounters that Set the Stage (Part 2)

Coincidental or perhaps fate. On this restless night, to the north of the same drama-ridden city was none other than the second prince of the kingdom, Xia Qian Ping. His small accompanying army and servants trooped orderly down the path, as Prince Ping sat quite consciously in his sedan. It was very distant but he could make out noises. It unsettled him. And his nerviness proved spot on as his sedan came abruptly to a stop.

"What's going on?" Prince Ping asked.

"Your highness, there are quite a few people running towards our way," one servant replied, "they all appear to be slaves, from their attire."

"T-there's a lot more of them," a guard shouted, "be careful."

Prince Ping stepped out of his sedan, curious to see what the commotion was. It was quite a sight. There were much more 'slaves' than expected, all running vaguely towards their direction. If they continued on this path, they would be headed towards the harbour. All of them had one similarity though, a smile on their face. [What's going on?] Prince Ping wondered. He motioned for one of his guards to catch a fleeing slave.

The caught man immediately knelt on the floor from fear and began begging for his life.

"We're not going to hurt you," the guard stated, "I just want to know what's going on? Why are you all running?"

The man didn't dare look up at first, replying truthfully, "we've just been set free. We all just want to go home."

"Set free?" the guard repeated, "You're all slaves then?"

"Wrong," an older man shouted approaching them. "None of us here are slaves. We were kidnapped, taken by force from our village by an underworld merchant."

"We were imprisoned for days," a slave woman nearby shouted, "we didn't do anything wrong. We don't deserve this. Let us go." She bravely pushed the guard towering over the man away to help him.

"Woman, how dare you attack me?" the guard shouted, reaching for her.

"Stop!" Prince Ping commanded, at the same time another very authoritative voice called out.

Very swiftly a figure had invaded the space between the slaves and the guard. It was a young girl. Her cloak making a light flutter from her sudden movements. She was breathing quite heavily, yet when she spoke, her voice was clear, "you leave them alone."

"Girl, it's you," the old man said, recognizing Ding Yiu. "You're the one who saved us."

"Yes," Ding Yiu said, not looking away from the guard, "If any of you are thankful towards me, leave."

"Thank you," the three slaves uttered, taking her advice to leave.

"Girl, you..." the guard began.

Ding Yiu immediately bypassed the guard. She pushed him so abruptly that he lost his balance, falling to his bottom. None of the other guards or servants even imagined that this young girl would be so brave and bold in her actions. When they knew, it was too late. Liu Ding Yiu had grabbed onto Prince Ping's clothes, pulling him rather close to her. "Help me!" she demanded in that same authoritative tone. "You're not an ordinary person. If my information isn't wrong, you are the second prince, Xia Qian Ping."

Xia Qian Ping glared at the girl before him. He was so shocked he didn't know how to react at first. Never had he met a girl in his life who would dare speak to him in such a rude manner. [Who are you?] he wondered. Her actions weren't bold, they were offensive and begging for punishment. [No one can treat me like this!] he wanted to declare, but he remained silent for now, taking in this mysterious girl's face. [A face I will remember]. Simply as she had a face that matched her feral nature. A confident expression upon a face of not a beauty, but rather whose features were quite attractively defined. And a pair of sharp eyes that simply draws someone in unnoticed. Even the anger in Qian Ping's own eyes seem to fade away when met with her demanding gaze. Despite so, Qian Ping could sense her desperate need for his help. Her hands may be gripping his clothes but they were slightly shaking. Qian Ping simply can't bring himself to ignore a cry for help over his own anger.

"Let go," Qian Ping said, as calmly as possible to mask how angry he was with her. "If you don't show me respect, I won't listen to you."

Liu Ding Yiu listened to Prince Ping and released him from her grip. Immediately the nearby guards took hold of her.

Over at the south side of the city, Meng Su had managed to tie up the underworld merchant together with his three lackeys all naked, and had placed them in the room where the three dead women lay. She covered the three women carefully with the scumbags' clothes. Of course, Meng Su didn't forget to make the finishing touches by dipping a finger into the blood, then writing the words 'Payment taken, Empress' onto the belly of the naked merchant. She then hurried out to the girl, who was waiting for her. The girl was carrying her dead mother's body on her back.

"Shall we go?" Meng Su sang, quite merrily as she heaved a massive bag of goods onto her own back. There was still two bags of loot left. With her umbrella in one hand, Meng Su could only take one more bag. She quickly shot the girl a meaningful look, "hey girl, care to..."

The girl simply started to walk away, "I won't take it. I'm not having anything that belongs to that monster."

Meng Su pouted. Though she knew better than to protest or say anything. [What more can I say when you're carrying your dead mother on your back like that?] Meng Su thought. [Tonight has turned out to be quite morbid. I don't think I like this]. Meng Su picked up her pace, walking in front of the girl but making sure she was following. [She's been rather quiet since Ding Yiu left], Meng Su noticed, [should I try to make conversation?]

"Where are we going?" the girl broke the silence first. "W... where is Mi Hou?"

Meng Su stopped for a moment, eyeing the girl. [Hmm, you actually heard and noticed that Ding Yiu is referred to as Mi Hou] Meng Su noted, [Mi Hou is Ding Yiu's underworld alias]. "Don't worry girl," Meng Su assured, "Mi Hou will be fine. She may be young, but it's not her first day surviving this world. You'll be surprised the more you get to know her."

"Is Mi Hou her real name?" the girl asked directly. Slowly, she is getting used to being around Meng Su despite them still be strangers. "It's just... Mi Hou stands for 'honey Empress' doesn't it? A peculiar name."

Meng Su let out a laugh, "It is a weird name, it suits her just fine." She composed herself, "the 'Mi' in her name actually means secret, though it sounds like honey. There are people who call her honey empress rather than secret empress." [And Ding Yiu gets annoyed with the mix up too] Meng Su kept the thought to herself.

"Is she a bad person?" the girl directly asked again. "Are you a bad person?"

Meng Su replied seriously, "that is for you to decide."

Meng Su stopped as they reached quite a tall hill, a little distance away from the inn. There were many bushes and trees around so they were perfectly hidden on such a shady night. What mattered was, they had the best view of the inn looking down from this spot. "Now girl," Meng Su said sitting down with the loot, "watch as revenge is served."

The girl didn't know what to expect when Meng Su said that. She had asked for Mi Hou's help after accepting to not take action herself. Though, the weight of her mother's body on her back seemed to remind her that she must see justice take place tonight. [How though?] the girl kept thinking, [what could Mi Hou do?]

Then it happened. The girl watched as royal guards started arriving at the inn. It wasn't long before a frightened underworld merchant appeared outside, trying desperately to escape. He swung around a sword provoking the nearby guards to react. Three royal guards immediately thrusts their swords into his body. The underworld merchant was no longer breathing.

Tears swelled up in the girl's eyes as she watched. "So it's all over now," the girl whispered, sensing closure to her pain and anger as the merchant dropped dead to the ground.

"Is that a satisfactory revenge for you?"

The girl and Meng Su turned to the voice coming from behind. It was Ding Yiu. Meng Su instantly wrapped her arms around Ding Yiu, glad she was back. The girl wiped her tears and nodded, a smile slowly forming on her face.

Some minutes later, Prince Ping finally arrived at the inn. His royal guards informed him of the situation, highlighting the fact that the criminal was already tied up upon their arrival. When they attempted to take him, he somehow managed to free himself and caused a commotion, leading to his death.

"Empress?" Prince Ping questioned, "You're saying most of the criminal's goods and money has been taken as well."

"Yes, your highness," the royal guard replied. "Should we investigate into this 'Empress'?"

"No," Prince Ping immediately stated, "It won't be necessary. We shouldn't get any more involved with this underworld business." He took a look around the scene. "Make sure to properly bury the dead women. Take the remaining goods."

The guards swiftly followed the prince's command. Several more minutes later the scene was cleared. Nothing more was to be done. It was only natural to leave the place, however Prince Ping found himself constantly observing the surroundings. He wasn't ready to leave yet. He was looking for her. [Where are you?] Qian Ping wondered, frustrated. The girl who demanded him to help earlier had somehow managed to run away. He initially assumed she was headed here, but looks like he was wrong. There was no mention or sign of her anywhere. [Why aren't you here? Where did you go? After all the fuss you made to ask for my help], Qian Ping kept questioning in his mind, livid. [Damn girl, just wait until I find you].

On the outskirts of the city, Meng Su and Ding Yiu had just finished helping the girl bury her mother. They paid their respects, ready to part ways. As Meng Su and Ding Yiu turned to leave, the girl called out.

"Wait," she shouted, "you're leaving?"

"We've done everything we can," Meng Su pointed out. "No reason to loiter around here."

"Take care," Ding Yiu said, "you'll be fine now."

The girl watched as Meng Su and Ding Yiu started to leave. [This is it], she told herself. [I've got to make my decision now. If I let them leave I may never meet them again]. The girl took a few steps after them, "Mi Hou, don't go!"

Both Meng Su and Ding Yiu stopped.

The girl took a deep breath, her body quivering from nervousness, or perhaps excitement. "Please take me with you."

Meng Su swivelled around to stare shockingly at the girl. "What did you say?"

[Don't be afraid], the girl chanted in her mind, [I've already decided]. She took another step forward, [this is what I want to do]. "Please take me with you," the girl repeated more sternly.

"Little girl, you must be mistaken," Meng Su began, "Us helping you was kind of from a whim. It meant nothing. You don't have to be grateful or repay us in anyway."

"This isn't about me wanting to repay you," the girl said clearly, "I am grateful for what you've done. But I…" The girl took another deep breath, "I want to help you Mi Hou. Let me serve you."

"Serve me?" Ding Yiu finally spoke, "I'm curious where that idea came from. You don't even know who I am."

"Does it matter?" the girl challenged, "who you are? Whether you're a good or bad person, it doesn't matter."

"Are you aware of what you're saying?" Meng Su questioned.

"Yes," the girl continued, "it doesn't matter because I will find out for myself."

Ding Yiu turned her face slightly towards the girl, "in other words, besides feeling indebted towards me for what I've done for you tonight, you're just curious about me." Ding Yiu shook her head, "these are very bad reasons for you to decide to follow me."

"You may be right," the girl admitted. "But it's also because I can't see myself anywhere else in this world."

Ding Yiu now turned to confront the girl, "interesting."

Meng Su almost dropped her sack of goods hearing Ding Yiu say that word. It could only mean one thing - trouble. Trouble specifically for her.

The girl felt hopeful hearing Ding Yiu's response. Though it wasn't a direct acceptance, she didn't say 'no' either. She quickly took the chance, "thank you Mi Hou."

Meng Su leaned in towards Ding Yiu, "are you really accepting this girl? We don't even know who she is?"

"I was born in the small village, north from this city. My dad died when I was five and I've always been living with my mother since then," the girl quickly blurted out, overhearing Meng Su's queries. "My mother and I lived off helping the village physician pick and prepare herbs. We ended up here after our village was raided by the underworld merchant. You know what happened afterwards."

"And your name is?" Meng Su prompted.

"My name is-"

"Enough," Ding Yiu interrupted before the girl could go further. "I don't want to know your name."

The girl panicked now, "are you going to reject me?"

"No," Ding Yiu finally said. "I won't stop you from following me if that's what you want. But," Ding Yiu walked towards the girl, "if you decide to serve me, then I will give you a new name." She lifts the girl's chin up so their eyes meet, "throw away your past and live by me with your new name. Is that something you can do?"

The girl couldn't say anything. Her thoughts were blank as the only thing in her vision were Ding Yiu's probing gaze. She felt tested. She was under pressure. But she managed to nod definitely to Ding Yiu's question.

"I'm a difficult, often unpredictable and strangely confusing person," Ding Yiu said letting go of the girl. "You won't be living a fun nor carefree life around me."

"It's fine as long as I can survive," the girl retorted, her mind already made up, "name me."

Ding Yiu couldn't help but smile. She's actually starting to like this girl. "Wan Xin," Ding Yiu eventually decided.

"Err," Meng Su let out a tiny cry. "Wan Xin, as in 'thousand letter'? Can't you come up with a better name?"

Ding Yiu pouted. "I quite like the sound of Wan Xin."

The girl laughed, "nice to meet you. My name is Wan Xin."

Meng Su leaned towards the girl this time, "are you sure you want to take that name? There's still a chance to change it."

Ding Yiu ignored Meng Su. Her tone became serious, "listen Wan Xin. Before you officially serve me, I want you to stay with Meng Su for a year."

"What?" both Meng Su and Wan Xin shouted at the same time. They turned to look at one another.

[I didn't expect this], Wan Xin honestly thought. [Would I get along with Meng Su alright?]

Meng Su on the other hand let out a long sigh. [I knew trouble was coming my way. I sensed it when Ding Yiu thought this was 'interesting']. She sighed again, "fine with me." [At least I don't hate this girl... well Wan Xin now].

"I-" Wan Xin uttered, not knowing what to say.

"It's essentially a year for you to cool your head," Ding Yiu explained, "if in a years' time, you still want to serve me then come and find me. At that time, Meng Su will let you know my real name and identity."

"I didn't ask out of impulse," Wan Xin voiced, "I've thought about this clearly. I know what I'm doing."

"But I need to be certain," Ding Yiu spoke over Wan Xin. "I need to be certain you are sincere. That you don't secretly have any ulterior motives." Ding Yiu then smiled stating, "In my world, one can't ever be too careful."

Meng Su looked at Wan Xin assuring her, "don't worry Wan Xin. I'll look after you properly this year." She then evilly beamed at Ding Yiu, "and if I find Wan Xin to be insincere, I can kill her right?"

Ding Yiu nodded, still smiling, "permission granted."

Hearing this, a cold sensation seemed to have run down Wan Xin's back, causing her to quiver. Strangely though, she wasn't scared. "I understand," Wan Xin said, "please properly take care of me Meng Su."

It was Meng Su's turn to pout now, "I already said I would." Meng Su then shot Ding Yiu an 'I've changed my mind, help me' look.

Ding Yiu stopped herself from laughing at Meng Su's expression. She knew full well that Meng Su was annoyed this had suddenly happened. [Oh well, I can't do anything now], Ding Yiu thought amused, [it's also about time I switched back too]. "I'm leaving," Ding Yiu announced, noticing it was now very late into the night. She turned to make her leave, "we'll meet soon then Wan Xin."

"Yes," Wan Xin replied, "I will find you in exactly a year." [I'll prove to you my decision tonight is final], Wan Xin silently mouthed, unable to look away from Ding Yiu's slowly fading figure.

After Ding Yiu had fully disappeared into the night, Meng Su pouted again, "so heartless. You didn't even say goodbye to me. Who knows when I'll next see you?" She glanced towards Wan Xin, her new pastime for the year. She quickly dumped a sack of goods onto Wan Xin, getting her attention. "Wan Xin my dear, you better not get too captivated by this version of Mi Hou."

Wan Xin blinked at Meng Su, not understanding her words.

"Wilfully decisive with a playful charm," Meng Su went on, "is this version of Mi Hou's most attractive nature. But the other Mi Hou..." Meng Su stopped, deciding to tease Wan Xin who was listening intently, "well you'll soon find out."

Wan Xin furrowed her eyebrows, knowing full well Meng Su was mocking her. [This year could be a very, very long year], she braced herself, ready to take on this frivolous woman.

1 year later…

Seasons change, months pass by and days were lived out as usual. Today was precisely 1 year after. An exhilarated Wan Xin was dashing through the capital city, her long hair, which was braided into a twin tail circle bobbed on her shoulders as she clutched onto her luggage. "Ah, I'm late, I'm late," Wan Xin muttered, "if only Meng Su wasn't nagging me." But her excitement had overridden any annoyance she felt today. Finally, she will meet her again. [It's been a year but my decision hasn't changed], Wan Xin reflected. "I'm here to see you as promised Mi Hou. No, your real name is…" Wan Xin eventually stopped outside the doors of her destination, "Liu Ding Yiu." Although, as Wan Xin ogled at her destination, there was undeniably a sense of disbelief. Never could she have imagined Liu Ding Yiu to be here. Wan Xin breathed heavily, as she stood in front of Ping Tian Palace, the residence of Xia Kingdom's second Prince – Xia Qian Ping.